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Thursday, May 19, 2011

barbie wallpaper for computer

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  • bartelby
    Apr 21, 11:12 AM
    All you'll do is make people paranoid. Who were those two bastards who voted down rdowns' post?

    I've no idea...

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  • Much Ado
    Jan 9, 01:31 PM
    someone posted the whole thing on youtube

    And don't ever do that again! :eek: :D :mad:

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  • aaronsullivan
    Oct 3, 12:40 PM
    With Apple focusing on smaller amounts of products at a time and with all the potential announcements, I predict record numbers of disappointed rumor fed drooling frenzy folk.

    I love seeing what Apple does with iLife and iWork. I passed on the iWork update last year, I wonder if ol' Steve will convince me this year. I really like iWeb in principle, but we have been juggling computers at home too much to have a good central place for all the pictures and movies... that's due to MacBook intermittent shutdowns... an entirely different issue. Still, we haven't skipped an iLife upgrade since the beginning. We probably won't this year, either.

    The good news (in a way) is that there is tons of room for improvement in iPhoto and iWeb. Maybe that was the plan.

    Ramble, ramble...

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  • Sdevante
    Mar 17, 10:08 AM
    I call shenanigans.

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  • MartiNZ
    Apr 29, 06:20 PM
    I can go to View --> Organize Alphabetically on my SL MBA. Same result. All icons, no categories.

    I've never seen this before, but it's not new to this Lion build.

    I think arrange alphabetically was there in 10.0. It definitely was in 10.3, just checked :).

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  • CaoCao
    Apr 27, 09:31 PM
    What should I be willing to learn? That some people feel with every inch of their being that they were put in the wrong body?

    I fully understand that and I am not about to argue it. I believe they deserve every right any other person is entitled to. I believe they are born this way and it is not a choice.

    So what am I hesitant to "learn"?

    Feral children think they are animals

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  • SirROM
    Sep 12, 01:16 AM
    I had a thought about what would drive people to purchase movies from Apple in droves and totally fsck the other studios, making them BEG the Steve to let them play in his sandbox:

    Disney allows Apple to release movies BEFORE they are released on DVD, similar to what they have done a couple of time with music tracks. Imagine being able to have a copy of the recent Pirates movies a week or two before it can be bought with packaging. If the quality were good enough, people would probably be willing to forgo the packaging itself and pay an "early-adopter" fee of $14.99 just for the bragging rights. The media would be all over this and it would be seen as yet another Apple coup in Hollywood. After all, Walmart and Blockbuster would join Ballmer in throwing chairs because of the money they would start losing when people didn't buy or rent DVDs from them and they couldn't do anything about it for a couple of weeks. "Hey Walmart! Wanna play dirty? I'll show you dirty..."

    I'll bet Steve has some other plan like this or similar in mind so this doesn't come off looking weak and like he lost against the studios.

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  • NebulaClash
    May 2, 08:10 AM
    WTF is so great about 'gestures'? There's nothing quite so miserable as barely bumping the fraking trackpad while typing and causing the text cursor to go flying off somewhere else or any other way of accidentally activating some of these gestures (the more you have the more likely you'll accidentally activate them at some point unintentionally). And while Apple trackpads feel better than many out there, nothing beats a mouse for certain operations, IMO. I'd take a mouse any day over a trackpad. Old fashioned? That's like saying a '65 Mustang with a 4-speed on the floor is old fashioned next to a modern Mitsubishi Lancer with paddle shifters. I'll take the Mustang ANY DAY over that.

    Here is why gestures are great and will win out over mouse and keyboard use for almost all uses: they are a direct action and not an indirect action. We are born with an innate sense of using our fingers to manipulate objects. We have to learn the abstraction concept of a mouse and keyboard, items that come between us and our end product (we put up with it because it is effective and productive for certain purposes, but it's a learned behavior and not innate).

    90% of what we use a mouse for can be better done with gestures. Those uses will absolutely dominate over the next decade, leaving mouse usage for specialized applications only. You cannot bet against anything that works with human ability instead of something that creates an extra abstracted metaphor ("see this device? It controls the pointer on the screen. As you move that device, the pointer will move accordingly") for human ability.

    All you have to do is see how someone reacts once they get used to gestures and then face a system that does not support them. They get frustrated that they have to insert an extra layer of manipulation when all they want to do is point directly with their fingers.

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  • Object-X
    Sep 25, 11:29 AM
    Adobe is almost getting as bad as Microsoft at delivering software. What's up with Darkroom? It's been in beta for over a year, meanwhile Apple has been steadily improving their product. Granted, some might feel that Aperture was so bad it should have been beta, but at least Apple took the chance to innovate in this space.

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  • Surely
    Apr 21, 10:48 PM
    Well, some places limit the ability to downvote for higher level accounts. Like those who have been around or gained a certain amount of reputation. While others have no downvote ability at all.


    I suppose that might work better than allowing anyone and everyone the ability to downvote.

    I still don't think that downvoting is necessary. But I suppose there isn't harm in trying it out to see how it works.

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  • nli10@mac.com
    Jan 9, 04:44 PM
    Here: http://www.apple.com/quicktime/guide/appleevents/

    http://events.apple.com.edgesuite.net/j47d52oo/event/ has less spoiler - first post!

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  • KeriJane
    Apr 9, 08:40 PM
    All the best Rumors have some humor and nonsense!

    This is a RUMOR forum after all. What good is a dry, factual press-release thread in a RUMOR Forum? :p

    But now that the theory of Apple copying Microsoft has been raised (Haha, a fine jest :D) let's see what they might be interested in copying from MS.

    They could copy the Registry! :eek:

    Or maybe Apple could adopt the concept of letting anyone at all, even trained chimpanzees in Zimbabwe toying with an EDGE cellphone, have complete access to all system functions and security features.... MS has had a monopoly on this for far too long.

    Or how about Applications that are expected to embed themselves into the OS?

    If these MS features don't abuse customers enough, perhaps Apple could adopt a paranoid and excessively complicated "Activation" scheme.

    Maybe hire some top MS executives? Preferably an out of shape, middle-aged one that tries to dance and screams a lot. :p

    Have a strange, voodoo-like gathering to proclaim the death of their competitors product like MS did when the Zune was announced?:eek:

    But that's just a very silly alternate universe.

    Win8 is going to have exclusive rights to all of these features and more for the foreseeable future.

    Have Fun,

    PS... Still got the silly giggles from thinking about the upcoming MS App store. :D:p:eek::p

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  • 840quadra
    Nov 24, 03:30 PM
    Yeah you should. You could have gotten it cheaper from Macconnection. No tax, free shipping, free carrying case, free mouse and $100 off. Hmmm :rolleyes:

    Ohh free junk! I only assume that based upon the free stuff I received when I purchased form them in the past. I have also dealt with that company before, and never again! BTW, their price is not immediate, their discount is in the form of a rebate. :rolleyes:

    Tax? Not really an issue for me, I am registered under a non profit org (have been for 3 years now), so because of this I am able to write it off. I just didn't have my paperwork with for me to get the Macbook Tax free today, so I get a $62 rebate from the government in a couple months. ;) .

    So in the end, I saved a $1 over the option you brought up, got it today, and I don't have useless junk to deal with on top of it :) .

    Also free Parallels!

    That is the only thing that interests me from their offer!

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  • Object-X
    Oct 3, 12:48 PM

    I think we'll get a software update of the iLife and iWork suites, a closer look at Leopard and it's new features, and an update to Frontrow for use with iTV. Am I the only one who thought the iTV interface looked less than polished?


    No video iPod, but the iPhone will debut. This will be the BIG announcement. I don't think they would release a new iPod at the same time as the phone, so my money is on an iPhone.

    I expext the quad core Mac Pros too. --prays-- A mid tower or mid priced configuration of the Mac Pro. By mid I mean around $1400 - $1600.

    That's it! Try to keep some perspective. Everytime one of these keynotes is given the rumor mill predicts everything and the kitchen sink, but only a small number of annoucemnets are actually made. So, some standard software updates, a review of Leopard, configuration options for Mac Pros and the BIG iPhone announcement.

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  • sonictonic
    Jul 21, 11:28 AM
    Count me into the group who is sick and tired of hearing about this crap.

    I too love my iPhone 4, it being the best phone I have ever owned, and without a doubt having less dropped calls than my 3GS had. I had a handful of drops on the 3GS fairly often and on the 4 I've only had two since launch day. I'm also in a long distance relationship and we stay on the phone all night every night. I'm not kidding. :o

    I can demo this "issue" but realistically it is not a problem for me. This phone is the best and I'm only slightly bummed that some people may miss out on a fantastic device due to this media hoopla.

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  • jhu
    Oct 29, 08:37 PM
    So then you only consider the BSD license to be free?

    in a sense he's right. with a bsd license, you can really do whatever you want. you can modify the code to your hearts content and release or not release the code. perhaps there's an advertising clause, depending on the bsd license. and that's about it. however, with gpl, if you release the binary, you must release the code upon request.

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  • bmustaf
    Dec 13, 05:07 PM
    I'm not buying it (either in terms of the story, or in terms of a supposed hybrid phone if it does make it to market).

    The baseband chipsets don't exist as mass market components (either in supply or feature set).

    If they did, they'd suck down battery faster than you could keep the damn thing charged. I think it is pretty clear where Apple plays - technology that is applicable, relevant, and usable.

    I don't think 4G is there yet, unless Qualcomm et al are hiding some major hybrid CDMA/LTE chipsets (the LTE-only chipsets themselves are power hogs - why do you think VZW hasn't rolled out handsets, they've limited 4G use to people hooking USB cards into a 3000mAh battery that can feed that 500mAh - 1000mAh draw).

    Battery technology is getting better, and the chipsets are getting better, but not in time for a device in January. Maybe I'll eat crow, but I doubt it. If this happens (and it might), it's not going to be a great device that everyone is expecting (read: keep the 4G radio off and use it as a CDMA iPhone 4) or it's simply not going to exist. It's possible VZW needed a retort to ATT's simultaneous voice & data ploy so they included it to check that off the list and the phone will stick to EVDO for nearly everything...but the EVDO<->LTE carrier handoff isn't transparent (far worse than EDGE<->3G), so that is a usability issue in and of itself that I think Apple would not like.

    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com/2010/12/13/4g-verizon-iphone-to-debut-after-christmas/)

    MacDailyNews reports (http://www.macdailynews.com/index.php/weblog/comments/exclusive_verizons_iphone_rumored_to_be_lte_device_coming_right_after_xmas/) that it has received information from a "source that we believe to be credible" regarding management training for the Verizon iPhone offered by the company last week. According to the report, the Verizon iPhone will launch immediately after Christmas and is in fact an LTE 4G device.The report also claims that the Verizon iPhone is already shipping to Verizon warehouses, and the carrier will maintain control over all stock until launch in order to control information leaks.

    Finally, the source indicates that the iPhone 5 was intended to be LTE-only at its debut next summer, but Steve Jobs and Apple are upset that the carriers are not building out their LTE infrastructure quickly enough to make that happen.

    Verizon's 4G network launched last week (http://www.macrumors.com/2010/12/01/verizons-4g-network-to-launch-next-week-no-handsets-until-mid-2011/) for mobile broadband customers, but the carrier noted that it does not expect to debut 4G-capable handsets until the middle of next year.

    MacDailyNews is not a frequent source of rumors, and has a mixed record on the information it has published in the past. In addition, we are skeptical that Apple had ever seriously planned for the fifth-generation iPhone 5 to be "LTE-only", given that even the most aggressive LTE build-out schedules from the carriers have long planned for it to be several years before their entire networks are upgraded to the standard. In fact, other sources (http://www.macrumors.com/2010/10/11/mid-2011-iphone-to-utilize-dual-mode-gsm-cdma-chip-skip-4g/) have indicated that the fifth-generation iPhone won't support LTE at all, a move which would follow Apple's precedent with not supporting 3G in the original iPhone as it waited for greater availability and more advanced technology for utilizing the standard.

    Consequently, we are publishing this rumor on Page 2 for interest and discussion.

    Article Link: 4G Verizon iPhone to Debut After Christmas? (http://www.macrumors.com/2010/12/13/4g-verizon-iphone-to-debut-after-christmas/)

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  • mmcc
    Mar 29, 06:34 PM
    MMCC, excuse me if I don't buy that gross and volume of your niche has gone down with the introduction of the app store. It seems pretty much impossible that volume sold for products in your niche went down...

    Impossible? How so? I've already said that the freebies are dominating my category. What is hard to understand about that? Before in the Apple Download pages, for example, all apps were listed first in each category by release date. Free or paid, each app enjoyed the top of the listing for a while.

    In the Mac App Store the freebies are staring you in the face on the Category page and you cannot escape it. They have their own top list. They are always there taking possible sales.

    Perhaps your volume went down, but what that most likely tells me is before you were better at marketing your product than competitors, but now given equal footing as others, people are choosing some competitors over you instead.

    Really? I already said I was #1 in the Category for a time. I was #1 for a week back in January. Guess what? No big windfall (year over year comparison it was still well below last year at the same time) and that was within a month of the opening of the Mac App Store when interest is usually highest (at opening of a new store).

    The idea that your whole segment was moving 100000 units before the App store and now are moving 50000 units just seems impossible, unless something else effecting the segment happened. It is not because of the Apple App Store.

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  • MattyMac
    Oct 15, 10:44 PM
    But when have thhey ever announced new products on a wednesday? Except after a long weekend? (C2D iMac) If anything it will be 10/24. (Mac Expo London, and a Tuesday)
    The iPod's 5 year anniversary is that Mon. October 23rd:D

    Apr 21, 12:12 PM
    Exactly.Very inexactly. The Arabs invented 0 some time ago. The system is borked.

    Oct 17, 08:52 AM
    I'd rather see Blu Ray win this. It's clearly the better product on paper.

    However, as history shows us, this doesn't mean it will win :(

    Apple supporting both? I think it's a good option to give the customers - it's us who'll decide... But a hybrid drive will be the best bet.

    Apr 23, 11:46 AM
    Unions ... undermine the free market and are ruining state budgets

    Jan 9, 09:17 AM
    Okay here goes:

    - Movie rentals in HD
    - Updated Apple TV software and new higher capacity drive available. Download/Stream (you watch while still downloading) film straight to Apple TV.
    - DVDs ability to copy over film to mac.

    - Refresh MacBook Pro line - New processors, new keyboard, updated look
    - MacBook Pro small version - A pro line like the 12inch Powerbook was. Flash memory, External CD drive (who needs one anyway?)
    - All with Track Anywhere pads (The traditional trackpad is no more with an invisible pad underneath the surface of the laptop) - you can click anywhere and drag anywhere..and it will ignore palms.

    - No changes to iPod or iPhone hardware
    - Introducing a few new third party apps for the iPhone - Maybe a dictionary, translation tool, wikipedia app.
    - Announce 3rd party sdk - ready to take-away today

    - No changes to MacBook line, although may add the Track Anywhere pad, update processors, screen.

    - No more Mac Mini

    - New cinema displays with iSight and IR (glossy?..hope not!)

    Thats It!

    May 4, 10:54 AM
    A great commercial. As a teacher who is getting 30 ipads for next years students I am super pumped. These truly are the future of education and I can't wait to have my students start using them.


    I've heard stories but DAYUM!!!

    Do you teach at a public, charter or private school. And what grade?

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