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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

las vegas casino signs

las vegas casino signs. in a Las Vegas casino sign
  • in a Las Vegas casino sign

  • Silentwave
    Sep 16, 10:05 AM
    Please apple, Please make it soon. I've just killed ANOTHER phone :(

    las vegas casino signs. Las Vegas Wedding.
  • Las Vegas Wedding.

  • emaja
    Apr 22, 10:27 AM
    Are we looking into the jaws of the future where you pay, but never OWN anything? Music, Movies, Apps.

    You don't own anything you download from the iTunes store now. You hold a license and are allowed to play or view it, but you do not own it.

    las vegas casino signs. stock photo : LAS VEGAS - MAR
  • stock photo : LAS VEGAS - MAR

  • Apple Shmapple
    Sep 12, 04:59 PM
    At these new lower price points that reads pretty UN-educated to me.

    Whoopidedoo, a whole $50 off. They HAD to do that because of the lack of actually updating anything worthy on the device. One could argue that it isn't enough of a price cut the way competitors music players are priced.

    Anyone with half a brain will avoid these 5th G Part 2 devices like the plague, unless they want to waste money that could be spent 4 months later on a widescreen model.

    Should we set up the thread now for the people that rush out and buy this version of the iPod then get burned just after Christmas when the real new iPod comes out? They'll need someplace to vent, and it's usually all over these threads. It would be nice to condense it.

    las vegas casino signs. Las Vegas Nevada taking photo
  • Las Vegas Nevada taking photo

  • Hodapp
    Sep 26, 09:59 AM
    I can't wait to get my hands on an iPhone- I'm getting tired of my SLVR. As soon as the iPhone launches I'm throwing my SLVR in to a river. This is starting to become tradition, there must be a half dozen old cell phones of mine which have been cast in to the briny deep. What a liberating experience.

    las vegas casino signs. The Old Stardust Casino sign
  • The Old Stardust Casino sign

  • morespce54
    Apr 4, 12:20 PM
    What is your firearms experience? How many times have you been shot at? Do you think the security guard make a Hollywood head shot?

    Not much to be honest but hey, that's only my 2c.
    Don't loose any sleep over it! ;)

    las vegas casino signs. Flamingo Las Vegas and Donny
  • Flamingo Las Vegas and Donny

  • spicyapple
    Sep 10, 08:31 AM
    Things have certainly changed after the PPC ->x86 transition.
    Mac resale value will go down the drain, but that's great if you're the buyer not the seller. It's still much more exciting to be getting these furious CPU upgrades.

    las vegas casino signs. Neon Casino sign, Fremont
  • Neon Casino sign, Fremont

  • TheNightPhoenix
    Sep 12, 06:37 PM
    Please explain exactly how from where you did that. I am still trying with handbrake and EyeTV. The EyeTV2 export is supposed to be connected to the QuickTime but the iPod default is not H.264 640x480 in the EyetV2 Export windows.

    just before i jump between covers.... a rip from handbrake in 100% quality i had from before, DV Pal footage, 720p and 1080i footage all opened in quicktime and just gone to export for iPod all worked fine.

    las vegas casino signs. LAS VEGAS SIGN (click image to
  • LAS VEGAS SIGN (click image to

  • odedia
    Apr 25, 06:06 PM
    Well they arent going to get worse are they!!

    It got worse with the Intel 3000 GPU instead of the Nvidia 320 in the 13".

    las vegas casino signs. Bonds ». A view of the
  • Bonds ». A view of the

  • Small White Car
    Apr 25, 01:17 PM
    Oh boo hoo. No new case since 2008?

    We Mac-Pro user are so very sad for you.

    las vegas casino signs. 5#39; Welcome/Las Vegas Add-Ons
  • 5#39; Welcome/Las Vegas Add-Ons

  • Durendal
    Oct 27, 11:46 AM

    coporate types acting like the aritocracy

    let information flow

    let freedom reign
    Let a bunch of Greenpeace guys go too far at a tradeshow (see above) and get away with it. Read up on the above comments. They violated their contracts and screwed with other vendors' booths. Perhaps you should learn how to think rationally, then learn how to spell.

    las vegas casino signs. Casino Signs
  • Casino Signs

  • LarryC
    Apr 30, 11:04 PM
    Two words: Future-proofing.

    Macs are expensive, and many Mac users cannot afford or do not want to buy new Macs frequently. Such Mac users want to buy a Mac and have it work with the latest software and peripherals for as many years as possible. For such users, it makes total sense to want a Mac with Thunderbolt, even though there are isn't a single Thunderbolt peripheral on the market.

    I absolutely agree. This is the same reason why I was hoping the USB 3.0 would be on this version. I realize now that is almost certainly not going to happen. I just thought that with so many PC's (including some PC laptops) already offering USB 3.0 that maybe the brand spankin' new iMac might be so equipped.

    I was wondering why so many people are so opposed to Apple offering Blu-Ray as a BTO option. I have read where Steve Jobs spoke negatively about Blu-Ray, I wonder if these same people would be all gung-ho for BR if Jobs had spoken positively about it? I realize that he is a very smart man, but he isn't God! I always thought that BR would have been a great thing to have on a Mac for things like backing up your iTunes library. Imagine that, being able to back up your entire iTunes library on two or three BR discs. That would have been really nice. I read somewhere the other day that they either have or are getting ready to have BR discs that have a 100GB capacity. What in the world would have been wrong with that?

    las vegas casino signs. LAS VEGAS VINTAGE 1960s

  • spriter
    Sep 9, 02:08 AM
    I am moving up from an eMac 1 gigahertz G4. So I'm sure it will seem very fast to me. Probably more than I need.

    You're in for a treat. I went from a 1.2GHz G4 to MacBook (2HGz Yonah) and it's streets ahead in terms of performance. 4 times faster encoding a DVD with Handbrake is a godsend.

    The Merom iMac's are a great spec for the price.

    las vegas casino signs. Las Vegas Neon Casino Sign
  • Las Vegas Neon Casino Sign

  • GGJstudios
    Apr 17, 03:20 PM
    Thanks GGJ.

    What about the security sensitive files in /Library? Such as /Library/InputManagers, /Library/Extensions, /Library/LaunchDaemons, /Library/Security, and etc?

    I am pretty sure these only have system with write privileges. No?
    Sorry, I didn't see your edit:

    las vegas casino signs. The sign was due to be
  • The sign was due to be

  • fetchmebeers
    Sep 12, 03:40 PM
    You can return or exchange it but you'll have to pay a 10% restock fee ($25 or $29 depending on which one you bought). If you bought the 30GB just stick with the "old" 5G. If you bought the 60GB version then $30 is worth the price for another 20GB of storage. But my question to you is, what were you thinking buying an iPod the night before an Apple Special Event focusing on "it's showtime?"

    i know i know....
    it was a very noob thing to do, if you will....

    but yesterday was the day that i actually GOT the product being fedexed, and the actual date that i placed an order for it was like 1 and a half week ago....(i was looking for the best deal, the price was the lowest but it took me such a long ass time....bad case of a trade-off... no redeeming quality)

    i then was as well hesitant cause i had been informed about this 9/12 rumor, but a certain incident totally URGED me to buy it so i had to, but turns out, i had to cancel the order if only i knew it might take such a long ass time to deliver.......dammit

    las vegas casino signs. stock photo : Casino sign
  • stock photo : Casino sign

  • Warbrain
    Apr 20, 10:01 AM
    I'm a pretty serious Apple fanatic and I'm willing to scrap my family's iPhones because of this. I know the government can track me anyway by watching my movement across cell towers, but this is a huge affront to privacy.

    If you tie this story to the recent news from Michigan that cops there are able to suck the data off of your phone at a traffic stop, then this is really frightening.

    If this is your biggest worry on people being able to track you...hmph.

    Tinfoil hats are going to be all the rage here soon.

    las vegas casino signs. Fremont Casino Sign
  • Fremont Casino Sign

  • Spyriadon
    Apr 30, 01:29 PM
    Also the obligatory:

    las vegas casino signs. Neon Casino sign, Fremont
  • Neon Casino sign, Fremont

  • *LTD*
    Apr 19, 09:27 PM
    but there are ways to make Apple life hell and cause huge amounts of problems with out breaking the contract.

    Examples are shipments get delayed. Takes longer to process orders.
    Apple needs to rush order something and get it quickly..... Guess what not going to happen.
    I have seen the back world of things like this. Samsung can do a lot with out breaking the contract. Apple is gaining a reputation not to be trusted in any way shape or form.

    No. There aren't. Unless they've gone crazy and don't need a $5 billion partner. Money talks. Not hurt feelings over phone patents.

    It really makes no difference. No amount of you wishing hardship on Apple will cause them actual hardship.

    Apple has the iPhone and untouchable mindshare.

    Samsung is a parts supplier that can be replaced.

    Guess who my money's on to come out of this laughing?

    There is only one group who's trust Apple actually needs: consumers.

    Apple's got that locked. As a result, there are always suppliers wanting to cash in. Apple doesn't need their partners. Apple's partners need Apple. It starts with great ideas for great products. That begins with Apple. The rest is logistics.

    Samsung is just sabre-rattling. This in fact, will have ZERO effect on their supply agreements with Apple. It's about a phone. Samsung isn't going to sacrifice their $5+ billion partner when consumers can't get enough of all things Apple. Samsung needs Apple's business.

    With that in mind, the fact that Apple insists on fostering negative energy, launching a law suit, and showing their pro war position to the world, is very revealing of who they are.

    Unable to be a good corporate citizen, unable to satisfy their greed as they rake in more profits than the competition, Apples looking rather desperate. Nothing will ever be enough.

    Are you new?

    They have always been this way. And the result: PROFIT.

    All Apple needs are customers. And they've got no shortage of them. Customers like YOU, for example. You paid for Apple gear, you consent to what they do. You have no cause to complain.

    There is no such thing as a "good corporate citizen." It's competitive and very cutthroat.

    Samsung will not make things difficult for Apple, or covertly enact some form of vengeance by deliberately messing with supply agreements. That is simply inviting more legal trouble. This is a PHONE issues, NOT a supply agreement issue.

    las vegas casino signs. Wynn Las Vegas Casino Gambling
  • Wynn Las Vegas Casino Gambling

  • skunk
    Sep 1, 08:01 AM
    I;;,m drunkn as a skunk. Oi! :mad:


    las vegas casino signs. South Point Hotel, Casino and
  • South Point Hotel, Casino and

  • ECUpirate44
    Mar 30, 01:14 PM
    Remember when Jobs and Gates met for an interview with All Things Digital a few years back? I wonder if things like this tarnish their friendship or if they consider it to be strictly business.

    Aug 29, 06:17 AM
    After looking around the apple website this morning.. I don't believe that we are getting the new chips until AFTER the iPod rebate offer.. and here is why.

    The only legal way Apple could offer the new processor would be to offer it ONLY to out-of-education persons. If you read the fine print of the Apple iPod offer, it ONLY lists the current models (and G4) as acceptable units to use when filing a rebate.... if they were to place the new chip models on the store, it would invalidate the rebate, should someone have the old rebate forms, and a new machine. Just a thought.

    But in Europe this same rebate ends at October 7th, 2006...

    Apr 20, 12:46 PM
    The fact that apple has a huge location database accessible by anybody with an app scares me. That's too much centralized data for somebody to do bad things with, even if it's not Apple. THAT is why this is a bad thing.

    :confused::confused::confused: Apple has NOTHING ! and NOTHING is accessible by everybody (except the owner of the device)

    The data is stored on YOUR phone and YOUR laptop ... Apple does not have a centralized database with that data - it is all on your devices.

    THAT is why it is not a bad thing

    The governments have those big databases, but that's a different story.

    THAT is the bad thing

    Mar 30, 11:32 AM
    Honestly the term "app" didn't even exist 5 years ago.

    Yes, it did.

    Oct 27, 12:42 PM
    The only computer I've ever thrown "away" was a Dell - simply because it didn't work and nobody wanted it.

    Of the seven Apple products I've owned over the past decade, ALL are still in use and not taking up space in a landfill; three units were sold by mere word-of-mouth, whilst the others sold in a matter of hours on ebay to very happy buyers. In each case, I had kept the original packaging as well and used it to transport the computers safely.

    A word about iPod packaging: I still have the original box that my 3G came in; it's HUGE! Fast forward to my new 5G: the box is a fraction of the size; "well done", I thought. No more "Golden Cocoon Awards" for Apple.

    A word about the overall size/material used for iPods: Case in point, let's consider the latest version of the iPod Shuffle - somehow, even a pile of 5000 discarded shuffles wouldn't seem like much material; yet because 5000 Shuffles represent a rather substantial amount of commerce, one could say that the Shuffle has a very favorable "commerce-to-waste" ratio. Conversely, a new automobile has a downright hideous "commerce-to-waste" ratio.

    Ironically, my desktop G5 could much more easily be recycled (aluminum vs. plastic) despite the fact that it probably won't be for many, many years.

    Aug 31, 10:24 PM
    Obviously iPod related-with a musical guest on stage or via ichat (last year Madonna and Jamie Foxx). Nike kit for 5G iPod, and tubes for 5g.

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