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Saturday, May 14, 2011

calendar 2010 april

calendar 2010 april. cole calendar 2010 april.
  • cole calendar 2010 april.

  • Chundles
    Sep 12, 01:15 AM
    I really don't care anymore...tomorrow will probably follow a familiar formula - some disappointments, some bullseyes.

    This is what I want after seeing the infamous "cube with a handle" patent that surfaced earlier this week:

    That's just a continuation of the old cube patents - keeps anyone from copying Apple. The old cube had a handle too you know.

    calendar 2010 april. printable april calendar 2010.
  • printable april calendar 2010.

  • Hellhammer
    Apr 22, 07:31 AM
    All seems rather silly to me.

    Over the years, there must have been 85 threads on some type of reputation/like/thanks system and it's always been shot down (thankfully). What changed?

    Remember that this is just a test. Maybe Arn and others want to try it out and see how it works. In the future they can then say that it was tried but it didn't work out that well.

    calendar 2010 april. April 2010 calendar
  • April 2010 calendar

  • Winni
    Mar 9, 06:39 AM
    [QUOTE=Melrose;12072103They didn't make the first portable music player with the iPod - but they refined what was there, gave it a good interface[/QUOTE]

    The Click Wheel interface was/is an abomination and exactly the opposite of a "good" interface. It's a horrible mess. The only usable iPod is the iPod Touch.

    calendar 2010 april. Katrina Kaif 2010
  • Katrina Kaif 2010

  • sarper
    Apr 26, 12:37 AM
    As a developer, this will be pain in the ass!

    Retina Displays have exactly the double number of pixels with the same resolution, having a second resolution is a giant step to gain one of the crappiest features of Android. I really doubt Apple would do that.

    What if this isn't a bigger screen but a smaller device with the same screen on it? Hmm..

    calendar 2010 april. 2010-april-monthly-calendar-
  • 2010-april-monthly-calendar-

  • pmz
    May 2, 01:43 PM
    I find it hilarious that Steve Jobs claimed Apple was not tracking users, but now all of a sudden we find Location tracking being completely removed from this version of iOS, that is honestly something that annoyes me..

    It should annoy you, and everyone, because its a ridiculous shell game. Smart people know this, but smart people aren't the majority on blogs.

    calendar 2010 april. Katrina Kaif Calendar 2010
  • Katrina Kaif Calendar 2010

  • MacRumors
    Sep 25, 10:57 AM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com)

    Apple held their Photokina Media Event (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/09/20060914090209.shtml) today and announced Aperture 1.5.

    Aperture 1.5 provides more iLife inegration, plug-in support for Internet services, and advanced library and editing features. An early summary of features are listed:

    • More flexible use of storage. Photos on DVDs and other storage.
    • Offline media can be "edited"
    • iLife, iDVD, iWork, Keynote integration<
    • Plug-in API offered. Plug Ins for Gettyimages, iStockPhoto, and Flickr available, with more coming
    • New Loupe, Magnification no longer tied to specific settings/steps.
    •*Loupe shows color information
    • Improved Meta-data support, allowing meta data assigned to several images.
    • XMP format is supported
    • Better sharpening tool
    • New full-screen comparison mode for several images at once
    • iPod/iTunes integration. Transfer photos to your iPod

    It is a free update to existing Aperture owners and should be available later this week.

    Please keep discussion on topic. If you are disappointed with the media event for lack of other announcements, discuss it in the Media Event thread (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/09/20060925104838.shtml). Otherwise, this thread is for Aperture

    calendar 2010 april. of the April 2010 Calendar
  • of the April 2010 Calendar

  • KingYaba
    Aug 7, 03:08 PM
    Yeah and refurb lcs are even cheaper 599 for the 20" 849 for the 23" and its like 1699 for the 30"

    Even more so with EDU discount (as stated above me)

    calendar 2010 april. Hot april calendar cheryl
  • Hot april calendar cheryl

  • micahR
    Nov 8, 02:10 PM
    I was on multiplayer earlier, you'd be surprised at how many thousands of people are already on it, via pre-orders I assume and different timezones judging by the different accents people had.

    So just change the timezone and you are golden. :)

    calendar 2010 april. Cheryl+cole+calendar+2010+
  • Cheryl+cole+calendar+2010+

  • Reach9
    Mar 17, 10:28 PM
    Wow, so so jealous? Well, we'll be able to laugh at them when the iPhone 5 comes around as well.

    Best thing to do is to ignore these people.

    calendar 2010 april. cheryl cole calendar 2010
  • cheryl cole calendar 2010

  • jakaj
    Oct 28, 03:19 PM
    I don't blame Apple. The OSS community abused what they had and turned to piracy by stealing the GUI. Kudos Apple.

    Now that's a stupid thing to say. The OSS community doesnt steal the GUI, the warez community does. And those two really don't overlap much.

    It is true, though, that everyone might use the work of the OSS community, even for illegal purposes.

    calendar 2010 april. april 2010 astrology calendar
  • april 2010 astrology calendar

  • darkplanets
    Apr 17, 04:18 PM
    What security problem?

    You know what kills more Americans than terrorism every year? Peanut allergies. Swimming pools. Deer running in front of cars.

    Pat downs, body scanners, and TSA in generally are about "security theater." The government puts on a big show so the poor little sheep who are afraid of the big bad muslim wolves feel better.

    So how about we all stop letting politicians play on our fears, stop feeding money to the contractors who design useless crap like body scanners and stop giving up constitutional rights all in the name of preventing a "danger" that's significantly less likely to kill you than a lightning strike.

    That's exactly my point -- if you profile, not only do you not need all that equipment, but security could arguable be better than the current system which has well documented relapses and issues associated with it.

    calendar 2010 april. printable april calendar 2010.
  • printable april calendar 2010.

  • quagmire
    Jul 27, 11:25 AM
    Chevrolet announced the Volt will be priced at $41,000 before tax credits. You can choose to lease it for $350/month.


    calendar 2010 april. 2010-april-monthly-calendar-
  • 2010-april-monthly-calendar-

  • ghostface147
    Apr 15, 04:48 PM
    I am more curious how the labels are going to try to renegotiate contracts with Apple once Steve moves on.

    I am not too sure Tim Cook or anyone of his pay grade is as tough as Steve is when it comes to these label execs.

    calendar 2010 april. 2010-april-monthly-calendar-
  • 2010-april-monthly-calendar-

  • fxtech
    Mar 29, 05:09 PM
    I don't have much confidence in developers who eschew the App Store for their applications anyways, as in almost all cases it is a bad business move. I appreciate the business savvy of developers and companies who realize what a real advantage the app store model is, especially if you have a strong product.

    That's pretty narrow minded of you. We sell a successful product for $1000 that uses an advanced licensing system for large facilities to "float" licenses between machines. The "App Store model" would be a horrible move for both us and our customers. Fortunately, since the people who need our tools already know about them (and would likely never turn to the app store to find such tools anyway), this isn't a big deal.

    calendar 2010 april. march april 2010 calendar.
  • march april 2010 calendar.

  • SideStepSociety
    Apr 29, 04:19 PM

    EDIT: How do I make this look bigger? ^ this?

    System Preferences sorted alphabetically has been around for awhile now. If I recall correctly, I think I even remember it in Tiger. Not sure about anything before that.

    calendar 2010 april. blank april 2010 calendar.
  • blank april 2010 calendar.

  • twoodcc
    Nov 16, 01:12 PM
    i just don't see this happening. Intel has better performance, especially in notebooks (correct me if i'm wrong)

    calendar 2010 april. TAGS: april calendar 2010
  • TAGS: april calendar 2010

  • lotones
    Apr 30, 01:35 PM
    btw- does anyone know why the current version is named Windows 7? Why 7?

    Because it took them 7 years to get it right.

    calendar 2010 april. their 2010 calendar
  • their 2010 calendar

  • RedTomato
    Mar 29, 02:59 AM
    I'm impressed - it seems the police are really on the case here. Would never happen here in London :(

    Congrats to you, seems you're gonna see some action soon.

    calendar 2010 april. Kalamandir calendar 2010 March
  • Kalamandir calendar 2010 March

  • Sport73
    Sep 12, 08:43 AM
    My predictions:

    1. iTunes Movie Store with Disney and Lion's Gate. Pixar film "Cars" available for download immediately ahead of DVD release! Movies are DVD quality, and cost $14.99 including a version playable on your iPod.

    2. New iPods. Wide-screen iPod with 720x480 resolution, perfect for wide-screen DVD quality movies. Touch interface. New Nano's, all-metal casing, 4 colors, up to 8GB. All available starting today.

    3. One more thing...Watching TV & Movies on the road is great, but where most people enjoy these things is on TV. New device. Streams movies to your TV from your Mac. Front Row interface, HDMI output, Apple remote. Also, Front Row 2.0. Not a WiFi device. Uses dedicated spectrum for quality. (8MB embedded Flash RAM cache allows films to stream uninterupted). New features, including movie and music purchases within the interface. Available for download today so you can upgrade your Home Theater Mac Mini.

    Oct 3, 12:32 PM
    iTV, Leopard Details, iWork/iLife updates, Laptop updates? iPod true video? (iPhone yeah right)

    That seems like a lot of stuff for just one keynote. He better release that iPod video before the holidays, Market analysts are switching from Buy to Hold because of Apples poor holiday line-up. The stock has gone down about 4% in the past 2 days! that may not concern most of you, but it concerns me damnit!

    Also, i want to buy new goodies!

    iTV is a definite. Whether or not it's available then, at the very least the final feature set will be specified. As part of that, Apple will probably announce all Macs are updated with 802.11n (already rumored to be the case for iMacs).

    I would also rate the iPhone a very high probability. Apple is not stupid and they have to strike now while the iron is hot and the iPod is still at the top of its game. Music phones by SonyEricsson, LG, Samsung, Motorola, etc. may not have made a dent in iPod sales yet, but they are bound to once they improve the crappy media player software and increase capacity (and affordable 2 GB micro/mini SD flash cards are already available).

    If Apple is able to deliver an iPhone by early I predict it will sweep aside all competitors (LG Chocolate, SonyEricsson Walkman phone, etc.), and also start taking large chunks of market share of "cool" fashionista-oriented phones like RAZR and Sidekick. Not because Apple is competing on features with the RAZR or Sidekick, but rather because it will become the new "cool" phone, and most people only own one phone, after all.

    If the iPhone did as well as the RAZR, it would be amazing! I really hope that happens, but personally, i hate the RAZR, not just because Everybody and their 12 year old daughter have one, but because i just don't like the design and small outside screen, although i love the huge inside screen.
    Anyway, I agree that they should release the iPhone asap to tap into the MP3 playing phone market which is HUGE right now! (RAZR with media just released, LG Chololate, seems like every phone has mp3 capabilities which everyone wants, but then they get the phone and realize the capabilities SUCK on their phone.

    I'd switch to cingular just for the iPhone.

    Apr 8, 06:42 PM
    Once I went to Best Buy to get a toslink cable with a mini plug end for my macbook. The employee in the department asked if I needed help. I responded that I need a toslink cable with a miniplug end rather than the regular. The employee in charge of the cable section had never heard of such a thing. I described it but the employee had this look that suggested I was confused. LOL

    Local retail would be worth a little extra cost if employees were actually trained to be knowledgable in the products. That would require paying decent wages to knowledgable staff. Sadly the retail outlets like to charge more and pay minimum wage to people who are expected to know the location of items on shelves and that's it. Most of the employees in Best Buy that I've encountered could have been replaced with grocery store clerks and the service would be the same. I'm not insulting the workers. Just pointing out the expectations of the clerks in these places. And of course if you want employees to be interested in the product line more, they should be paid more.

    They're supposed to be trained. There's a fairly expansive, albeit oftentimes overly general website focused solely on training employees for their given departments tech needs. They're supposed to be required courses. I had to go through quite a bit of testing and had to do a lot of training courses (despite not really needing them) before I got a blue shirt. Too bad I actually preferred the white shirt of the "in training" new employee. I guess I don't really like the stigma attached to the blue shirt...I honestly felt demoted when I got it.

    Apr 16, 07:32 AM
    I am just rotate the orientation of the third image and the view is different and you can see that the text and the logo is just in a perfect place and no distortion as being mentioned earlier.. this is due to the actual orientation and the camera lens that being use to capture it.. perspective create a distortion that sometimes our eyes can be dupe with...

    Sep 12, 07:31 AM
    Its cominggggg........

    Chip NoVaMac
    Mar 9, 11:39 PM
    That's a bit of a superficial hypothesis you got. The majority of computers in the world are still Microsoft based. Perhaps businesses are switching to Apple but for now, the world is not at all run by Apple. Not even close. Once Steve controls the market like Bill and becomes half as rich as he is, we may consider talking. You need more experience in life son, as one person said, turn off your Apple product and look outside your window, there's life that doesn't breath Apple.

    No the world is not run by Apple; and despite some folks claims Apple I don't think wants to be the next Microsoft either.... it does want to own a comfortable niche however...

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