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Saturday, May 14, 2011

kobe bryant wallpaper lakers

kobe bryant wallpaper lakers. Kobe Bryant, the basketball
  • Kobe Bryant, the basketball

  • daneoni
    Sep 14, 10:48 PM


    On topic: I got this today. It was either this or 8GB o RAM. I went with the cheaper option.

    kobe bryant wallpaper lakers. Tags: Kobe Bryant, Lakers
  • Tags: Kobe Bryant, Lakers

  • Eldiablojoe
    Dec 29, 11:11 PM
    Once people, meaning women, are big enough that I figure they can't reach around behind them well enough to wipe their own butts, I get grossed out.

    kobe bryant wallpaper lakers. kobe bryant,kobe bryant hot
  • kobe bryant,kobe bryant hot

  • stroked
    Apr 24, 07:39 PM
    That's not very christian of you.

    Christians are expected to protect their children, and I have never claimed to be a Christian.

    kobe bryant wallpaper lakers. Kobe-ryant-wallpaper-
  • Kobe-ryant-wallpaper-

  • shazzam
    May 3, 07:35 AM

    kobe bryant wallpaper lakers. kobe bryant 24 wallpaper.
  • kobe bryant 24 wallpaper.

  • boursin
    Sep 12, 08:22 PM
    Got this shirt this morning...


    kobe bryant wallpaper lakers. LA Lakers Kobe Bryant
  • LA Lakers Kobe Bryant

  • Detektiv-Pinky
    Oct 24, 09:24 AM
    For the "why only MBP's and not MB's too"

    As said, less press coverage, but also maybe more important is that now there is a gap between the [rosumer line and the consumer line ;)

    750GB drives in iMac's , Mac Pro's , Xserves....!

    I personally thing the update for the Macbook must be arround the corner. Inventory for Macbooks in Europe is virtually no existent and they need to push them in the market in order to realise their sales figures.

    I have my fingers crossed that it will be no more than a week before we also see the Macbook updated.

    kobe bryant wallpaper lakers. KOBE bRYANT - Basketball, kobe
  • KOBE bRYANT - Basketball, kobe

  • lewis82
    Sep 13, 09:13 PM
    Couldn't zoom in on the tag and don't recognize it. So back to square one...



    kobe bryant wallpaper lakers. kobe bryant wallpaper lakers
  • kobe bryant wallpaper lakers

  • rans0m00
    Apr 22, 05:48 PM
    if this turned out to be the next iPhone I might buy one before upgrade time is up. The square look of my iP4 is nice but I would love for it to appear to have less bulk. Yes I know its small already but that's what people were saying when we moved from the bag phone to the bar phone.

    kobe bryant wallpaper lakers. Image: Wallpaper. Kobe Bryant
  • Image: Wallpaper. Kobe Bryant

  • MattyMac
    Jul 25, 09:45 AM
    I payed more than that for my Apple BT mouse a few days ago:mad: :rolleyes: :(
    Take it back!

    kobe bryant wallpaper lakers. Kobe Bryant Wallpaper.
  • Kobe Bryant Wallpaper.

  • Mystikal
    Mar 15, 10:21 AM
    How do you know? I don't want to waste a trip.


    Don't come. 4x 64gb AT&T and one 16 wifi. Profile are still in line but that's all they have.

    kobe bryant wallpaper lakers. Kobe Bryant #24 and Trevor
  • Kobe Bryant #24 and Trevor

  • TheReef
    Apr 6, 03:47 AM
    ^You've really captured the atmosphere, and the leading lines work great with the dog's pose looking down the platform - well done.

    Wow, that is absolutely stunning and beautiful shot. Looks fanastic:D

    Stunning. Did you use a graduated ND filter on the sky ?

    Thanks! Yes I used a ND grad to darken the sky and a ND8 filter to buy more exposure time.

    kobe bryant wallpaper lakers. kobe bryant wallpaper lakers.
  • kobe bryant wallpaper lakers.

  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 13, 11:31 PM
    So am I the only one left with the original iPhone? Had it since Sep 2006. Was going to wait for the 5, but I'll just get a white 4 in a few weeks. I'm happy.

    The original smart phone.

    kobe bryant wallpaper lakers. Kobe Bryant Lakers playoffs
  • Kobe Bryant Lakers playoffs

  • Evangelion
    Jul 25, 10:57 AM
    And you're really going to use all that are you?

    What if he is?

    With the exception of RAM and hard disks, most computer consumers never expand their computers.

    And most computer-users use Windows, so maybe we should all switch to Windows? Point is that there ARE lots of people who like to expand their systems. To them, iMac is completely unsuitable, and PowerMac is simply too much (too much space, too much technology, too much money, you name it). There have been LOTS of people saying that they would love to see a relatively inexpensive Mac that is expandable. iMac is not that. Neither is PowerMac.

    What happens if the screen in the iMac breaks down? The whole computer becomes useless. What if you need faster vid-card? you have to buy a new computer. All-in-one has it's benefits, but it has it's drawbacks, and there are lots of people who do not want those drawbacks. Yes, minitower (for example) has it's drawbacks as well, but there are lots of people who would be willing to accept those drawback for the benefits such a system offers.

    I'm a pretty average computer user at home and with the exception of my camera, iPod and printer, I have no external devices.

    Well good for you. How that helps ME is beyond me.

    Although I will be purchasing an external firewire drive at some point, I'd much rather have a small squarish metallic box on display behind my iMac than lose an extra three square feet of floor space due to needing a bigger desk.

    Are we using somekind of miniature-desks or something? I have a rather typical desk, and it currently has a Mac Mini, a TFT-screen, old, huge printer that does not work, and it still has plenty of space for mouse, keyboard and other items. And that "small metallic box" means that your iMac loses that all-in-one elegance it now has.

    Perhaps when you factor in the cost, the lost square footage of the room your computer is in should be taken into account.

    Some of us would be willing to accept that. A minitower would consume about as much desk-space as two Mac Mini's. That's more than reasonable IMO.

    kobe bryant wallpaper lakers. Awesome Kobe Bryant Wallpaper
  • Awesome Kobe Bryant Wallpaper

  • SchneiderMan
    Sep 13, 09:25 PM
    Do you ever leave your basement? How will you know if it is a hit? :p

    Iv'e got good taste.

    kobe bryant wallpaper lakers. kobe bryant wallpaper lakers.
  • kobe bryant wallpaper lakers.

  • SBlue1
    Apr 26, 12:06 PM
    HAHA! best rumor for weeks! :D

    kobe bryant wallpaper lakers. LA Lakers Kobe Bryant
  • LA Lakers Kobe Bryant

  • Mord
    Apr 27, 05:09 AM
    Also, just wanted to weigh in on the "big hands" thing - I'm a woman, born a woman, never any question about it, but my hands are as big as most men's, especially considering I'm only 5'4". So are you going to beat me up just in case I'm a man?

    That's a point I was also meaning to make, If you start scrutinising every woman to try to tell their history you're going to make a lot of false-positives. I have a couple of very tall and broad female friends that have suffered from this despite not being trans.

    People really need to stop making other people's gender their own business, stop making assumptions and give people the basic courtesy of respecting their gender.

    kobe bryant wallpaper lakers. Kobe Bryant - LA Lakers - NBA
  • Kobe Bryant - LA Lakers - NBA

  • Troll
    Apr 27, 04:12 PM
    Tuesday was yesterday. QUICK! Create a new thread saying that the new iMacs will be here NEXT TUESDAY!

    kobe bryant wallpaper lakers. Kobe Bryant Wallpaper
  • Kobe Bryant Wallpaper

  • leekohler
    Feb 28, 05:12 PM
    I didn't say he should get more money. I said CBS will probably bring the show back because it make them so much money.

    Reports are Cryer gets $1 million per. These figures include what they make on syndication too.

    The that would bring the total between them to $80 million, which leaves everyone else with $20 million. That hardly seems OK or reasonable. There are a lot more people to pay and after that, what's left? I'd tell the guy to take a hike, especially with all the trouble he's caused.

    kobe bryant wallpaper lakers. Lakers - Kobe Bryant Wallpaper
  • Lakers - Kobe Bryant Wallpaper

  • peapody
    Sep 12, 09:39 PM
    It's a Strawberry Banana Smoothie. peapody gave me the idea after posting it in the last thread. I looked up its nutritional info, and I think it might be the healthiest thing on McDonalds' menu!

    What did you think surely? I looked up Jamba's strawberries wild nutritional value and it about equals the mdondalds one. That's not bad considering everything out of mcdonalds is scary high in calories.

    Thank you :)
    He is a Toy American Eskimo (Eskimo/German/Japanese Spitz).

    Sooo cute - how is the demeanor and personality? Good apartment dog?

    Jul 12, 07:56 PM
    Well to be honest I was referring to the windows version of Word. I use Office 2003 on Windows and Office 2004 for Mac. I am not sure if the Mac version of word has the same plug-ins.

    On the windows version. Go to file -> new and select the publishing tab. From there select Brochure. It will fire up the wizard and template if you have these options loaded.
    Got it - thanks (I use Win Office 2003 only a couple of times a year these days, so am somewhat rusty).

    Dec 2, 06:51 PM
    I voted "yes" becuase I'm concerned what this will do PR-wise for Apple, not so much about actual security concern. "LMH" may claim he's not an Apple-hater but a few things poke out from the interview:

    The Linux kernel takes little time to break. I'm more familiar with the code and thus it also takes less time to isolate issues. OS X kernel (XNU) takes less time but depending on the area you're checking, debugging and isolation may require a bit more time (if you take into account that AppleTalk source code is almost unreadable and totally deprecated) [...] I didn't have much time left for working on Microsoft Windows but I've received the most helpful feedback from the MSRC people on potentially interesting stuff to check.

    What I read from this passage is:

    Apr 15, 01:44 PM
    I notice more overall smoothness with my iPad 1 :eek: . Maybe its just perception, but im pretty shure its better.

    Apr 26, 03:42 PM
    Look, you made a claim that TB seemed like an evolution of Fiber channel. I use Fiber channel day in and out on everyone of my servers.

    Your arguments would be stronger if you spelled it correctly - "Fibre Channel" ;)

    ...the bottom line is that TB is a great deal faster than even an eSATA connection.

    While "great deal faster" is fuzzy language open to interpretation, IMO I don't consider 10 Gbps TBolt to be a "great deal faster" than 6 Gbps SATA. TBolt can't handle two SATA connections at full bandwidth - that's not a "great deal faster" in my opinion.

    When it was called "Light Peak", the technology had a lot of promise. Now that it's been downgraded to daisy-chained copper - it's only a little bit better than USB 3.0. Except that we can buy USB 3.0 devices, it's still "in the future" for TBolt devices.

    Nov 22, 03:59 PM
    It doesn't matter. You're not convincing anybody.

    It's amazing how you like to speak for everyone all the time. I suppose you believe that since you are the center of the Universe that you can speak for everyone all the time. To me, you look like someone that's probably still in high school and fancies himself a master debater.

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