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Sunday, May 22, 2011

barbie girl song

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  • lvlarkkoenen
    Apr 26, 07:52 AM
    I suppose yearly is about right, although some say more often is better. However the 2010 reviews did mention it was a silent machine, not sure if they meant that it's more silent than previous versions. I'm curious to find out if cleaning works for you and if it's indeed still not as silent as your sisters mini.

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  • Jerry Spoon
    Dec 31, 01:18 PM
    Nice way to start out the new year....fresh look. I think I like it.

    Thanks for all you do on this site Arn.

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  • skunk
    Oct 12, 03:55 PM
    No use for Keynote? I find that doing bullet-point presentations on what I would prefer for dinner is a very effective way of going hungry.Wow, I hadn't thought of that! The Keynote Diet Plan. Reverse psychology is so effective. :D

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  • Kissaragi
    Mar 21, 09:14 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Yeah makes sense. Best for them to focus on Windows Phone 7 and possibly later release an iPod Touch like device you know, sans phone. Not that I don't think it won't also probably gain disappointing market share.

    They already did, the Zune HD. Which was a fantastic media player btw.

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  • arn
    Sep 2, 12:34 AM
    Originally posted by rice_web

    But, here's the great part of this entire thing. All of these computers would use the same exact processor, with the iBook receiving an underclocked 1GHz 750FXe.

    I bet that a 800mhz chip is cheaper than a 1ghz chip underclocked to 800mhz regardless of any bulk savings we're talking about...


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  • Benjy91
    Mar 15, 08:31 PM
    That was the first thing I thought of! :D

    To be honest, I think permanently branding yourself with ANY company logo is idiotic.


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  • discounteggroll
    Apr 20, 08:27 AM
    Essentially, we need to find someone who still has the Optimum 1.0 app on an iPad 1. Then they can jailbreak their iPad, crack the app and upload it to us.

    Until then, 99% of us are SOL :apple:

    I know I am willing to pony up my appreciation if/when this is done. Others?

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  • jsw
    Sep 11, 10:38 AM
    I was getting the oil changed in my car and was in the customer lounge when the first plane hit - and stayed to see the second one hit. I then left for work and got in an argument with my boss, who saw no reason to cancel an architecture meeting we had planned.

    The meeting was cancelled - the room was being used by employees to watch CNN.

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  • sinsin07
    Apr 16, 12:27 PM
    That is what gaming is ;). Sorry, but uh, gaming is killing time. You really think you do something productive when you game? No, you do something fun that you enjoy in your spare time. And if it isn't your spare time.. then you're going to find it hard to pay your bills in the real world if you are so addicted to gaming you are doing it rather than the stuff you *need* to do (like go to work).
    This is a rant, so no comment necessary.
    Depends on what you are talking about. RPGS like final fantasy? Sorry, really don't need tactile controls for that. In ways, touch is better cause you don't have to go scrolling for the command you want, you can instantly touch what you want to do.I never mentioned RPGs.
    Honestly, we can take your argument further. Your console games suck cause they don't have enough controls like a computer game does. For example try doing a realistic flight sim on a console? Ain't going to happen. You need a lot more ability to do a lot of commands (and quickly, not just scrolling through), something having a keyboard with a lot more ways to have different commands, gives you. I'm actually amazed some one did a decent flight sim (of course it has the same problem as consoles do, but actually if I were on a bigger screen like an iPad, it probably could be better than consoles cause they can just have you touch the controls on the "dashboard" giving you more options to control than a controller with limited buttons. So once again, touch screen is better than a control pad, but only if you have enough real estate on that touch screen).
    Not sure why you bring up consoles based on your earlier comment, or did you forget what you wrote? This happens from time to time when you tend to write to much. You lose your train of thought....snip Consoles shouldn't even be discussed in this discussion. That is like comparing apples and oranges, they really have no bearing in this at all.
    In any regard, your knowledge of what is possible shows a fundamental lack of imagination. You seem to keep missing the point of more complicated control mechanisms, a gamer does not want to look away from the screen to find a control. Touch screen too often for complicated games has you looking for where the action button is.
    Of course, for some games, the controller on a console is better cause you do want some simplicity. And then there are games like racing games where sorry, your controller SUX! I'll take my iphone's tilt control on a racing game over a frikkin d-pad or joy stick. Of course, the best for that is an actual steering wheel and pedals :).
    Racing games suck for a non gamer. A controller gives more finite control of the physics of driving.
    What type of control is best depends on the game ;). You can't just generalize here and you're being very short sighted if you think the controller is a end all be all and that there aren't things touch screen is better for.
    None of which you proved in your counter points. Ask any gamer, any real gamer, what he would prefer Grand Turismo or Forenza.
    I'm going to turn this around on you. Mario? Are you frikkin kidding me? Yeah, I am going to compare them both... they're both cheesy little games. What is with some of you people and your Mario love? There are far better games out there. And I hate how Nintendo just does Mario everything. Mario racing cart? Why not Gran Turismo? That's a far better and much more in depth racing game. Even Need for Speed is far better.
    Mario is a great party game when you have people over I guess. Nintendo I suppose is good for kiddy games and social games. But honestly, I can't believe you're holding up the Mario name and having some sort of snub about being a real gamer. Mario is as much a time waster as Angry Birds (Which honestly isn't a bad thing, cheesy games that are just fun but you don't have to get into can be fun in their own right. But don't frikkin sit there and tell me I don't like in depth games and use *mario* as your example. Shoot, in general Nintendo isn't better for that really, they're "time wasters" are just in a different format. I would honestly think some one who cares about in depth would be more interested in Xbox or Playstation. I'm sure Nintendo has some but I am sure having a hard time finding any for the Wii my mom gave me).
    Damn, you really just don't get gaming. Your comparisons show it. Yes there are better games than the Mario series, but better is subjective. Younger people may not get Metal Gear Solid/Socom/GTA etc. Your dislike or not understanding the popularity of Mario is not relevant. Millions and millions and millions of Mario games sell,. Why? Because people like them. You stand alone and out of the loop. But that's OK. It's you're personal preference.
    In regard to Mario Cart specifically, it is one fun game to play alone or with people, especially if you have children. Totally different audience than Gran Turismo. The in depth comment was not used in relation to Mario. You got that mixed up. However, the Mario side scroll and 3D games are in comparison far more in depth and challenging than "Angry Birds." Sorry that is just the way it is.
    I thought when you said depth you meant actually having a story and having to get into the game to finish it cause you need to get through all sorts of levels vs. this game is fun to play at any time. Most of Mario isn't something you need to get into for long periods of time, you can pick it up and play for a bit, play with others, have fun, but you aren't really getting into some extended play (I'll give you that Mario RPG had a story, but it still was more cheesy/humorous. I still prefer my Square soft RPGs, and even Breath of Fire IV).
    You're guessing what I'm thinking now?
    1. Usually multiplayers require the people run the same system so your scenario wouldn't happen.
    That is why I used "if possible". The precedent for multi platform interplay is being set by Steam with PS3, MAC and PC on Portal 2. Maybe you missed my earlier link.
    2. I prefer solitary games to multi-player games (I will admit I'm not huge into games like Doom or whatever the equivalent is these days. The only shooting games I like are ones with a good story, usually horror story, like Silent Hill). My favorite games have a story that unveils as you play it, usually those are more solitary games. So I don't really care about playing against others..
    That old personal prefrence thing is rearing it's ugly head again. No one cares about what you like.
    3. Which makes sense I am not a huge Nintendo fan, it's great more for social and kiddy games. Sony and Microsoft cater more to my kind of games.
    I took the libertiy to highlight some key items in red. These indicate the "I"ism of your thinking. Never try to make a point in forum relation to yourself. In this case the I's don't have it.

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  • Mochi Hana
    Nov 5, 10:13 AM
    Could you possibly post a link to your wallpaper? It's really pretty. :)

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  • bizfox
    Apr 16, 03:18 AM
    Same as the poster above. Very clear sound...

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  • SupremeTeam
    Nov 3, 01:20 PM
    One of the best bands ever...


    Click on pic for zoom

    how did you get all your symbols, lettering and numbers on your menu bar white?

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  • macidiot
    Aug 7, 07:31 PM
    I submitted this post, but no credit... My submission came up on Macbytes...but no credit there either... :(

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  • benhollberg
    Mar 11, 12:54 PM
    Just curious why you chose Best Buy over the Apple Store?

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  • nickXedge
    Apr 12, 12:22 PM
    Tired of Apple's locked ecosystem

    Switching to Android.

    I travel to China half of the year, I NEED and unlocked phone so that i can pop in my Chinese SIM card when i'm there.

    iPhone is just not for me.

    FU Apple.... so much for Freedom in the US.

    Um. Well, I bolded my favorite parts of what you said. Am I the only one who sees the irony in this post? Tired of a locked ecosystem, and claiming theres no freedom in the US... and then talking about travelling to China... really? You must want to kill yourself while you're in China.

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  • ChrisBrightwell
    Sep 13, 12:30 AM
    Ummm ... macromedia.com ?

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  • SideStepSociety
    May 3, 11:01 PM
    You should attempt downloading the Combo Update from Apple and see if it installs.

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  • TheRealTVGuy
    Mar 14, 09:22 PM
    HA-HA !!!

    We Win!

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  • Trekkie
    Sep 13, 07:17 AM
    Actually I think that all intel macbooks ( including pro) 's airport card is 802.11g and draft N... the problem is that they cant advertise it, because n is still in draft status at IEEE... so you can't really say hey this is an N... because N doesn't really exist as a satandard ( making a standard is a lenghty process takes about 5 to 6 years for the whole process...) if anyone has a draft n wifi router, please try and check the conection speed on you mactel macbook.. would be good to know if this is just a rumor, or if its really a fact.. i know i read it before buying my blackbook.. but alas.. i dont have a n draft router...

    When the Airport Extreme came out it was before G was approved, they later flashed it up to the standard because it was close.

    There are many Pre-N routers out there. All you have to say is 'Pre-N' and you're good to go.

    Jan 5, 12:13 AM
    I don't have any pictures of my iBook, just sent it in for *gasp* logic board replacment! I got a good picture of the monitor though, it was doing some freaky stuff.

    Mar 1, 04:47 PM
    Category: 3rd Party Software
    Link: Adobe launches opensource.adobe.com, releasing a slew of amazing libraries to the C++ open source community. (http://www.macbytes.com/link.php?sid=20050301174709)
    Posted on MacBytes.com (http://www.macbytes.com)

    Approved by Mudbug

    Mar 28, 12:13 PM
    With Lion coming up in the Summer, should Apple offer free upgrades to customers who buy a Mac now? I say that as potential customers could be holding out on purchasing a Mac until the new OSX is released, wouldn't it be better to secure those as customers now and give them the Lion when it's available. I'm keen to get a Mac, I can wait but if I knew I was eligible to get Lion free I'd probably pull the trigger now.

    I know a similar thing was offered to Windows users, a free upgrade to 7 when it was released.

    Mar 9, 09:03 PM
    If he REALLY thinks that "These people" do not help anyone, I invite him to produce his next "film" with his own home made camera (some rich bastard no doubt invented all these nice cameras for his own benefit), build his own theater for showings (Bastard rich multimedia conglomerations!) in the nude (bastard clothiers trying to make a profit from keeping people clothed!) with his own 2 hands (Bastard tool corporations!).

    Let's see these millionaire engineers and industrial designers that make the cameras, home theater equipment (not to mention the factory workers!), and designers/factory workers that make the clothing.

    Why is it, that paying a factory worker $25 an hour with benefits infuriates the hell out of people on this forum up and down, but heaven forbid we try not to reward someone that bankrupts companies with millions of dollars. One is trying to feed their family and the other is trying to put thousands of people out of work.

    If there's one thing I'll never understand, it's why so many poor->low middle class people are conservative. I'll NEVER understand that. It's like you willingly like to shoot yourself in the foot. WTF?!

    I wonder if this is why Fox news is the only TV news network on Dish's cheapest package. Hrmmm!

    Really though, you're giving far, far too much credit to the CEOs and almost no credit to the people that actually do the work. What kind of education does the average CEO have? Usually at best, an MBA, and the successful ones tend to come from Harvard or Yale, but not all. Steve Jobs was a college dropout that loaded up on drugs. He has a company with some of the most talented engineers and designers in the industry that make the products they sell.

    Having someone with common sense and good taste doesn't mean they have to be a 60 gazillion billionaire. What about MS? I've pointed out time and again that if it was banned nationwide for governments to pay for MS site licenses, MS would probably go broke in about a year. They've pretty much finagled their way into making site licenses mandatory for every public institution (backed with lawsuits, audits, and lots of intimidation)

    Nov 17, 05:15 AM
    Quite disturbing, i almost started to cry ;(
    Could be worst. Much worst.

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