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Sunday, May 22, 2011

anaconda eats man

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  • bluap84
    Feb 23, 07:12 AM
    Nothing stops them from trading with you as a free-lancer� and as far as HMRC is concerned as long as you pay yoru taxes�

    Anyway. To start up here's a decent link with good info.
    Good luck�

    hmm i shall have to see about that...thanks for the info
    this will pass the time at my current job zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz lol

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  • Crystal-RX
    Apr 29, 01:55 AM
    I bought mine from Sunsky and it has been used for about 4 weeks. No issue at all.

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  • KingYaba
    Mar 31, 06:28 PM
    and Anderson Cooper by 18%

    I'm glad his viewership is up but I guess this is why I haven't heard much Fox News is the best comments lately on all the forums. :)

    So, has Fox News reported on their losses? Bill O'Reilly never seemed to miss a chance to talk about how he's #1 with x million viewers.

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  • After G
    Sep 15, 08:20 PM
    Haven't had experience with either kb; I heard mechanical keys are better for typing. Still, if you are looking for a nice keyboard, you could try the Kensington Slimtype. It's nice, and doesn't cost a lot.

    Sorry for the short post; don't know what else I could say.

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  • Hastings101
    Mar 8, 10:51 PM
    While the 3D thing might not interest you, the 3DS is much more powerful than the current DSi, meaning much better graphic capabilities. So if you ever want to play anything other than Pokemon Black in the next couple of years you should wait for the 3DS.

    If you're not really interested in gaming on the DS or doing anything other than Pokemon Black go ahead and save some money buying the DSi.

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  • WinterMute
    Jul 10, 06:45 PM
    Same problem with the cover on the 17" PBook, but a Swiss Army knife blade works very nicely wgen you haven't got the right driver.

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  • tutubibi
    Nov 28, 07:32 PM
    I also recommend LaCie as well. I have D2 8x (Pioneer inside) and so far it is flawless.

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  • Tousiger
    Jan 7, 12:27 PM
    I'll be at the meetup AND very early in line :rolleyes:

    I'll probably have that black :apple: shirt of Mac OS X Retailers (saying "Tomorrow. Available today!")

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  • Twe Foju
    Apr 26, 06:55 AM
    for 1 thing we all know is that the SB will most likely have a weaker GPU for games, and if gaming on the Air isn't your idea, well, a refresh might be better, but as for now, just keep your Air, i am sure, a lot of people would still buy the current Air even when the refresh is out

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  • Chris14
    Mar 17, 04:28 PM
    Throw some games in the hat please guys!
    I'm looking for a game to play under windows on my machine (see sig)

    What are you all playing at the moment?

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  • Umbongo
    Apr 24, 10:12 AM
    While there are some other factors the main one is simple supply and demand. The same reason why MBPs hold their value over non-mac notebooks.

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  • cocacolakid
    May 4, 02:59 PM
    Congrats on a nice purchase.

    Here is the Everymac.com page for that machine. (http://www.everymac.com/systems/apple/powermac_g5/stats/powermac_g5_2.5_dp.html)

    As for future support for syncing iOS devices, iTunes will be the biggest culprit. iTunes 10 requires 10.5.8, it's likely that the next major update to iTunes requires 10.6, which PPC's can't run. The big question is, how soon until that happens? With Lion due out this summer, I doubt it will take 2 years before Apple drops support for Leopard.

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  • Lord Appleseed
    May 7, 02:19 AM
    In 90% of what we say, does it have any point to it? You say, "Hello." What's the Point? You already know that you know them, and they know that you know them; therefore is there any point in saying hello, if you can just smile, showing you've acknowledged them. Also, the- ......OK, I won't go off on a rant.

    When you make a mistake don't get down about it - laugh it off, it'll "lengthen our own life"; however, if you laugh at a person who made a mistake, you'll make them get down about it, therefore, "shortening their's." It also may be referring to suicide, but I haven't read the context - Hellhammer, Herdfan: if you feel you're about to commit suicide, DON'T listen to Adele. :)

    Basically, don't laugh at other people's mistakes; both of them were innocent mistakes - there's no need to point them out - they know what they did, even if it's subconscious - we know what they mean.
    You know I just pointed out that common mistake, typo. I didnt laugh or anything.
    But now I shat brix...

    anaconda eats man. %IMG_DESC_14%
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  • CaoCao
    Mar 1, 04:25 PM
    House Majority Leader Eric Cantor came to Speaker John Boehner�s side Monday, promising action by Friday to defend the Defense of Marriage Act, now that President Barack Obama has said he won�t.

    �I stand by [Boehner�s] commitment to make that happen,� Cantor (R-Va.) said Monday afternoon at a press conference, promising to outline their plans in detail Friday.

    Cantor said the Justice Department�s refusal to defend the law is a problem separate from the substance of the law itself, which allows states to decide whether to recognize same-sex unions in other states. The Justice Department has called another provision, that bars same-sex couples from receiving federal-worker benefits, unconstitutional.

    �Again I do believe that this is a case that is distinguishable on its merits and to have the administration take the position, the president take the position, that he�s not defending the law of the land, is something very troubling I think to most members of the House,� Cantor said.

    When pressed on what House Republicans planned to do, he demurred.

    �I think you�ll see that on Friday,� Cantor said.

    In a taped interview posted Monday, Boehner (R-Ohio) said the GOP-controlled House could appoint a special counsel to defend the law commonly known as DOMA, a suggestion first made by former Sen. Rick Santorum (R-Pa.).

    �It�s an option being considered. �� Boehner said during an appearance on The Christian Broadcasting Network. �I�d be very surprised if the House didn�t decide that they were going to defend law.�

    His office is currently researching several legal options and seeking feedback from other Republicans to determine how to proceed, Boehner said. A decision likely will be made by the end of the week.

    �I�m really disappointed in the president and the Department of Justice in the fact that they�re not going to defend a law that Congress passed overwhelmingly. It�s their responsibility to do that. �� Boehner said. �But if the president won�t lead, if the president won�t defend DOMA, then you�ll see the House of Representatives defend our actions in passing a bill that frankly passed overwhelmingly.�

    While taking legal action doesn�t require a vote in the House, the lower chamber could decide to pass a resolution reaffirming their support for DOMA and reiterating their justification for passing it in the first place.

    A handful of Republicans, including House Judiciary Committee Chairman Lamar Smith (R-Texas), have already filed friend-of-the-court briefs, backing the law in a number of court cases where its constitutionality is being challenged.

    �We�re working with leadership to examine all the legal options before Congress,� said a senior Judiciary Committee aide.

    But gay-rights activists say there�s a whiff of hypocrisy from the GOP�s pledge.

    �Republican leaders have been claiming to want to focus on the economy, yet their insertion into this case would represent a hypocritical departure from that position,� said Michael Cole-Schwartz, a spokesman for the Human Rights Campaign, a gay-rights advocacy group.

    That�s the same argument Republicans made last week as they criticized President Barack Obama for ordering his Justice Department to stop defending the 15-year-old law that defines marriage as a union between one man and one woman: Why was the president wading into a hot-button social issue now if his top priorities are jobs and the economy?

    Anticipating that Republicans will mount a rigorous defense of DOMA, the Human Rights Campaign has been taken steps to fight back. Its leaders sent e-mail alerts to thousands of its supporters, launched a petition seeking to block the House from intervening, and have been huddling with Capitol Hill allies to develop a strategy.

    �We�re all prepared for [Republicans] to intervene in some way,� Cole-Schwartz said. �The question is how do they do it, how do they roll it out, and what kind of political hay they want to make of it?�

    Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0211/50357.html#ixzz1FOCcqZwr
    Congress appears to disagree with the President

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  • dazzer21
    Nov 25, 10:06 AM
    I'm not a web developer by trade so I can't begin to comment on the methods being used; I took the decision to do it this way (with my limited knowledge!) as it seemed the simplest option, as I would have otherwise used Flash - which I didn't do for obvious reasons...

    If I'd have created the page as a single image (say at 900x800px), with an all over blue background and a full colour image (for argument's sake, let's say a it's of a car) sitting in the middle third of it, the background colour would be consistent across the whole page;
    if I split the image into thirds (300px across apiece), so that the outer two images are plain blue, with the middle image containing the car on the same colour background, that blue is a different hue in the middle panel compared to the two outers.

    Is this because of some sort of optimisation process, where the number of colours on that image is being cut back somehow? I'm using 'Save for web and devices' and I've tried 'convert to sRGB' and 'Use Document Color Profile' but it doesn't seem to make a difference. all the relevant RGB/CMYK/LAB/Hex colours are all consistent... this is driving me nuts.

    I'd post the page in question, but it's sensitive material so I can't...

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  • KeithPratt
    Apr 15, 11:58 AM
    Maybe Version 5 is better in saving the correct PAL-solution not adding pixels that are not needed, while recording.

    If you've got your VCR hooked up to a DV camcorder and the DV camcorder attached to your Mac via Firewire, you can think of capturing it in iMovie as a file transfer. The camcorder is encoding the VCR's output to standard PAL DV, and your Mac is just recording that data.

    If you try to do any colour correction or what have you in iMovie, a different engine in different versions might result in different quality. But these versions are so old I don't think you'll find much comparison online � probably best to just suck it and see.

    anaconda eats man. %IMG_DESC_17%
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  • rdhatfield3
    Feb 11, 01:12 AM
    Has anyone tried the litescribe on the new lacie burners?

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  • elpmas
    Jun 15, 10:53 PM
    Dr. Macenstein is full of crap. MacRumor.com's bot has been pwned.

    hhahaha :]. Support+1

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  • nomad01
    Sep 23, 01:39 PM
    1) The ongoing offer (open every day, a lot of stock) can be seen as a hidden price cut.
    2) Clearing out stock may be a sign of updates coming... :rolleyes:

    So some of this could be new stock that's just repacked for a low price? Possible I suppose.

    Although I wonder where they've dug up the 3rd gen iPods from. Think they've found a stock room that they thought they'd lost? :eek: ;)

    Apr 27, 08:03 PM
    Hardware is awesome, but I am missing all my JB tweaks. So I do some what regret selling my first gentoo early.

    Apr 11, 10:05 AM
    It's weird, My MacBook Pro now wont boot into OS X lion, before the login screen it shows the mouse for a second and now it sticks at blue. :o

    Dec 15, 03:33 PM
    Sorry, like I said before ^^ I need a low end card, probably like a ATI Rage that I just need to display video, no gaming.
    Just a suggestion: 16mb would be ok but the radeoon 7000 for only 40 is a good deal and it will make expose a HELLLLL of a lot smother.

    Dec 9, 10:01 PM
    Are you open to any trades? I have a 4GB White Nano that I'm looking to trade.

    I think I'll pass. I already have a mini and I never touch my ipod...it occupies space in my glovebox so it would offer no advantage. Thanks for the offer though!

    May 1, 07:33 PM
    CleanMyMac is a pretty good application.

    CleanMyMac cleans too much.

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