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Sunday, May 22, 2011

cute love quotes images

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  • someguy
    Nov 12, 09:34 AM
    Gee, you weren't laughing while you wrote this, were you? So pushy and heavy-handed while preaching us to "Lighten up," it is so... American :p
    I didn't mean to come off as pushy, and certainly was not trying to "preach" you. All I'm saying is everyone wants the world to get over racial and cultural differences so we can all get alone, but the only options are to completely ignore them, or accept them in a positive way, and it's not possible to just ignore peoples differences.

    Accept that people are different in a positive way, by using humor. If you can't accept when people find our differences humorous, then it is your problem, not ours.

    So, like I said before, yes it is funny when he says "iRife". :D

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  • davidjearly
    Dec 22, 07:20 AM
    You seem to have all the time in the world to come in here and point out how "pathetic" we all are. Really nice of you btw, thanks.

    1. I said I had "limited" time to discuss the idea behind the campaign. Limited is the key word. Note, I've not spent significantly more time discussing it than you or others in the thread. I enjoy discussing the idea behind things, trying to get to understand the logic involved. I apologise for expressing an opposing view to the OP. Obviously I have misunderstood the whole concept of a discussion forum.

    2. Like another poster above who seems to have incorrectly comprehended my earlier post, I described the campaign as "pathetic". At no point did I describe you, or any other individual as pathetic. There was no personal insults so lets avoid making stuff up, ok?

    Call people "pathetic" all you want.

    See point 2 above.

    I think it's pretty laughable how you've clearly been far more put out by it's very existence than any of those who took part were.

    I haven't actually. Again, you seem to be making stuff up. I already explained how I haven't been out out by this at all. I just thought that the whole campaign was totally pointless, and still do.

    People seem to be looking in to what was supposed to be a simple bit of fun/rebellion too much. No one cares what record label people are with. It wasn't an attack on labels or the music industry. The point was simple, to have something the complete opposite of X Factor at number 1. We did it, quickly and simply, with minimal fuss, and all from the comfort of sitting in front of our own computers.

    If it has made you all feel as though you have more power now to get things done then that's great. I'm really really pleased for you.

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  • diamond.g
    Apr 19, 11:08 AM
    iOS Expose could be an improvement to multitasking, maybe they need to wait for the A5 to have the power to make it work.

    64GB should have happened a long time ago imo.

    If the Palm Pre can do it with crappy hardware, and have live previews, Apple should be able to do the same...

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  • madina
    Nov 10, 02:59 PM
    I don't believe I'd use this for payment. Well not if I had my debit card on me.
    RFID Maybe useful for locating the device if it was stolen. Please Apple, can you render these small & expensive mobile devices useless if they are stolen?! It would deter thieves!

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  • MontyZ
    Jun 3, 02:53 AM
    So you were seriously interseted in a widget about folding laundry? :p :D ;)
    Hell yea!!

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  • barkmonster
    Sep 14, 09:01 AM
    If your Mac is slower than a PC for any reason on the same application it is because the software hasn't been optimized for the Mac. Write the software developer before you complain about the Mac speed. Get them to develop for Altivec. It makes a world of difference.

    No chance.

    Most applications that can take advantage of Altivec already do, there's a lot of processes that can't benefit from Altivec at all and that's where the G4 is getting beaten senseless.

    Even Altivec itself is crippled by the bus speed.

    The G4 achieves 1.3Gb/s on the dual 1Ghz G4 with the 167Mhz Front Side Bus.

    Remembering that there's 8 bits in a byte and memory is 64 bit the Mb/s of the FSB works out as follows :

    (100 / 3) x 5 = 166.666 this is just the precise way of calculating the bus speed

    64 bit / 8 = 8 bytes

    8 x 166.666Mhz = 1.333 GB/s

    Remembering that 1.3Gb/s is the most the system controller can transfere to either CPU, altivec is hardly getting any of the juice it needs at all with the current G4 design.

    Assuming we're still talking about that dual Ghz G4, Altvec works out like this :

    (128 / 8) x 1000Mhz = 15.625 Gb/s

    It's only getting a measly 1.3Gb/s, hardly what it needs.

    Plus both CPUs and both Altivec units have to share the same 167Mhz FSB to transfere data to and from main memory.

    Even though the L2 and L3 cache have a lot to play in getting around the FSB bottleneck, that's 1.3Gb/s of bandwidth shared between cpus and SiMD units that require a total of 33.85Mb/s.

    If you're working on data that's less than 256K it fits in the L2 cache and there's no bottleneck, anything bigger than that and it's either got to fit in the L3 which is half the required bandwidth or it's coming from main system memory with that tiny 1.3Mb/s of bandwidth.

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  • Vitruviux
    Apr 6, 03:33 PM
    Used to hate the 30pin dock connector till I realized how much it combines.

    I love the inclusion of USB3.0.

    I just hope the old dock ports/cables will be backwards compatible, I've got so many dock cables.

    Also hope Apple will also release something like this to comply with the EU standards...


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  • lord patton
    Nov 14, 01:03 PM
    With their proprietary dock connector becoming ubiquitous in cars and airplanes, it's only a matter of time before the government uses anti-trust law to crack down on Apple. Not because they really believe iPod dominance threatens the "public good" (whatever that is), but because it will be a way to extort protection money from Apple (i.e. campaign contributions) and sell government services (regulatory predation) to their competitors.


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  • KnightWRX
    Apr 22, 07:08 PM
    It's a fake, that is clearly a Simson or maybe a Schwalbe, but definitely not an MZ.
    I have to ask GGJstudios though, he claims to know mopeds.

    :confused: You're only making it sad.

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  • katie ta achoo
    Sep 24, 05:29 PM
    I also agree-- the shinza one.

    it looks a little more protective. :)

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  • Jeffx342
    Sep 13, 09:35 PM
    I know Steve has some kind of plane to take on the Pentium world hes a smart guy especially if he got this far.

    I have 2 Pc's yes still no mac....

    Comp 1: P3 700Mhz w/ 256mgs, Geforce 2

    Comp 2: p4 2.4 Ghz w/ 512mgs, Geforce 3

    Let me tell you I was so excited about the "new Pentium 4 Processor" when it came out. To tell you the truth there is not a whole lot difference between Pentium 3 700Mhz, and Pentium 4 2.4Ghz. I was actually dispointed because everybody made such a big deal about it. The Mhz numbers looked nice on p4 but I waisted my money!

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  • AdamBOh3
    Mar 24, 01:22 PM
    that's great. now delta force can each carry 5 iphones - one for each task!! and 5 chargers for each phone after they last 10 minutes on the app - in addition to their 70lbs of gear. :D


    The kit for Navy SEALS would consist of divingshorts, sunglasses, hair gel, and an iPHONE holder (tactical iPHONE optional).

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  • Doctor Q
    Mar 22, 10:40 AM
    They're too big to go into a pocket..., they can't be shared around like books, they'll need recharging if they're used heavily. The ipad is a lot of things, sure, but there's lots of things it isn't, too.
    Can't fit in a pocket... that's an advantage for schools like the middle school I help, because they can't "walk off" with a student. We currently use carts with Mac laptops. They charge up while in the cart, then get handed out to students for a group project. If they were iPads they would take less space in a crowded classroom and boot up faster. I hope they would be as durable. They don't need to be shared like books. Each student would have one, but if two students had to share one it would be big enough for that too. And we'd save money over replacing the laptops with newer laptops as they age.

    First-issue iPads would be fine for group projects that involve access to websites (without Flash) and word processing, but with suitable new applications I hope clever teachers would be able to find even more useful educational activities for their students. And I know the students would be enthusiastic about using them.

    When we first started replacing chalkboards with digital whiteboards, some people thought it was a solution looking for a problem, but soon teachers found how to use the new potential to do much more than they could with an old-fashioned board. Despite the doubts of some posters above, I think schools like ours will have good uses for iPads (or their marketplace competitors) as educators experiment and innovate.

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  • SPEEDwithJJ
    Oct 7, 01:31 AM
    i dont know if it was posted yet but god please put out an iphone with a physical keyboard.

    IMHO, adding a physical keyboard will most likely add thickness to the iPhone device & that goes against what Apple are doing. I could be wrong but it seems that one of Apple's main design focus has been to get thinner & thinner with each new revision of the product line. Therefore, I think that Apple will "unfortunately" not be adding a physical keyboard to the iPhone design anytime in the near future. :o

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  • bluedevil14
    Nov 14, 07:41 PM
    its a great idea all around

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  • 63dot
    Apr 2, 04:56 AM
    I paid $4.19 for the cheap stuff but I didn't see the prices posted anywhere.

    Heck, what can you expect from a small rural town with few signs for anything? But I expected something above four bucks and on its way to $4.50 a gallon for regular unleaded.

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  • Macky-Mac
    Apr 14, 04:17 PM
    ....Anyways, if you don't want to sell something to somebody for WHATEVER reason, no matter how ridiculous, shouldn't that be your right?

    inevitably your right to do "whatever" starts to be limited when your actions infringe on somebody else's rights or cause harm to others.

    In any event, federal/state/local governments all have the right to regulate commerce so your "rights" when it comes to operating a business are already limited and regulated

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  • MartiNZ
    Apr 17, 08:55 PM
    Pretty exciting - I just noticed Word 2011 now supports scrolling from the background! Awesome seeing as how they reckoned they had intentionally disabled that at release.

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  • DakotaGuy
    Aug 2, 09:44 PM
    I wonder if you could hack a 3G microcell to do this entirely in software.

    I don't know it could be possible. I know there are a lot more GSM fans on this message board, but that is one advantage of the CDMA network. It is much more secure when it comes to things like hacking. I do believe the newer WCDMA 3G (UMTS) is secure as well, but if you can throw in noise to bump the network back to 2G EDGE then it appears you can hack in without any issues.

    Apr 12, 03:19 PM
    That's enough reason for me not to buy it. I have NEVER met anyone who is completely happy with the user experience of the office package.

    Do you mean you have actually met people that are totally happy. Really dam your lucky I have never met people in all my life that did not bitch about everything...take your pick they hate something of it even their own kids. :rolleyes:

    Feb 19, 05:26 PM
    If it is so insecure, why haven't we heard of all the peoplebeing ripped off where it's used quite extensively?

    So with our media do you believe that you hear everything that goes on?

    Aug 19, 10:52 AM
    Why is everyone ragging on Facebook for this?

    It's not as if they invented it.

    Foursquare, Loopt and Gowalla have had these types of apps for many many months.

    because it's turned on by default. it should be off by default (IMO) and then turned on as an option. many people aren't aware that Facebook's new "features" are almost always on when rolled out.

    Apr 30, 04:30 PM
    have the keys been sent out?

    Nov 11, 12:02 PM
    *****urei shimashita! :o

    ENOUGH! We'll have no more of THAT language 'round here, young lady!

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