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Saturday, May 14, 2011

credit card machine for small business

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  • LegendKillerUK
    Apr 11, 01:01 PM
    I don't understand - you can't "add" 3GS, because 3GS is not a data network. 2G and 3G is� the S in the iPhone 3Gs simply stood for "speed", because it was faster than the iPhone 3G.

    "the 3GS also adds support for 7.2 Mbit/s HSDPA allowing faster downlink speeds"


    Technically he's right.

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  • NY Guitarist
    Apr 6, 09:54 PM
    Apple should forget intel and put a quad-core A6 chip in the MacBook Air. Re-architecture Mac OS to run on ARM (OS Xi) and rule the world.

    I think this is a very smart direction to be going.

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  • Lord Blackadder
    Nov 28, 09:49 PM
    It would be a nice idea.

    Nice. idea. For whom, you greedy scum? :mad:

    **** them and their greed. I shall say no more.

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  • bibbz
    Jun 14, 06:02 PM
    I will try to hang close to my computer for any questions.

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  • relimw
    Sep 13, 11:13 AM
    Do you mean like how BeOS did things?
    Sorry, never played with BeOS so I don't know how they did it :)

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  • b166er
    Apr 7, 10:39 PM
    It's psychology, man. big companies use it against us every day. I have worked in retail a long time, and I see this all the time with high demand products. Dollars to doughnuts apple has a stock pile of iPads and they are just letting so many thousand slip out at a time. Hype generates massive amounts of free press and profits at no cost to the company making the product.

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  • Full of Win
    Apr 11, 11:40 AM
    If true, this means that Apple has raised the white flag and accepted the defeat that Android has given to them. Not caring about the power of the hardware relative to others in the marketplace is a hallmark of a niche ecosystem.

    Welcome to obscurity Apple - Population You

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  • blahblah100
    Apr 27, 09:46 AM
    There aren't any concerns, but since the media hyped this up so much, they had to address it. Now they have. Should be the end of the story. But it won't be since there are anti-Apple folks who will push to keep this story alive as long as they can until the next Apple-gate story gets created.

    And I'm sure when the next Apple-gate story gets created, the blind fanbois will jump to their defense. :rolleyes:

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  • Sydde
    Mar 20, 06:56 PM
    But they have worked so hard, all these decades, to diminish the "one man, one vote" to something much less than that.

    Well, you see, it is not about the one-man-one-vote thing. That works just fine. You just have to make sure you keep the wrong men from voting.

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  • iliketyla
    Mar 31, 07:05 PM
    Precisely. I've been using HTC Android phones concurrently with my iPhones since I have multiple lines. I happen to like both platforms.

    What the Android haters here fail to realize, is that they cannot act like adults and say I like this about my iPhone far better than Android.

    Nooooo. They've got to preface it with something derogatory like "crappy Android" or worse. It shows their immaturity and inability to act intelligent. They reduce themselves to childish dolts. Idiots at best.

    Maybe we can start a trend here!

    As a former iPhone user who switched to Android and has been happy ever since, I will say that I was very happy with my iPhone, but my Android phone offers features that I couldn't imagine living without now.

    Both iOS and Android are very nice operating systems, with their own strengths and weaknesses.

    For me, Android works.

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  • skunk
    Mar 22, 07:59 PM
    Probably, but it was certainly orchestrated to look anything but. Sarkozy was very obliging in shooting his mouth off, as was Cameron. It may have just been luck, but if so it was a remarkable piece of luck to have 4 submarines, a flagship-capable surface ship and all necessary support in the right place at the right time. These things don't travel very fast.

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  • fullmanfullninj
    Apr 8, 02:33 AM
    I think what they're saying is it costs Best Buy (and I guess other resellers) $90 for each AppleTV unit they order in - and they sell it for Apple's set price of $99, meaning they make a measly $9 profit from the sale of one unit. They didn't mean that they are selling the unit to the consumer themselves for $90.

    Edit. Original poster replied saying the exact same thing

    Hm, I see what you're saying. I will have to double check for iPad sales. As far as I know, however, they do not contribute toward meeting daily budgets.

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  • MrCrowbar
    Aug 27, 04:26 PM
    I have a few friends who own PC laptops with glossy screens and all of them have keyboards imprinted on their screens! I cannot say from experience if this happens with the MacBooks but i'd rather not risk it....

    I've seen tons of laptops with the keyboard marks on the screen among powerbooks and the expensive Sony things. And those were all matte screens. My glossy Macbook screen is still as it was when I bought it (2 or 3 days after they were announced). The keyboard is a bit lower than on most laptops, so the re's quite some space between the keys and the screen whan it's closed. Unless you have a thick layer of chocklate/peanut butter/anal lube etc.. on your Keyboard, your screen is fine.

    As opposed to Multimedia, I don't use foam barriers at all. Those things actually touch your screen, so if you have any dirt on the foam barrier, it's likely to scratch the screen if it moves. I like to bang my laptop lid like a car door and the Macbookhas this nice smooth sound when closeing (gotta love the magnetic latch). :-)

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  • -SD-
    Aug 17, 02:44 PM
    According to Sony's Gamecom press conference, GT5 is coming to Europe on Wednesday 3rd November (http://www.joystiq.com/2010/08/17/gran-turismo-5-arriving-in-europe-on-november-3/), the day after its US release.


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  • wpotere
    Apr 27, 12:59 PM
    Would you call someone a moderate when he would leave a baby alone in a room to die after the baby had survived an abortion? Most people here already know that I'm against the stimulus and against "gay" rights. As for the stimulus packages, Ford just reported a profit, and that company refused the stimulus money. If a company is going to fail let it do that. Let it take responsibility for its own blunders. Don't let a codependent government rescue it.

    You do realize that Bush started that right? As for Ford, their European division saved their butts and the jobs lost would have made the recession a lot worse. Yeah, good idea, let it all fail. Maybe we should let the government fail as well eh? They seem to be having monetary issues now.

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  • Deefuzz
    Aug 11, 08:20 PM
    Using TimeMachine, Steve is going to release it two years ago.

    LOL...the gem of the thread! Thanks for the laugh :D

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  • citizenzen
    Mar 22, 09:39 PM
    The UK and the US have put a freeze on Qaddafi assets three weeks ago.

    One small step for man ...

    Not resorting to war.

    One giant leap for mankind.

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  • kretzy
    Jul 27, 10:25 AM
    Lovely! :)

    This time next year I'll be in possession of a flawless Core 2 Duo, Rev C/D MBP, with Leopard. Hopefully

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  • ten-oak-druid
    Mar 22, 04:19 PM
    Competition is good.

    Make a case for your argument.

    Apr 8, 07:37 AM
    It keeps people coming back day after day.

    Yep. And maybe a little... "We don't have the iPad 2 in but let me show you this Xoom we do have in stock." Unknowing Mom or Pop fall for it.

    Ta-Da! Manager meets Xoom sell totals and iPad 2's as well.

    Mar 26, 04:49 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    This might explain the shambles that is 10.6.7.

    Last release before Lion - semi-brick your machine to force an upgrade.

    iOS 4.3, last release before iPhone 5 - murder your battery to force an upgrade.

    You've guessed it, I'm not very happy with Apple at the moment. So which is it; underhand tactics, sloppy Q&A or declining standards?

    Apr 25, 02:12 PM
    Its none of your business what things I'm involved in and want hidden. Its my right to privacy so back off.

    That's why the information is stored locally and can't be accessed by third parties. The information IS private. Unless a device of yours is stolen, in which case almost anything can be done or accessed.

    Jul 24, 05:40 PM
    Next Spring??? Can you please point me to the source of that information.
    I don't know. Almost-two-years seems like enough time :p

    ("coming in the spring" would mean spring-2007, since we're in summer 2006 right now. "next spring" means the one after that - spring-2008.)

    Cheffy Dave
    Apr 6, 11:31 AM
    ULV CPUs (17W) will go to 11.6". The TDP of 320M is not known but 9400M has TDP of 12W so it is quite safe to assume that the TDP is similar to that. That means current 11.6" MBA has TDP of 22W (includes CPU, GPU, chipset) while SB 11.6" MBA would have a TDP of 21W (17W for the CPU and ~4W for the PCH).

    13" will go with LV CPUs (25W). Again, currently it has 17W for the CPU and 12W for 320M. That's 29W. 25W CPU and ~4W for PCH gives you the same 29W.

    11.6" - Core i5-2537M (option for Core i7-2657M)
    13.3" - Core i7-2629M (option for Core i7-2649M)

    Thanks HH for those stats!:cool:

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