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Monday, May 16, 2011

dollar coin error

dollar coin error. the crack when coins are
  • the crack when coins are

  • roadbloc
    Apr 22, 06:07 PM
    Here's the reality of this non-issue...

    You'd be up in arms if Google were doing it. Or anyone else to that matter.

    I like how you have, yet again, managed to turn a non-Apple related discussion, to a discussion about Apple. Grats.

    dollar coin error. Coin Collecting/Misprinted
  • Coin Collecting/Misprinted

  • iShater
    Jul 28, 01:44 PM
    The Audi A3 clean diesel TDI

    It is not a hybrid drive train that uses diesel with an electric, it is a pure diesel car.

    dollar coin error. The Executive Coin Company
  • The Executive Coin Company

  • SteveKnobs
    Apr 21, 01:21 PM
    I like this feature, however I definitely think there needs to be a counter for both positive and negative votes. If the counter says "0" we have no idea how many votes that post recieved as there could be an equal number of +/- votes- which wouldn't tell us much of anything, would it?

    Edit: Or am I not understanding how the counters work?

    dollar coin error. British Trade Dollar Coin
  • British Trade Dollar Coin

  • valdore
    Jan 12, 07:03 PM
    Oh - and I don't own a mobile phone and have no intention of getting one. Just a rat hole for suckers to pour money down :D

    I'm one of those people who has a mobile but no landline wired telephone. It's becoming more common in the US; other countries I'm not sure.

    dollar coin error. British Trade Dollar Coin
  • British Trade Dollar Coin

  • ipedro
    Sep 25, 11:29 AM
    I suppose there could be a bit of news here for non-photographers.

    As I understand it, Aperture uses OS X's built-in RAW image processing. If I remember rightly, the last Aperture update accompanied an OS X update. So it's possible 10.4.8 could be just around the corner (i.e. sometime this week?)

    It's a Photography show .... It baffles my mind that people make far out unfounded predictions and then are disappointed and curse Apple when they don't come true.

    The best example of that was the "One More Thing" event where the iPod Hi-Fi and Intel Mac Mini were shown. This event wasn't meant for the general public, so much that it wasn't broadcast to the public.

    Now here's another example which Apple doesn't hype about to the public and "darn, all they do is show an update to a photography pro tool at a photography convention... Apple stock will surely fall with this news"

    I for one am real happy with the offline feature. I've been using a workaround to save my giant library off my MacBook Pro. The iLife connectivity and Flickr plugin are also very welcome.

    Now I'm just hoping that this version of Aperture is a little snappier because even on a fully loaded MBP, I get beachballs all the time.

    dollar coin error. Peaceman posted this coin over
  • Peaceman posted this coin over

  • payup
    Jul 21, 10:33 PM
    At 0:42 he changes his grip to hold the phone to holding it with just his fingers and the signal rises again. It looks like his fingertips are touching the lower left of the phone. If you do this on the iPhone 4 and bridge the antenna gap, you don't regain signal.

    Looks to me like they're trying to pass off the problem of bridging the antenna gap on the iPhone as the same as blocking the antenna with your whole hand on all phones. All phones have the latter problem... But that's not the issue here.

    This is exactly what they're doing. All phones will drop bars if held certain way yes. But there's no phones that will drop a call if touched with a single finger in a certain spot. I love everything else about the phone, but phone part of it is impossible to use, I dropped at least 10 calls today!

    dollar coin error. 1880 SILVER MORGAN DOLLAR

  • br-
    Nov 23, 10:04 PM
    Any info on what the Canadian Apple Store discount prices will be?

    dollar coin error. Kennedy Half Dollar Doubled
  • Kennedy Half Dollar Doubled

  • swingsong
    Jan 10, 03:52 PM
    Movie and TV show rentals coming to iTunes. Karoke added to iTunes and fun for Apple TV.

    I think a new Mac Book Pro design is long overdue. Apple remote stores in laptop, perhaps in expansion card slot. May move away from aluminum to something lighter like magnesium, carbon fiber or cubic zirconium, or may just anodize the aluminum case black. May see new screen ratios and HD resolutions across MBP line. Track pad will be bigger and multi-touch gestures will be expanded.

    Cinema displays will be thinner, specs improved and all will be HD resolution. Aspect ratios may change. iSight cameras across the line are possible.

    Mighty mouse made of metal to compliment new keyboards, and support for pinch - push.

    Movie and TV show rentals require more space.

    Bump iTouch and iPhone to 16gb and 32gb to allow more room for content. Possible 50 dollar price cut on 16gb iPhone and 16gb iTouch. No other changes to iPhone / iTouch for now. Possible partner for iPhone in Mexico announced.

    iPhone/iTouch SDK introduced, premier partners ready with first applications. Demo of new apps. iPhone software update has bonus features not leaked to public.

    iPod nano, classic, iTouch and iPhone will control Apple TV. Fair Play Video recording enabled on Apple TV. Games enabled on Apple TV with third party remotes.

    iPod classic now supports Time Machine and Home on an iPod is a reality.

    One more thing...
    iTablet. Kicks Wacom Cintique out of the game. Supports stylus and finger gestures. Pressure sensitive. 8-12" in size. Runs iWork and Adobe Creative Suite support coming soon. Thinest Mac ever. No optical drive, but not sure about a hard drive.

    dollar coin error. US one cent coin error,
  • US one cent coin error,

  • BenRoethig
    Oct 2, 07:14 PM
    I'm surprised how many people are interpreting this wrong.

    The point of this is that Amazon can go to this new company and license Fairplay-compatable DRM. That way they can sell movies/music on their website (Unbox) and sell it with DRM that is iPod/iTV/iTunes Compatible.

    This could mean, for example, Napster could be iTunes/iPod compatible.

    Or Vongo (unlimited movie downloads $9.95/month) could be iPod compatible.

    Personally, I'm not sure how long it will go. Either Apple will shut them down (if legally capable) or simply start licensing Fairplay themselves and cut out the middleman (which could be an inadvertant positive result of this effort)


    [edit: as pointed out below, this is probably not possible]
    Microsoft licenses it so Zune can play iTunes Music/Movie store content. That could be a huge boost for Zune.


    Exactly my point. If windows iPod users could transfer their iPod media to Zune and Windows media player, it would be a huge plus for them. Remember, most iPod owners don't belong to the church of Mac. We already know they are more than willing to live outside accepted ethics if it suits them.

    dollar coin error. Dollar error coin which
  • Dollar error coin which

  • iCaffeine
    Sep 12, 07:45 AM
    wow, this is so freaking exciting...


    dollar coin error. Half Dollar Key Dates
  • Half Dollar Key Dates

  • Abstract
    Sep 7, 10:00 PM
    The croud in that event didn't care for his performance and for sure wasn't in their taste, as I havn't see a jurnalists go "Yo, Yo, wut up dude?"

    I've never heard myself say "Yo, Yo, wut up dude?" either, and yet I still like Kanye West. And you can't assume peoples musical tastes just because of their job or race. Computer people and reporters could have enjoyed the music as well. You can't say that they didn't with any certainty. I enjoy all sorts of music, and I'm sure many other people do as well.

    You mean from iTMS? Did you get it pre-order?

    No, I downloaded it from somewhere else.

    *wink wink, nudge nudge*

    dollar coin error. About President Coins
  • About President Coins

  • geiger167
    Sep 12, 04:45 AM
    I think you'll find movie distrubution rights outside of USA have the same problems as TV SHOW downloads outside of USA. In other words we wont get any lol, in much the same way as we cant download from the new Amazon movie download servers in the UK. I dont know who actually runs the european side of Apple but they want sacking lol, over a year and no new content outside of USA lol. I'll still follow the feeds though lol cos I'm sad like that :)

    dollar coin error. Errors, 1973-S $1 Eisenhower
  • Errors, 1973-S $1 Eisenhower

  • rtheb
    Apr 30, 10:36 AM
    Great news. Now if only they'd kept Rosetta, I'd upgrade happily. As it is... I'm going to have to stay stuck in Snow Leopard.

    I totally agree.

    I really don't need to purchase new software that is still functional because Apple deems it obsolete.

    Keep Rosetta, it can't be very hard to implement.

    dollar coin error. Kennedy Half Dollar Coins
  • Kennedy Half Dollar Coins

  • ajohnson253
    Mar 18, 02:15 PM
    Today I've had some pretty interesting exchanges with other smart phone owners. I personally have an iPhone 4, I've had it for ages and love it. Pretty much everyone else I know has an Android phone of some kind. Now, people are always so damn keen to try and compete with my iPhone! I mean seriously, these people just come out of nowhere! I don't even show it off either, people just see me use it and start coming out with stuff.

    For instance, one guy comes out with - "Oh so you have an iPhone 4, my HTC Desire is way better". When we ran some comparisons he was obliterated but refused to accept it lol. All I got was, "well you paid �500 for an overpaid Apple product that you need a case to use". Personally I've never had any antenna problems so anyway, moving on.

    Another guy comes out with "You don't have a removable battery so if your phone crashes then you're screwed". Anyone here had their iPhone crash? If yes were you unable to get it sorted at an Apple store? This explanation didn't bode well with said Apple hater. :p

    Some one else came out with "iPhone 4 is a brick". At first I thought he was joking but he soon turned serious, saying that the phone literally is shaped like a brick and has sharp edges which hurt your hand.

    Another guy claimed that iPhones are awful because they don't have flash. To be honest, I don't really care for flash. The only thing I need flash for is Youtube which has its own app, and most shopping sites have their own dedicated apps anyway. Flash is a resource hog that would kill the battery. This of course was nonsense to the nexus owner.

    I could go on but the shots people took just kept getting cheaper and cheaper, most reverting to "well you paid �500 for a phone, you must be crazy". I don't understand this. It seems that most people feel some kind of envy to me because I own an iPhone 4. Its pretty sad, at the end of the day its just a phone. But people actually seem to hate Apple because they can't afford their products. Most of them admitted that had the iPhone been cheaper they'd buy one, hence they can't afford it so they are bitter.

    Anyone else experienced this? I get similar problems when people see my Macbook Pro lol.

    Trust me if I knew, I'd tell you. I think the same thing.

    dollar coin error. morgan dollar error. Coin
  • morgan dollar error. Coin

  • gootz
    Aug 15, 12:43 AM
    I went into my local Apple store yesterday and they denied that there were even upgrades? WTF? I guess they want to sell off there current stock?

    dollar coin error. Most Valuable Non-Mint Error
  • Most Valuable Non-Mint Error

  • darkplanets
    Apr 12, 10:59 PM
    Yeah, the TSA is pretty absurd. The airport I use just got body scanners-- now when I fly I make sure to shake my junk around for the world to see.

    Coming soon to the Internet near you.

    dollar coin error. Canadian Two Dollar Coin
  • Canadian Two Dollar Coin

  • -aggie-
    Jul 21, 12:10 PM
    The slow pace of messages here shows that this has gone from being important to the masses and the trolls to now be a small problem. Previous threads (those from before the videos and pressconference) added three pages in the time it took to read one, there was just no way to keep up with them. This has still not gotten much over 50.

    It is interesting, but few considers the new iPhone to be broken anymore. No matter what you think of how Jobs handled it, he completely defused a situation that was becoming very hostile. I'm sure this will be taught and dissected at universities for years just as Intels poor handling of PR with the "faulty" processors is taught as the difference between dealing with companies and customers. This was a lesson for all and many key bloggers have already written pieces of how he changed the usual dynamics of apologizing for any perceived issue.

    Exactly. When the usual suspects don't post, the threads that brought up the reception issue totally die.

    dollar coin error. State coin error
  • State coin error

  • Highland
    Aug 3, 10:24 PM
    1. Agreed. The only situation governing bodies should step in is in extreme cases. The dead pixel thing is really just a case of Apple trying to push their luck I think. Quite a few manufacturers do that with dead pixels.

    2. :)

    3. The iPod isn't a monopoly, but iTMS might be considered one soon, driven by the fact that it only operates with it's own player (which isn't really any better than the competition). I'm not arguing that iTMS or the iPod is bad. In fact, I think they're both great and might be considered the saviour of the recording industry if we get this DRM mess fixed.

    4. Apple's agreement with users can be changed at any point (according to Apple). That's illegal in some countries, plain and simple. The changes to the situation in Norway might be only "from now onwards", but the iTMS agreement still says they can shift the rules for songs purchased dating back to the launch of iTMS.

    5. Yes and no. Sure, we all vote with our dollars, but when the only players are big companies and the four major labels are all working only with a small selection of online stores, we're not left with enough choices to show how we'd like things done. If you like an artist then you have to put up with whatever's served.

    Another example of how things have been done well in the past for the music industry is the current situation with cover songs. It works really well. Anyone can cover anyone, but the original artist gets paid 100% of the song writing royalties (publishing), while the new performer gets all the mechanical royalties (physical sales). It works, and it's law. I doubt a system like that would be put in place today. Today it'd be all like "I own this song so no one else can touch it!". We all need to mature a little and look at this from a more positive angle for everyone, rather than short term greed.

    6. Yep, time will tell. Although I think you probably do agree that CDs will die, it's just a matter of time, and what they're replaced with. I can't see another physical audio format being introduced and having any mainstream success though.

    dollar coin error. D amp; P dollar coin set GOLD
  • D amp; P dollar coin set GOLD

  • Jimmieboy
    Sep 12, 02:56 AM
    3.00 am! I don't think I'll be up then. I love to sleep. I guess getting up at around 6 won't matter though. Hopefully the new products if any will be on the apple site. If not I"ll check out macrumors to see the latest news on the conference. I can't wait! Yahooooo for apple

    Apr 16, 04:13 AM
    Next up, Google gives away songs for free. Inserts targeted ads every 30 seconds of music. Fandroids flood the Web to tell us all how awesome Android and "free" Google music are and what a greedy jerk Steve Jobs is for selling songs.

    You know it's coming.

    What are you basing this on, the current ststus of Android OS for being FOSS? There are no advertising components built into Android OS, unlike iOS with iAds. What's made you insinuate this "free" thing as being a negative anyway?

    I bet there are plenty of people who use ad supported music serivces like we7.com and spotify free, and god forbid those tight arses who listten to free music on the radio. Are these people inferior to you for doing so?

    Mar 26, 09:10 PM
    I'll bet they allow it to be downloaded from the App Store, and boxed copies will only come on USB stick.

    I don't know, that would be one big download. With people still using dial-up, I'm just not seeing it. As for the USB stick, that would be neat and the best way to go, because of the AIR.

    Jan 15, 02:34 PM
    Second MW in a row with disappointing new stuff that I have no use for and not a mention of stuff that I can use. I'll just wait out the next two or three weeks hoping for a silent MBP refresh.

    May 3, 02:03 PM
    I'm fine with the cell companies charging more for tethering. I'm also fine with them doing tiered data plans. Either one of those is okay in my book. Doing both, however, is robbery.

    I agree with this. AT&T at least got a little better once Verizon got the iphone by offering additional GB for the extra charge they charged for tethering so at least you actually got something for that extra money (vs. being ripped off for being charged to use the data you already paid for).

    But overall, if you are paying for the actual data (paying for a set amount), it should not matter how you use it. But I could see on a "all you can eat" plan where it would matter how you use it cause some ways you'd end up using it a lot more than they planned for (basically I think it is fair in an all you can eat style plan, food or data ;), to specify rules on what you can do. I mean even in all you can eat buffets they have rules like no taking home food or you're only allowed there for an hour or you have to eat everything and not just pick out stuff otherwise it is too easily abused to the point that they wouldn't make a profit. It is the same way with data use).

    Jul 21, 09:41 AM
    The Nokia phone have not the same bars/signal ratio as the iphone 4.

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