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Sunday, May 8, 2011

depreciation schedule

depreciation schedule. Depreciation Table
  • Depreciation Table

  • Bill McEnaney
    Mar 3, 03:21 AM
    But you ARE trying to control others Bill. It's quite obvious. There are no negative consequences inherent to being gay. I'm a 43 year old man, and quite happy. The only negative consequences I've suffered have been at the hands of people like you, who think you know how everyone should live and try to force your beliefs on us with laws. You absolutely want to control others, or at the very least, impose your punishments on us.


    Hmm...but did they make any laws against you doing any of those things?
    No, but standing on your porch and walking to a restaurant are usually morally indifferent actions.

    There are risks inherent in any sexual activity Bill, heterosexual or homosexual. I'm well aware of the risks of both. Apparently, you seem to feel that all gay men engage in sodomy, which is far from the truth. Also, many of these statistics are based on the results of promiscuous behavior. Gay people marrying would discourage promiscuity, which would most likely reduce those statistics. One would think you should be pro gay marriage rights in that case. But hey, we all know that's not what your real concern is. Your concern is to get everyone to conform to your rules.
    Lee, first, do me a favor when we correspond with each other, would you? Please don't say "feel" when you mean "believe" or "think." This conversation isn't about emotion. It's about truths and falsehoods.

    Second, by the definition of sodomy at the dictionary at Dictionary.Reference.com), same-sex couples do engage in sodomy (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/sodomy).

    Third, if the Catholic Church is right, I didn't make the rules. God did.

    Fourth, again, I say what I believe. Others need to chose what they'll do. I'm not their dictator. I'm not their lawgiver. But if they're doing something they shouldn't do, they may get negative consequences here or hereafter. But I won't give them them those consequences. I won't punish anyone for what he does in his bedroom. I don't have the authority to do that. And I don't want Big Brother to spy on same-sex attracted people when they're in bed together. I'm not going to ask my policeman friend Kurt to batter down your bedroom door if I think you're having sex. Moral rightness or wrongness is one thing. Whether it's prudent to outlaw some potentially immoral action is something else.

    Fifth, sure some opposite-sex sex is dangerous, too. Whether a man or a woman is the recipient, anal sex an cause colon leakage. Anal sex kills epithelial cells and semen suppresses the recipient's immune system. It needs to do that during vaginal sex, too, because if it didn't do it, white blood cells would attack the sperm. Vaginas are well-suited for sex partly because they contain a natural lubricant that rectums don't contain. Does anyone notice a hint of natural teleology there, hmm?

    Sixth, for people who think I'm trying to control them or punish them, I'll put the shoe one the other foot. How many liberals attack Beck personally when they don't even listen to him? How many try to shout down conservatives or to silence them when they say something that the shouters and the would-be silencers hate to hear? How many generalize hastily about people "like me" when they assume that anyone who thinks "gay" sex is immoral is obviously a hateful homophobe? How many would try to limit my free speech by outlawing my so-called hate speech? How many don't distinguish between condemning a person and condemning an action?

    My handicap puts me in a minority full of people who think like Marxists. They'll tell you that they're the innocent, persecuted ones and that everyone else is the evil oppressor. Newsflash: Good and evil are on both sides. The "victims" aren't all good and the "persecutors" aren't all bad.

    As I told you guys, I think that moral liberty consists of the ability to adopt the means to do the good. Moral liberty is not license. License causes chaos.

    depreciation schedule. auto depreciation table
  • auto depreciation table

  • NY Guitarist
    Apr 5, 07:23 PM
    I hope the next release of FCS integrates the different apps within the suite under a single UI.

    The whole "Send to" export concept always seemed like an awkward workaround for using this package as a "suite".

    As sad as it was to see Apple kill off Shake, my hope is that it will be reborn inside FC as the node based compositor portion of the package. Motion inherited some of Shake's features, notably SmoothCam, so hopefully more of Shake will live on in FCP.

    I'd really like to see FCS become of a single app where the "suite" of apps becomes more of a "mode" of operating. In other words if you choose to do editing the UI can switch to a mode that focuses on that, as with compositing, titles (LiveType) or audio editing (Soundtrack).. and so on.

    depreciation schedule. depreciation schedule example
  • depreciation schedule example

  • boringName
    Nov 29, 08:06 AM
    Appologies if this has already been brought up, but there were too many posts to read...

    I believe that this is/was the deal in Canada for every hard drive and blank CD purchased (along with other recordable media). read more (http://www.lctjournal.washington.edu/Vol2/a016Fkiaras.html)

    I question any law/contract of this type on several grounds:
    1 - How are the eligable rightsholders identified/compensated?
    2 - How are they compensated equitably? Do you compensate Jay-Z and a classical artist the same? Which ever you prefer, Jay-Z sells more.
    3 - If I've paid the royalty, don't I own rights to the music? Sure, I may need to find a copy of it, but I'm told that they're all over a thing called the "internet".

    depreciation schedule. Depreciation Schedule.
  • Depreciation Schedule.

  • BoyBach
    Nov 29, 12:52 PM
    To those saying they'll boycott, I'd just like to point out...

    ...Universal is by far the largest record label in the world, and those of you that say you don't listen to anyone of their artists might need to dig deeper into their subsidiaries, as just a few of the musicians in their stable are:...

    That's a nice back catalogue, but how many new albums has The Carpenters, Jimi Hendrix, Carole King, John Lennon, etc released recently that weren't 'Greatest Hits' and 'Best of's? The challenge for the "Big Boy's" of the record industry is to find the next group of artists that will still be selling in 20-30 years time. I don't think my children and grandchildren will be buying Pussycat Dolls and Britney Spears albums in thirty years time. This is reason that their music sales have been falling, it's not exclusively piracy.

    depreciation schedule. Depreciation schedule
  • Depreciation schedule

  • Lone Deranger
    Mar 31, 05:30 PM
    To put it in Nelson's words:

    depreciation schedule. Depreciation Schedule details
  • Depreciation Schedule details

  • unicorn025
    Mar 31, 08:36 PM
    It's because of the Buy One Get One option. Nothing more. People choose that option because it makes financial sense and if they don't really care about the OS or the phone, they will choose the one that fits their check books. If Apple was to OK ATT and VZ to do a Buy One Get One on the iPhone, there would be no comparison. It would be game over for Android.


    but you can by a older iphone for 99 dollars

    depreciation schedule. Depreciation Schedule
  • Depreciation Schedule

  • Hellhammer
    Apr 6, 10:20 AM
    ULV CPUs (17W) will go to 11.6". The TDP of 320M is not known but 9400M has TDP of 12W so it is quite safe to assume that the TDP is similar to that. That means current 11.6" MBA has TDP of 22W (includes CPU, GPU, chipset) while SB 11.6" MBA would have a TDP of 21W (17W for the CPU and ~4W for the PCH).

    13" will go with LV CPUs (25W). Again, currently it has 17W for the CPU and 12W for 320M. That's 29W. 25W CPU and ~4W for PCH gives you the same 29W.

    11.6" - Core i5-2537M (option for Core i7-2657M)
    13.3" - Core i7-2629M (option for Core i7-2649M)

    depreciation schedule. Depreciation Table showing
  • Depreciation Table showing

  • gorgeousninja
    Mar 22, 10:10 PM
    I do get a kick out of their 10.1" model being both thinner and lighter than the 9.7" Ipad2 though. That will undoubtedly have the apple apologists out en masse.

    if you think 'getting a kick' from these points says anything remotely positive about your character...you'd be wrong.

    depreciation schedule. a Depreciation Schedule in
  • a Depreciation Schedule in

  • ergle2
    Sep 19, 12:56 PM
    thx for your reply,

    i will go for the mac pro quad know (i'm updating my home computer wich is a G3, but i'm used to work on a dual G5 for my projects) and yeah i will allways be able then to update later, but how about ram, when DDR3 comes out, i read that its going to replace FB-DIMMs so will that be upgradeble too???
    cause these FB-DIMMS are so ********** expensive :) thx

    DDR and FB aren't mutually exclusive technologies. Current FB-DIMMs use DDR2 chips. Newer FB-DIMMs will use DDR3 chips but due to the way FB-DIMMs work -- the buffer and control hardware essentially sit between the memory and the MCH -- you should still be able to use them in a Mac Pro. Note, should, not will.

    You won't be able to use regular DDR3 DIMMs just like you can't use regular DDR2 DIMMs tho'. That's something that'd require a major design change to the motherboard.

    So, memory will still be damn' expensive compared to that found in the cheap desktops...

    depreciation schedule. This Depreciation Schedule
  • This Depreciation Schedule

  • laidbackliam
    Aug 7, 10:39 AM
    I'd like to see your "Mac" model bumped up past the iMac. I think a lot of people, myself included, would pay a premium for the ability to upgrade. In fact, I wouldn't care if they didn't offer a completely new model as long as they offer some "affordable" manifestations of the Mac Pro. So how's this (and go easy on me here because I rarely delve into the technical aspect of things):


    yes, but i see the price point being under the iMac still. but again, this is just something i'd LIKE to see, and don't expect. and i know some people would pay a premium. but i'm not some people.

    depreciation schedule. The Depreciation Schedule as
  • The Depreciation Schedule as

  • 01civicman
    Apr 8, 08:21 AM
    Hummm... I would think by them throttling the sales, they get people back into the store over and over again trying to get one. So, take their "hot product" and dish a few out everyday to keep the eager hunters coming back in day after day and hope they buy something else in the mean time.

    Also, I can see from the sales incentive standpoint that if you've hit your quota for the day selling 20 ipads in an hour, but have another 40 in stock, hold them for the next day to ensure you have consecutive days of hitting your sales quota making you look better and probably getting other bonuses? I would think they compensate managers based on daily sales and consecutive days of sales above quota.

    So... basically, I see BB messing with stock to manipulate their sales and Apple being mad because they are so far behind on keeping up with demand and one of their big partners is holding out and using the iPad as sales bait.

    I get your point, but it doesn't work like that. One, selling 20 iPads will not hit budgets (believe me). Two, if there any bonus' to hit, its done quarterly. Again, if you sell 50 iPads in one day, its the exact same as selling 3 over the course of 15 days.

    depreciation schedule. Tax Depreciation Schedule?
  • Tax Depreciation Schedule?

  • whatever
    Jul 20, 07:37 PM
    yeah, what he said. Apple does not have to distinguish powermacs from servers with processor speeds. People (businesses) who need servers are not going to buy powermacs to do the job even if they are a little bit faster or cheaper; they are going to buy real rack-mounted servers.
    Now you're not thinking like a competitive company that needs to continue to make money.

    Sun is on the ropes and Apple now has a chance to soar in and take a lot of business from them.

    depreciation schedule. depreciation schedule.
  • depreciation schedule.

  • applefan289
    Apr 6, 01:36 PM

    That's all I have to say.

    depreciation schedule. depreciation schedule
  • depreciation schedule

  • Multimedia
    Aug 26, 08:28 PM
    On the day that the MBP's with merom go on sale, I wonder WHAT TIME Apples website will change and display the new products? :confused:Updated Wesbite Is Usually by 9 Eastern. Occasionally later. But usually then. :)Probebly 10:00AM - 11:00AM Pacific time.No.Eastern? That's 6:00AM Pacific? You think? 9:00AM Pacific sounds good.No. its usually by 6AM Pacific 9AM Eastern. I KNOW - not guessing.

    depreciation schedule. depreciation schedule,
  • depreciation schedule,

  • neko girl
    Mar 1, 12:30 AM
    In my opinion, they should have purely platonic, nonsexual relationships with one another.
    Your ignorance is staggering.

    depreciation schedule. Your depreciation report for
  • Your depreciation report for

  • maclaptop
    Apr 11, 04:58 PM
    Apple can create Christmas any day of the year.

    Only amongst those who's entirely sad life, waits in anticipation.

    All the while, most of us have much richer, more well balanced lives.

    depreciation schedule. Depreciation Table For Rentals
  • Depreciation Table For Rentals

  • matt.smith
    Apr 8, 01:07 AM
    To be fair - Apple themselves were doing the same thing - in the UK at least.

    I experienced, on a number of occasions, Apple Stores actually had stock in store available for reservation, but were forcing an entirely unnecessary, half an hour 'unboxing and setup' appointment.

    With only a few of these slots available - more often than not - the store would have plenty of iPad 2 stock available, but no appointments, so reservations were stopped and Apple Staff denying (and laughing in my face) that they had any remaining stock.

    depreciation schedule. (d) Depreciation (Table 2):
  • (d) Depreciation (Table 2):

  • leekohler
    Apr 27, 03:12 PM
    As stated earlier, which you conveniently ignored, I found the article on the Drudge Report. Am I not allowed to read the Drudge Report? Should I keep it exclusively to HuffPo in the future? I read them both, but you tell me how I should do it.

    So typical, focus on the messenger and not on the message. Your guys posts are so littered with red herrings and strawmen its almost beyond imagination.

    Since the messenger (you) has expressed huge distaste for Obama on almost a daily basis, I'd say my assumptions are fair.

    depreciation schedule. Depreciation schedule a large
  • Depreciation schedule a large

  • animatedude
    Apr 6, 12:27 PM
    the article doesn't mention when these wil be released.

    Manuel Moreno
    Jul 27, 12:59 PM
    will apple lower the actual prices of macs?
    intel is about to cut 61% of the prices of core duo's...

    Mar 5, 09:38 AM
    Even if every single homosexual on Earth decided not to raise a child (which is far from the truth), we do not all have to make/raise babies to propagate the species.

    Quite true about 'continuation', but economic models probably require that we do, in order to keep the pyramid growing at the base.

    Mar 22, 03:07 PM
    The iPad 2 is nice, but it needs more RAM. Multitasking is just terrible with few RAM and bad OS processes handling.

    Says the man who doesn't even own one.

    Next months will be crucial for me to decide the successor of my iPad 1.

    Jul 20, 01:21 PM
    Is having more cores more energy efficient than having one big fat ass 24Ghz processor? Maybe thats a factor in the increasing core count.


    The power consumption of a chip is proportional to the clock speed, multiplied by the voltage squared. So at the same voltage, a hypothetical 24 GHz chip would use eight times as much power as a single 3 GHz chip, and the same as eight 3 GHz chips.

    However, with any given technology, you need higher voltage to achieve the higher clock speed. So with the same technology, that 24 GHz chip would need much much higher voltage than the 3 GHz chips and accordingly it would take much more energy than eight 3 GHz chips.

    As an example, some iPods have two ARM chips running at half the clock speed and lower power instead of a single ARM chip running at higher speed, in order to safe power.

    Aug 11, 10:50 AM
    I wonder if it's going to be a toy or a real phone. I'm hoping it's more of a smartphone than a ngage phone. (i know they couldn't make a phone that bad if they tried, just tryint to get a point out there.)

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