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Saturday, May 21, 2011

funny music

funny music. A DRUMMER Funny Music Band
  • A DRUMMER Funny Music Band

  • adztaylor
    Apr 22, 04:14 PM
    I can't see them making the iPhone look like the iPod Touch.

    funny music. Free Funny Music
  • Free Funny Music

  • themacolyte
    Oct 23, 07:54 AM
    Microsoft seems to be making every attempt to encourage piracy at this point. Is it possible for Windows to check this and refuse to run? It seems to me Microsoft is attempting to take control of hardware virally, i.e. if their EULAs were enforceable they are including statements that allow them to dictate what hardware you have and when/how you upgrade it...

    "If you want to upgrade your computer, you need to call and ask us first. If you want to run our software, it better be on hardware we approve of, ask us who sells that."

    There are some who claim that as long as Microsoft doesn't enforce their own EULAs then let them say what they want. Some will claim that the EULAs won't hold up in court so who cares what they say. Is it prudent to assume this and just hope for the best?

    funny music. kurdish funny music
  • kurdish funny music

  • parapup
    Apr 26, 12:27 PM
    and amazon is getting sued :D. aka, will start to charge customers more to recoup the costs.

    Also, enjoy playing your amazon cloud on any apple device.

    If there is one thing Amazon doesn't need to worry about - it's the lawyers, they got plenty of them!

    Plus, even if they charge a bit more to recoup the costs - they have huge advantage in that a) they are already there and b) they aren't cloud n00bs with one freshly baked data center close only to the US :)

    And who said anything about Apple devices? Apparently, not many people are concerned (http://www.androidcentral.com/nielsen-android-americas-most-wanted-platform) about that one :p

    funny music. With this funny music snow
  • With this funny music snow

  • grantsdale
    Sep 30, 10:20 AM
    I get about the same drop rate or worse in the DC Metro area. I also have friends on AT&T that have their text messages go to the wrong person. Thinking seriously of getting a Verizon BB and an iPod Touch to replace my iPhone. :(:(:( Sorry :apple:

    Sorry? You'd be buying another Apple device ...

    funny music. funny graphs - The Cycle of
  • funny graphs - The Cycle of

  • rdowns
    Feb 28, 04:31 PM
    Oh yeah, he thinks he's underpaid. :rolleyes: They're gonna tell him to hit the road and end the show.

    I wouldn't be so sure of that. The show generates over $100 million a year for CBS.

    funny music. Stock vector Funny Music Girls
  • Stock vector Funny Music Girls

  • aegisdesign
    Jul 10, 12:54 PM
    I'm with KookAid, I find that the Inspector is far more time consuming than a well laid out Icon Bar with drop boxes. Maybe it's because I've been using Microsoft Office forever. But I have given Pages a serious try and I find that I really like it, except for it's lacking AutoCorrection and Inspector.

    Toolbars and drop down menus are the things Microsoft have DROPPED from Office 2007.

    funny music. Mirchi Mix ( Funny Music)
  • Mirchi Mix ( Funny Music)

  • cherrybomb
    Jun 6, 06:35 AM
    There should be notification of the time limit you have when using the iTunes store app without having to enter your password, but I'm very sure it's not long though... Maybe if he had just an iPod this wouldn't have happened. Too many overly techy kids these days anyway.....

    funny music. Funny Music for Kids
  • Funny Music for Kids

  • Westside guy
    Dec 20, 02:15 AM
    I was happy to see that the last two bugs (one Linux, one OS X) were being handled responsibly - they weren't going to release the details until a patch was available. I'm guessing this was submitted by someone other than the project leader, since he seemed to be more of a "me too" glory hound.

    I thought the bugs found were not particularly surprising ones; and not all are applicable to the vast majority of users (any local exploit isn't likely to be relevant on a one-person box). I'd hope people would use the MOKB as yet another reminder to practice better security - e.g. not run as an admin for day to day stuff :D be careful what you put on your machine, etc. - but I know that's not likely to change in the short term.

    funny music. Archive for the #39;Funny Music
  • Archive for the #39;Funny Music

  • DylanLikesPorn
    Sep 15, 07:39 AM

    tokina 11-16

    funny music. Funny Music Video, Funny Music
  • Funny Music Video, Funny Music

  • Willis
    Aug 1, 10:48 AM
    'Microsoft's Zune - Long Term Effort'... yeah, in R&D. 3-5 years time for a product is crazy. The market wont want what they will have on offer in that time. Its like that origami or whatever it is. Something that cropped up on MR, and then disappeared. no one cares.

    funny music. funny-music-birth-vinyl-
  • funny-music-birth-vinyl-

  • kirk26
    Apr 14, 02:44 PM
    I'm noticing a little quicker general UI navigation, but the third party apps still don't show their launch animation unless opened first, exited, and then launched again. Only once loaded into the memory can you go from app to home screen to app and see the full animation.

    Yet, oddly, Apple's stock apps are entirely unaffected.

    Don't know what you mean by launch animation. Be gentle.


    I opened Sirus, exited, opened FIFA 11, exited, went into Sirus again with no lag time. Is that what you are talking about?

    funny music. unintentionally funny music
  • unintentionally funny music

  • cleanup
    Sep 13, 02:37 PM
    Go there. The Bier Markt was one of my regular stomps when I used to live in Toronto. Actually, I used to live a few minutes away, in a condo right by the St. Lawrence Market.

    If they carry Blue Moon, try that one too.

    My girlfriend and I have tried to stop by on a few occasions but it's always enormously packed when we go (our own fault for only being in the area on Friday & Saturday nights) and we end up going to Corner Bar up the street instead. But it's definitely at the top of my to-do-soon list. :)

    funny music. funny music videos,
  • funny music videos,

  • Jony Mac
    Mar 31, 10:38 AM
    wow..that looks ugly

    funny music. TAGS: funny music r b
  • TAGS: funny music r b

  • Yvan256
    Jul 28, 01:26 PM
    "Forget about Zune, look at this new operating system we're releasing this year. It's called Vista. It has this new search feature called Floodlight. When you search for something it instantly floods you with results from your hard drive."

    "Floodlight"... good one. :D

    funny music. Music – Journey – Don#39;t Stop
  • Music – Journey – Don#39;t Stop

  • Mike Teezie
    May 1, 10:50 PM
    Image (http://29.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lkjsa0vvlq1qzu2tdo1_400.gif)

    That is awesome.

    funny music. Posted in funny, music
  • Posted in funny, music

  • rhett7660
    Mar 8, 08:41 AM
    My understanding is they are considering Rob Lowe as a replacement

    Hmmm... Really. That would be interesting but he doesn't have the same feel as a Charlie Sheen IMHO. That might be interesting thou.

    funny music. HOT MUSIC

  • WeegieMac
    Apr 14, 02:03 PM
    Even with it ticked it still doesn't update play counts. That's where the bug is.
    Tried it on OS X and Windows and still doesn't work. I've heard it works fine from computers and Apple TV but on devices it doesn't even though it's suppose to.

    Hmmm, strange. A lot of people got caught out by that little check box, which is why I posted it.

    funny music. Funny music usually sucks.
  • Funny music usually sucks.

  • leekohler
    Apr 28, 03:04 PM
    lol. you have a huge boulder on your shoulder.

    I find callousness, and claiming to know something as a "fact", when there is no possible way to know that, to be reprehensible. If that is a boulder on my shoulder, so be it.

    funny music. Funny Music Video africa
  • Funny Music Video africa

  • AtHomeBoy_2000
    Jul 21, 12:33 PM
    "my church's mac conversion". your church needs converting? :p
    LOL! Shoosh you!
    I am the technology coordinator at my church.

    Apr 22, 06:57 PM
    Having the back like the ipod touch would be quite bad.

    And it's aluminium:p

    Jan 29, 08:44 AM
    Saw 127 Hours then went to Texas Roadhouse for the girlfriends birthday. I'm still squirming from the 'scene' and stuffed from the food.



    I loved that movie, easily my favorite movie ever.

    Jul 24, 08:08 PM
    After seeing the update along with the photos, I'm really going to have to fight the urge to get one of these.

    What makes it worse is that I will have to purchase a Bluetooth dongle.

    Apr 15, 02:51 PM
    Just updated, and the UI does appear to be smoother. I agree with other posts that third party apps do not sometimes begin with a smooth animation.

    Jul 28, 07:22 AM
    If it has any features like Pandora or Last.fm i'll be very interested... albeit I already have those two for free... As long as the 'finding new music' feature is better than the iTunes Mini store, which is down right bad. Bring on a pandora like stream but with intergrated purchasing features, so that you can in a way try before you buy, as well as find more music.

    That would work wouldn't it - i know it would get me purchasing more music online. O WAIT! DRM... nevermind ignore this whole post :rolleyes:

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