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Sunday, May 22, 2011

japanese wallpapers

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  • bingles
    Mar 25, 03:57 AM
    I thinking that I'll be able to get there between 2 and 2.30pm... What do we reckon, too late or not?

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  • WinterMute
    Jan 7, 11:25 AM
    Try restarting your machine, FileVault should ask you if you want to optimise, and will then recover the HD space in your Home folder.

    I've been using FV for a while, it seem to work fine as long as you remember to point audio and video apps at a external FireWire drive.

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  • Froast
    Mar 12, 05:16 AM
    I used greenpois0n to jailbreak my iPod Touch 2g and it worked great. Maybe it was because I was using a mac? If you want to change the greenpois0n skull boot logo go to settings and then boot logo. There you can change it back or install more on Cydia.

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  • daryliow
    Jun 22, 01:53 PM
    What do you reckon the stock levels will be? 10 maybe? Five 16gb and five 32gb?

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  • rickdollar
    Jun 11, 01:25 AM
    Do you think the online reservation scheme is to better gage how much inventory they will possibly need at any given Apple store on opening day? I would be surprised if they had 2 separate lines. One reserved and one for those who did not reserve. That would be too smooth.
    Anyone else have an opinion on that?

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    Dec 9, 02:16 PM
    Personally, I think it's a refresh rate issue which I think is a software issue. If I put any of my LCDs on the wrong refresh rate, they have identical lines to those of the powerbook.

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  • fru
    Jun 20, 05:38 PM
    Work and the World Cup will keep me pretty well occupied until Thursday. And this site of course.

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  • doubtofalex
    Mar 18, 07:00 PM
    I considering heading to covent garden, but for me depends on whether we get pre-orders for delivery on Friday. If not then the weather. If its raining, I'll just go to my local store I think. Its inside a shopping center, so wont get wet. :)

    hey v66jack, if you check out my link above, i also asked about pre orders and she said they would most likely not be shipping on the friday as couriers delivered iphone 4 too earlier too people (hence it being on a friday no deliveries at weekends which is a bit rubbish!)

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  • xyzzy-xyzzy
    Apr 29, 10:04 PM
    Yes, I wouldn't have got it if it didn't :eek:

    Even before I ordered my mac I knew I would need extension cables for the ACD because I read posts on how short the monitor's cables were and also saw it in the local Apple store. I contacted Dr. Bott to confirm their mDP cable supported audio passthrough.

    FWIW: I bought my Dr. Bott cables from here:


    I got it from Mac-Pro because (a) they were hard to get at the time (even Dr. Bott itself didn't have any, which apparently is the case even now -- just checked the 2m on their site (http://www.drbott.net/product/9378-MDEB/)) and (b) I found a bunch at Mac-Pro which is fairly close to where I live. Heh, the price there now looks a buck or two cheaper then I paid at the time!

    Editorial: Many of the ads for these kind of cables are, IMO, incomplete since they also come with USB. So when they advertise the cable supports audio (generally they say "Audio and video passthrough" if they say anything at all) you can't tell for sure if the mDP supports audio in addition to the USB which of course supports audio. So what I do when faced with ambiguities is contact the manufacturers directly.

    At least Monoprice, my preferred (first choice) place for ordering cables, is honest to say up front that their mDP cables don't support audio. They're a great place to order cables if the cables fulfill you needs.

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  • mnkeybsness
    Aug 18, 05:57 PM
    Online translators are not very accurate with translating texts. It's much better to just pay a professional to do it for you.

    As for the dropdowns, you could consider replacing them with "suckerfish" dropdowns that use only HTML and CSS and a little tiny javascript for IE.

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  • buckers
    Apr 27, 06:22 AM
    Hey - there is only one Apple god and his name is Steve! ;)

    We're not worthy! :)

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  • harpster
    Apr 1, 01:05 PM
    When I click the search box in IE6, the submit button does highlight, but I can still type in the text field.

    It might be the button:active declaration in the CSS that IE6 is hiccuping on.

    I just checked again and the "Go" button gets highlighted and I CAN enter text and search. My IE6 was installed automatically with XP Pro.

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  • eRondeau
    Feb 9, 03:59 PM
    I wonder if there's a "law" (aka rule of thumb) that defines how far ahead "cutting edge" supercomputer processing speeds are, versus "typical" consumer systems and mobile devices. In other words, is today's fastest supercomputer 10,000X as fast as a current iMac, which in turn is 100X as fast as a typical iPhone. I think it would be very interesting to chart that graph historically -- to see that today's iPhone is perhaps twice as fast as the first CRAY-1, and roughly equivalent to a PowerMac G3. :apple:

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  • Clix Pix
    Dec 18, 09:22 PM
    Delightful! This is so much fun, seeing everyone's creativity!


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  • Ashwood11
    Apr 17, 01:02 PM
    Where do you live?

    If you live in the USA you need to use NTSC not PAL.

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  • Rab Simpson
    Jul 21, 06:43 PM
    Well considering Apple makes real products and Google makes... .what do they make?

    it has nothing to do with products, this is to do with brand strength.

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  • stainlessliquid
    Mar 15, 11:25 AM
    Its also the buggiest thing on the OS, it disables typing after a few minutes, doesnt want to load web pages some times, and everytime you skip around in a flash video it starts it as a new download without killing the old one meaning youll end up with a bunch of FLV's being downloaded at the same time killing your bandwidth and having your video stopped on sites that dont allow multiple connections.

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  • Chrisiphone
    Feb 7, 01:27 PM
    I was going to help you until I read that line.

    Instead, all you'll get from me is this comment, and a stiff suggestion that you use this tool (http://www.google.com/), like everyone else has for years. I'm confident even you could have found an answer if you tried.

    Its gone sorry didn't know it was a bad thing to say.......

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  • Sirus The Virus
    Dec 27, 02:57 PM
    Looks much better than the old one.

    Aug 28, 08:01 PM
    Is it the classic moments? The years on teh site? Post count? What is is?

    Apr 26, 08:12 PM
    Sigh. Exact same ads?


    Yes, the exact ones.

    Jan 14, 11:31 AM
    Sorry, but I'll be checking in on the rumour sites during the show. delayed gratification is one thing, but, i won't be able to wait.

    Well, I originally was supposed to go, but my travel buddy bailed out and now I can't go... i wanted to be there, but alas... it was too good to be true.

    The next best thing is to watch the keynote 12+ hours later (and pretend it were live).

    Apr 24, 09:19 PM
    Check out the mStand (http://www.raindesigninc.com/mstand.html). It's really beautiful and matches the Alum Macbook.

    very nice stand im definitely considering it, thanks for the suggestion

    Apr 24, 08:00 AM
    And that's still correctly connected in Interface Builder? If you check the value of abc in awakeFromNib inside LoginRegisterViewController is it nil?

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