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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

black holes in space

black holes in space. Two giant lack holes surprise
  • Two giant lack holes surprise

  • maflynn
    Apr 18, 05:41 AM
    You mean like how Finder is finally adding cut and paste?
    Wow, so the finder is finally giving us, what other OS' had for years. I wonder what the fanboys will say now, after defending this lack of a feature for years.

    I suspect along the lines that apple innovates again and creates a brand new feature :p

    black holes in space. The existence of lack holes
  • The existence of lack holes

  • MacNut
    Apr 27, 09:50 PM
    But couldn't sexual harassment issues also potentially happen with lesbians in the women's bathroom or gay men in the men's bathroom? How come that is not issue?Unless somebody announces that they are gay or lesbian in the bathroom I doubt anyone would notice. If a woman walks into the mens room or vise versa people would notice.

    black holes in space. a supermassive lack hole.
  • a supermassive lack hole.

  • sdugoten
    May 4, 01:11 AM
    You are correct that the way it is setup we pay for access and it has limitations and restrictions. I think the point is this just feels wrong. We have to accept it in the USA because we don't have a lot of choice/options. But in general if I am paying for data then why can't I just use it on what ever device I want? It doesn't make sense from a consumer stand point aside from the fact if you want data (which you are forced to pay for if you get a smart phone) then you have to agree to the wireless company terms.

    From their stand point, I think it is done to limit access while they build out the system. Watch though, once things get built out competition will come in and you will see data $$$ and limitations drop like minutes.

    I don't know, but it seems you guys are paying way more than what I am paying here in Hong Kong.

    Around $50 USD per month, it comes with 3900 minutes voice + unlimited data and free to use on tethering. And we are talking about the speed like this:


    Comptition is good. :D

    black holes in space. M81, Spitzer Space Telescope
  • M81, Spitzer Space Telescope

  • iJohnHenry
    Apr 16, 04:59 PM
    Yikes, another one that doesn't understand the meaning of the word.

    Is your dictionary still in print, and how would I order one?

    black holes in space. lack-hole-paradox 69
  • lack-hole-paradox 69

  • LightSpeed1
    Apr 12, 01:13 AM

    mmmmmmMan, now I have the taste for one.

    black holes in space. Black holes: a sharper view
  • Black holes: a sharper view

  • maflynn
    Apr 12, 06:58 AM
    You get trials. Not actual copies, unless you pay for the license.

    There is a big difference there.

    For the anti-virus, yes, for office no you get the complete version, as well as MS live.

    Depending on where you buy, you actually can get more "full" versions of applications then you do with a mac. I'm not knocking apple or iLife, they're great apps, but you cannot say that a new PC is unusable until you download a lot of apps and such. Dell, HP, etc all come with office and/or other apps. Yeah there's crapware installed and I won't dispute that, but you also get full version apps

    black holes in space. Black Holes
  • Black Holes

  • AhmedFaisal
    Apr 13, 11:23 AM
    His point was remove the TSA security check and only have only armed air marshals. Bringing a gun to a bomb fight is like bringing a knife to a gun fight.

    My point was that the TSA security does provide a buffer to keep terrorists from boarding a plan packed with explosives where an armed masrhal is going to be useless.

    The world we once knew no longer exists, time to get used to it.

    No, my point was to scale it back to what it was before 9/11 and maintain both domestic and international security at the pre 9/11 level of international security.

    black holes in space. Could there be any lack holes
  • Could there be any lack holes

  • Pumpkin King
    Jan 11, 01:51 PM
    I lost my iphone a week ago, so I am really, really hoping for an iphone update. I got a blackjack to tide me over until the release of the next iphone, and I already can't stand it after only one week.

    I'm hoping for the new iphone to include 16gb, 3g (although edge wasn't bad at all) and gps. I'm thinking that with google's new psuedo-gps that may be included with the software update, that true GPS isn't high on Apple's list of things to update. But I tried the google program on my blackjack and it's terrible. I'm not even inside the circle that it says I'm in (having just used my phone, so it should be able to locate me pretty accurately). I want real GPS that I can use for navigation. I don't care about knowing that I'm within one mile of some point. FYI I'm in Chicago, so not like we're talking about BFE.

    I don't know why people think SSDs are going to be an update. I totally don't think that SSDs will be included in Apple products (apart from iphone and ipods) for a long time. Apple's markets are: 1) consumers - where the price of SSDs is still way too high. Plus, you can't load too many home pictures and movies onto a $1,500 64GB SSD anyway. and 2) professionals - mainly working in, film, photography, web design, etc. These guys all require large hard drives. They probably do have large NASs at home, but they may need more space on the road too. I just don't see Apple's markets clamouring for SSD until it becomes both much cheaper and much larger sizes.

    black holes in space. Colossal lack holes common in
  • Colossal lack holes common in

  • aiqw9182
    Mar 28, 02:42 PM
    Before it was sooo.... hard. My wrist still hurts from dragging one single file to the Applications folder. Oh, and I just love having to pay sales tax on the apps. :rolleyes:

    I don't hate the Mac App store, I just don't think it should be a factor in the award. With that said, its Apples award and they can do as they please with it, including making acceptance of onerous terms a prerequisite to compete.
    It's a hell of a lot easier updating your apps and re-installing applications through the Mac App Store than any previous method. You don't have to check every single app on your machine to see if it's updated, nor do you have to go to the developers website if they don't have an automatic updater or even a manual updater.

    black holes in space. Man-made lack holes,
  • Man-made lack holes,

  • Warbrain
    Nov 23, 10:22 PM
    I guess it's just me, but none of the deals seem to be that great. No store has anything that seems to be getting me all excited, so meh, I guess I can sleep in.

    black holes in space. How a Black Hole Works
  • How a Black Hole Works

  • 63dot
    Mar 4, 10:43 PM
    Ironic that a western country with one of the highest levels of unionization, including public sector unions, and all the evil evil socialized stuff such as pensions, healthcare etc. has the highest growth rate, best unemployment rate and most balanced budget. Germany.
    Kinda defeats your argument, fivepoint. Also, considering the level of unionization, Germany has in percentage points double the industrial production jobs that the US does. And all these companies are world leaders in their segments.
    Americans are diluded if they think ultracon vulture capitalism will save them, it is exactly what got them into this mess to begin with.


    What you are talking about is tested true economics where a healthy and well paid workforce lends to a stronger economy. With the large number of workers with income to burn, then the economy circulates monies and has a built in consumer base.

    But take fivepoint's theory, which for a lack of better name, is laissez-faire economics and trickle down theory. On its face it makes sense to put the money into the hands of the educated and rich, and they will re-invest it back into society creating the most bang for the buck and the fastest pace of innovation possible. However, with human nature being that people (even rich people) want to hoard, then what we end up with is a stagnate economy with no turnover. Eight years of George W. Bush and his policies show this to be pretty obvious. Anybody who believes in the old trickle down theory is falling into the trap that it can work.

    I don't think government intervention, to the point of government micromanagement is a good thing, but I don't think the liberals are out to make that their goal. We need to strike a balance where business can operate and make a profit, but at the same time have a government, though limited, who can play more like a referee looking out for the best interests of the people. And it's the people who have the responsibility to vote if they don't like the government that is in place.

    America put in a lot of wet behind the ears tea party republicans, and this two year period is their time to shine while in the House. So far, they appear to be falling on their face. But I will give the GOP a chance and see if they can deliver on their promises and I will be willing to give them credit if they make headway yet fall short. We are in a tough economy.

    But the last thing we need to do in this recession is to blow the horn of trickle down economics knowing it didn't work with 8 years of the GOP recently in the White House, and with a 12 year run mostly in the 1980s which hiked up the deficit and failed miserably in its chief election promise of reducing the national deficit and sustain a long term growth of the economy. Jimmy Carter's spending was the GOP's main talking point and when the GOP made Jimmy look like a miser, then they had to fall on diversion tactics like abortion, family values, and religion when they realized their #1 talking point was a failure in practice.

    With so much confusion as to whether a republican is represented by a pro-business/big corporation plank or more of a small-government plank akin to some tea party politicians, I don't care what the House calls themselves as long as they get results. It's early yet but the GOP has started off this year in the world possible way.

    black holes in space. take us to lack holes,
  • take us to lack holes,

  • Luis
    Jan 11, 10:17 PM
    I still like Engadget better. And after this, It'll probably be only Engadget that I continue to read.

    black holes in space. Black holes don#39;t remember
  • Black holes don#39;t remember

  • JSchwage
    Jan 10, 05:02 PM
    All I know is that if I were running Macworld, Gizmodo would be on my banned list.

    black holes in space. M81: Showing How Black Holes
  • M81: Showing How Black Holes

  • p0intblank
    Oct 10, 09:08 PM
    I love these rumors! Bring on the iPod video! :D

    Zune who?

    black holes in space. Black holes
  • Black holes

  • Prom1
    Sep 8, 12:30 PM
    So much complaints about Kanye West.

    If you've never listened to different artists in the HipHop/Rap world since 1979; you shouldnt comment about a) attitude of a performer (on stage) b) whether or not their performance was appropriate for a musical announcement of a product or service.

    b) is just self explanatory! Musical engagement that announces big artist contractual aggreements of their wares for sale on the iTMS service. Also announcing products that has worldwide appeal to all walks of people and their choices of music!

    a) Hip-Hop arrived in the 1990's, but Rap was around since 1979 (just before RUNDMC) - as a pure content not mixed with funk (Whodini).

    RAP - is a definition of a lifestyle, highly competive, never succumbing to your competition, and always making moves. Somebody mentioned that the audience didnt appreciate nor is West's listenership; of course but them being shocked is mostly at the cursing; which has been around in music since day one - Rap included but not alone.

    I've passed by Lawyers, Doctors, even a Judge (I know because as a youth I got schooled by her) listening to Kanye West, LL Cool J, Queen Latifah. Why? Because it gives them a motivative sense of power, a sense of "I'm above the rest" that most other genre's of music doesnt provide. Rock N Roll comes really close, but from what I've heard, I cannot pick 10 artists/groups in all their albums that brings it like Rap/Hip-Hop.

    Apple has been, well fighting the power since day one! Most people forget that. Think Different may not be Apple's slogan anymore, but its still part of their existence. They dont follow the status quo.

    I enjoyed the first GarageBand announcement, even though I dont prefer the music of god I forgot his name. Still all music artists are creative; except those 1 hit wonders.

    black holes in space. Is It Realy A Black Hole?
  • Is It Realy A Black Hole?

  • OllyW
    Mar 16, 10:49 AM
    What difference does it make if one Android device outsells the iPhone? Many of the features are in the OS, not the hardware.

    Because when he focuses on one device, Apple 'win'.

    black holes in space. Prehistoric Black Hole
  • Prehistoric Black Hole

  • iGary
    Sep 25, 06:27 PM
    I have an experiment for those that say "It runs fine on my <insert computer here>."

    Open up (in full screen mode) a landscape oriented RAW image and:

    1. Use the straightening tool.

    2. Try to rotate it 180.

    3. Use the patch tool.

    Let us know what you find.


    black holes in space. Missing Black Hole Report
  • Missing Black Hole Report

  • pyre
    Jan 15, 01:50 PM
    MBAir is too expensive. I was looking for something from Apple to be around the price point I can get a ThinkPad X61 from Lenovo.

    It's nice that it fits in an envelope, but that just makes me think it could be too easily damaged traveling in a bag everyday (e.g. too thin).

    I like the weight though. It's too bad that Apple couldn't get the MacBooks to be in the weight range.

    I can understand why Apple has it in that price range though. You are paying for the smaller Core 2 Duo and the size. They are eyeing the laptops like the Sony's and the Panasonic's. Those are priced in this range too.

    black holes in space. A lack hole swallows gas
  • A lack hole swallows gas

  • Ugg
    May 4, 04:46 PM
    Which brings me back to my initial reply. A "Firearm" has ZERO possibility of injuring your child, until someone behaves irresponsibly. I am fine with a doctor providing a pamphlet of common household hazards and steps to prevent them, but I get the feeling this is not the case. I can too easily imagine the doctor going off on a tangent about firearms deaths statistics, etc...

    But again, the most important part: If you dont want your doctor "politicing" you, GO TO A NEW DOCTOR. There should NEVER be laws against what you can or can not say.

    Dude, you're clueless.

    I have a severe congenital hearing loss and it's really amazing how parents don't really understand the long term consequences of poor hearing protection.

    Just as in almost all other health matters, the more exposure to loud noises when young, the more likely a child is to end up with a hearing loss as he ages. Some parents do insist on hearing protection when using firearms, but I'm sure there are a lot that don't. Shooting guns without hearing protection is like taking a five year old to a Nascar race. Very, very irresponsible simply based on the noise level.

    I'm sure Dr Choi was speaking of the danger of firearms being discharged by and around children with a lack of supervision, but your tunnel vision when it comes to the health and safety of children is appalling.

    Mar 17, 01:40 AM

    Jan 9, 02:46 PM
    Bleh - don't waste your time waiting or anything. Really, it's not worth it. I was excited, but it's all for nothing unless you want one of the two items that were listed in the ticker.

    Aug 2, 05:00 AM
    Lyra, your tone is condescending. Calling Scandinavian laws "perverted" tells us that you're single minded to begin with and that your points can't be taken seriously.

    I'll still address the point you make about the size of the Scandinavian market. The total population of the Scandinavian countries are 18.9 million. The total population of the USA is 296 million. The size of the Scandinavian market is only 6.4% of the size of the US market, but if Apple pulls out it's still lost income, potentially up to a couple of percent of what Apple makes in the US if you count loss of sales of music and the domino effect that will cause loss of sales of iPods and Macs.

    Of course Apple can survive without the Scandinavian market, but why give up potential profit for nothing except stubbornness?

    It is in your right to feel the word "PERVERTED" is condescending, however you seem to be missing the point. And furthermore, when your country gives Apple a bad rep, just cause you have a law that benefits your greedy idea of harming international companies and getting some money out of them, in this certain case, it happens to be Apple. Were you this engaged to do something when MS broke the law? The international law?

    The fact of the matter is that Scandinavia simply isn't worth this...

    You call it stubbornness when you talk about opening the DRM, which shows you, to be completely delusional when it comest to understanding this matter.

    As one of the posters here mentioned, it would be like unifying the keys to everything you own and hoping no one breaks in, or steals anything from you.

    Do you think ALL those companies would have joined iTunes, if Apple didn't have a good and pretty solid security to present them with? Ultimately it is all about making sure that the items you buy from them are safe and has a copy protection that insures the record labels that they can trust this format.

    So who are you to go up against a phenomenon like iTunes, and these major companies? Do you honestly believe that Apple is the only one who is pushing DRM?

    Try to do something productive instead and fight FOR and not against Apple... If you want iTunes, you have to adjust your selves to their format. It is idiotic to think that because I don't agree with certain companies and how they make their products, I can actually make a difference. Scandinavia doesn't have an impact on anything, you won't be able to change anything.

    It is like someone disagreeing that the off button on SONY TVs remote is on the right side and not the left... If you can adjust and live with all the things other companies do, then why can't you with Apple? No one is forcing you to use iTunes... Better yet, if you don't like it buy the SONY, knock off of the iPods...

    People whining about this simply don't see what is behind all of this. It is like moaning about DVD regional Codes, or copy protection on DVDs in general. Why don't you write to Panasonic or Pioneer and tell them, that you don't like and would fine them for not allowing you to switch regional codes on your DVD burner/player.

    You can tolerate other companies, yet you cannot understand why iTunes HAS to work this way.

    Your post indicates you have an issue with the size of your country. It indicates a certain insecurity, when you actually want to make justify your views on how many people live in Scandinavia and how many there are in New York alone. We are not talking about the 296 million in the entire USA. Canada is excluded in those numbers.

    Why are you people so ungrateful? Why can't you just enjoy what Apple is giving you? Would you rather pirate songs?

    Your laws ARE perverted (meaning they are not fair and serve only greed).
    Just like our laws are perverted in many of our states, yours in your tiny country has a worse effect. After all, you still don't matter in the grand scheme of things...
    And sooner or later, Apple will leave you, then you won't be able to buy anything from iTunes...

    Is that what you want? Then why don't you just vote on it? If it matters so much to you?

    Don't be so naive and think you have any influence over this... You are not just going up against Apple, but the entire band of companies who are backing Apple in this. Try do go up against them... It is as I said, you cannot change the power on/off buttons placement on the remote-control... Or any other silly thing people have a problem with...

    Apart from the conclusion... what do you think is just "kidding"?

    Oh I don't know, just about everything? It is this insecurity thing again isn't it?

    The fewer the people in a nation, the easier it is to say they are the best or the worst in certain things. Get it?

    10 people loved the new Godzilla movie (People loved this movie and this might be the next best thing to sliced bread)

    1.000.000 people hated the new Godzilla movie (People hated this movie and is considered to be a major flop)

    Apr 8, 06:29 PM
    You do know that BBY is their ticker symbol, right? Same reason the "stock holders" here say AAPL instead of Apple. Its not exactly top secret info.

    Sure, but the point had more to do with use of internal acronyms outside of internal Best Buy world. I found it amusing that he suggested that there was no way I could be a Best Buy employee because I wrote BB instead of BBY which is indeed used quite often internally. I don't generally associate it firsthand with the stock, and I don't expect people to have knowledge of Best Buys stock ticker generally, even on an Apple forum. You say BBY to 1000 people and the few that will recognize it will either be former/current Best Buy employees and/or tech-stock enthusiasts.

    Sep 12, 08:17 AM
    Very sweet! :D I love waking up to surprises like this. Notice Apple says the iTunes Store is being updated, rather than the iTunes Music Store? I know this is obvious, but I just thought I'd point it out.

    Gah, I can't wait until 1:00 EST!

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