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Saturday, May 14, 2011

alabama state flower

alabama state flower. Alabama State Flower
  • Alabama State Flower

  • jon1987
    Apr 28, 05:26 PM
    Surely there is an app for that :):)

    alabama state flower. Camellia Flower, Alabama State
  • Camellia Flower, Alabama State

  • AvSRoCkCO1067
    Aug 15, 02:09 PM
    Aww, no more blue filling up URL bar in Safari?

    I agree - I'm not a huge fan of the pie that's used in iWeb. Definitely prefer the blue filling up the URL bar...:(

    alabama state flower. quot;Virginia State Flower Tree he
  • quot;Virginia State Flower Tree he

  • strabes
    Apr 29, 03:44 PM
    My thoughts exactly. Reeks of collusion and I could see lawsuits flying over this.

    In what way does this reek of collusion?

    alabama state flower. The present Alabama State Flag
  • The present Alabama State Flag

  • fozy
    Sep 30, 10:02 AM
    It's really unbelievable that you see so many iPhones in NYC, I was there recently for three days and received only a couple calls, most of them went to voicemail, also data service was out for hours at a time.

    This poor service really stands out when you live in a small market with 3G service where the phone works acceptably well.

    AT&T has a problem. I've been a customer for many years. Most of my family are AT&T customers. We all live in different parts of the country and we all experience the same problems. Very frequent, way too frequent, dropped calls. I know the naysayers and apologists here say to give AT&T a break. They are experiencing growing pains. Here's what I have to say.

    First of all, my iPhone is a Phone! I expect the phone part of the iPhone to work above all else. It's nice to have the apps but I expect the phone to work 100% of the time. That's what I'm paying for. If AT&T needs to figure out a way to throttle down the data then that's what they need to do during peak usage. Phone calls should be the priority for a phone! I still have a Gen 1 iPhone and will not upgrade until AT&T resolves their problems. When I get tired of waiting for that to happen and my iPhone dies, I'll switch phones and networks.

    alabama state flower. the ALABAMA state flower,
  • the ALABAMA state flower,

  • bousozoku
    Jul 11, 01:19 AM
    Apple never intended for iWork to compete with MS Office. Apple merely wanted to fill a niche for those AppleWorks users who didn't need a full blown behemoth Office Suite like MS Office.

    It is only the die-hard Apple users that detest MS Office who are suggesting that iWork is a replacement for MS Office.

    I have been using Pages and Keynote since Day One. Pages One was almost worthless in my book. Apple should have given away Pages v2 to those who suffered through version 1. Keynote was interesting and useful from version one but still lags significantly behind PowerPoint.

    Both Pages 2 and Keynote now make a nice little package at $79.00 for those users who don't need to work in an MS Office environment and don't need all of the revision, collaboration, and integration tools of MS Office.

    But come on, let's get real. iWork doesn't really come close to what is offered by a professional business suite like MS Office. It's like saying, Photshop Elements is a replacement for Creative Suite 2.:eek:

    Photoshop Elements 4.0 is a capable replacement for Photoshop CS2 for a lot of people, even professionals. It depends on what you're doing with it.

    I've used various word processors since writing my own in the early 1980s and MS Word 4.0 was quite nice but Microsoft kept adding so many features that it's become haphazard and troublesome. It is counter-productive for a lot of people, especially when you have to revise previous documents.

    Pages 2 is a useful release but it's not final. To discount it or iWork totally is not reasonable.

    alabama state flower. It is the Alabama state flower
  • It is the Alabama state flower

  • BenRoethig
    Jul 24, 09:49 AM
    This statement worries me, yes a increased market share is good, but in the end I want it to be for the entire platform, the hardware and OS X! I run Parrallels for a few ancient windows only games but even then I somehow feel like Im betraying my decision to use OS X, I just hope leopord is a big success and that more and more cool apps are writen to keep people trying OS X and not windows.

    Out of interest, why havn't you tried OS X server? Is there a specific reason you went with Windows 2003 server?

    I think the low marketshare for OSX is working against OSX server. It is, however, a problem of Apple's own making.

    alabama state flower. State Flower: Camelia
  • State Flower: Camelia

  • quigleybc
    Jul 28, 12:18 PM
    Now is really the time for Apple to go all out and move in on MS....

    If I were Steve, I would be cranking out products, and really pushing hard to get stuff like a full on Mac media center, next gen iPods, iPhones, iTablets ect. ect..

    Just because MS is kind of in limbo right now, not really doing anything big, Gates just stepped down...now is the time to really move in on their territory.

    Maybe that's exactly what they're doing, but it seems like the big product announcements have dropped off completley....the last big announcement was the Macbook, which was a no brainer...high fi ect....

    Hopefully they are all going mad scientist in the Apple labs cooking something really special up, and are just going to unload them all at once....we'll see...

    alabama state flower. the alabama state flower,
  • the alabama state flower,

  • MacRumors
    Apr 26, 11:59 AM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com/2011/04/26/apple-expected-to-charge-for-cloud-based-music-storage-service/)


    alabama state flower. Alabama: State flower for
  • Alabama: State flower for

  • SeattleMoose
    Apr 13, 07:29 PM
    this is soooooo 2010.

    alabama state flower. Alabama State Flower: Camellia
  • Alabama State Flower: Camellia

  • bloodycape
    Jul 12, 02:16 PM
    1. HELLO, the current ones are old already, they are bound to have better batteries. Its been a year. a year ago that was the best apple could do. Its not the best anymore.

    2. If this is a VIDEO IPOD... 2hrs-3hrs of battery life for videos, sure as hell wont cut it. the current ipod makes video as more of a cool feature as opposed to MAIN feature. music was most important.

    I see what you are saying however there were PMP's that came out the same time as the 5G iPod that gets 5 hours out of video from a removable battery with a 4in screen. When the iPod color came it had the same battery life as the monochrome ipod. So if history is a good indication of the past then the next ipod will have similar specs out of a larger screen machine? But I could be wrong.
    I think for Apple to be competitive in the pmp market against the best currently out now they need to do a few thing. The main thing this is have a player that gets 5 hours or more of video with 25hours of audio. Then they need to have video recording if they want to compete with the likes of the Cowon A2, and Archos AV500 series. And then there is the open source Digital Cube V43 with its touch screen and linux/unix based.

    alabama state flower. State Flower - Camellia
  • State Flower - Camellia

  • ratzzo
    Apr 22, 04:24 PM
    They should really keep the teardrop design to the Air.. it wouldn't really fit the iPhone, which is a phone after all. If that were a true design to come, I wonder just how awkward holding it could be.

    Bigger displays are always welcome. I was already going to get an iP5 (got a BB Bold) anyway. Awesome for screen size, not so much for the design.. which seems suspiciously thin.

    alabama state flower. Alabama State Flower - 50th
  • Alabama State Flower - 50th

  • WeegieMac
    Apr 14, 02:32 PM
    I just updated mine and there is a noticeable difference in speed with this update. It is much faster in opening applications and text messages.

    I'm noticing a little quicker general UI navigation, but the third party apps still don't show their launch animation unless opened first, exited, and then launched again. Only once loaded into the memory can you go from app to home screen to app and see the full animation.

    Yet, oddly, Apple's stock apps are entirely unaffected.

    alabama state flower. site is the state flower,
  • site is the state flower,

  • dethmaShine
    Apr 16, 07:16 AM
    Don't remove the :rolleyes:, it indicates the sarcasm in that comment. I was pointing out to the guy the fallacy of his argument in diminishing Google's work that he was also diminishing Apple's work on OS X.

    I believe both companies have a lot of merit for what they did. I'm not pro-anything or anti-anything here. The point of my comment was to say that Apple and Google put in a lot of effort into making their OSes.

    Now you're arguing what exactly aside from just wanting to insult me ?

    I don't know if he was talking foul about Apple's work.

    Absolutely true ? When did Web browsers start to do process scheduling, user input, graphical sub-systems, GUI frameworks, hardware interaction, etc.. etc..

    Chrome OS is much more than a browser, it's very much a OS who's desktop environnement happens to be a Web browser, rather than a file explorer like Finder.

    So you think, Google's Chrome OS invented or made all these things possible?
    Were there no browsers before?

    Again, let's drop the Google hate. It has no place in this thread. Why do you insist on beating on them ? Leave the corporate politic between Steve and Eric (now Larry) and let's discuss OS X some.

    Sure, lets drop that. Sure.

    I don't insist. I for once really like them on certain grounds, but absolutely don't on the other. Similarly with Apple; as both are for-profit organizations.

    alabama state flower. state flower of Alabama is
  • state flower of Alabama is

  • CDCC
    Apr 22, 10:49 PM
    Germany is a painful place to defend a patent suit.

    They may have better luck there.

    The U.S. is still pro MS and pro PC. I heard the people in Europe love Macs.

    Ever see the movie "The Lady with the Dragon Tattoo"?

    I hope the judges are Mac users!

    alabama state flower. Featuring the state flower
  • Featuring the state flower

  • dongmin
    Aug 15, 10:18 PM
    Really? I can't stand it. The buttons break Apple's own Human Interface guidelines and make the interface even less inconsistent. One of the first things I did when I got tiger was to install Mail Stamps (http://www.andrewescobar.com/mailstamps/) to restore the old look.Agreed, about the buttons. But at least the sidebar is improved in a useful way. I hate how the text on the current sidebar hangs to the side of the images, taking up valuable width.

    alabama state flower. Magnolia, the state flower of Alabama!
  • Magnolia, the state flower of Alabama!

  • Snowy_River
    Jul 25, 01:20 AM
    Wave your hands in the air controls?

    Wait, I've seen that before somewhere?! Hmmmmm.


    As long as I don't have to wear those gloves. uuugh.

    Did anyone here ever play Journeyman Project 3: Legacy of Time? That came out before Minority Report and they had this kind of non-touch interface, but they didn't have to wear funny gloves! ;)

    alabama state flower. Alabama State Flower. Camellia. 1 pictures from flowers photos on webshots
  • Alabama State Flower. Camellia. 1 pictures from flowers photos on webshots

  • jaxstate
    Jul 24, 05:26 PM
    I hope it functions better than the corded Mighty Mouse. I ended up buying a logitech corded mouse instead of the "Mighty" Mouse. It just didn't feel right. I hope this one is better, but on the other hand, it can't be worst than the MouseBT. It has to be one of the worst Mice ever made.

    alabama state flower. State flower of florida
  • State flower of florida

  • bm0rg
    Aug 16, 06:04 AM
    Should I see if i can install this beta I got from a friend?

    alabama state flower. Goldenrod is the state flower
  • Goldenrod is the state flower

  • motulist
    Aug 15, 09:30 PM
    I don't mind the "bubbles" in concept. What I think is hideous is the ovalness of them and the coloring. I'd prefer something lighter and beveled.

    A lot of this comes down to personal preference. Personally, I think OS X's UIs have gotten better with each iteration. Imo, this new bubble ui is better than brushed metal, which was better than candy. Personally, I like UI elements that are shaded to look 3D (which these are not) so that they look like actual objects you are manipulating, what makes you prefer bevels to ovals? (not that there's anything wrong with that ;) )

    Apr 29, 04:26 PM
    The artists must be thrilled :rolleyes:
    Welcome to the 21st century.
    Artist don't make money off of downloads, they make it off of touring and selling all the promotional swag.

    The old days they toured to support the album.
    Today the album supports the tour. That's where the real money is made now.

    Apr 1, 06:52 AM
    My baby boy just pooped and it it is just about the same color of it.:eek:

    May 3, 08:12 AM

    The 2.5GHz and 2.7GHz models look to be Low-Voltage 65W Core i5, which is why Apple is able to fit quad cores in the 21.5" enclosure. But does that actually mean the 3.1GHz Core i5 in the 27" is actually cheaper than the slower 2.7GHz Core i5 in the 27"? Intel doesn't sell a 2.7GHz standard voltage Core i5 unless its a custom model or Apple is underclocking the 2.8GHz Core i5, which seems like an unnecessary waste of free clock speed room.

    Jul 12, 03:57 AM
    So a camera ipod is possible or an accessory to add a camera/video support but it will be kind of a useless feature.

    Not if you tie the iPod to iChat. "Videoconferencing, on the go".

    Mar 31, 01:19 PM
    The colours are burning my eyes out:

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