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Sunday, May 22, 2011

mac os x leopard wallpapers

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  • deanwaterman
    Nov 30, 10:01 PM
    Umm. I think a new iPod Shuffle goes for 129. I don't know if many people will want to pay $9 less for a used one. Hey but I don't have one! Don't listen to me.

    EDIT: Oh shippings free. GREAT DEAL!

    BTW... Add tax, for whereever most people are and you are most likely paying about $137-$138. I am doing a new one for $120 shipped.

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  • wayne091189
    Oct 17, 11:51 AM

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  • freeny
    Dec 9, 11:06 AM
    We have 4 g5's in the room I work in and NO windows. Gets VERY TOASTY.

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  • Designer Dale
    Feb 22, 01:59 PM
    Hi all,

    I invested in a D5000 about a year and a half ago to begin a new hobby. I was hoping to get opinions on if it would be worth it to try to make photography more than a hobby for me. I prefer nature, but would be willing to go for events maybe...I don't want to do portraits.

    I've inserted some of my work from a photo camp below. Any advice/criticism would be greatly appreciated :-).





    Thanks again!
    I'm a sucker for a good sunset shot, and I like the first here quit a bit. The colors and textures in the sky give it a good feel. It's a pity the sun is on the centerline, though. I tends to capture the eye because it is the brightest area of the photo. If it was a little off center I might like it even more.

    The photo of the Cheetahs has a lot of potential. I like where they are placed in the frame, and the direction of their heads is a nice contrast to the flow of their bodies. Kind of moves right then left with their vision. I would like the colors of the grass to be a bit deeper. The exposure is a bit light for the shadows and that lets the sunlit area in the background go too bright.

    The other two are nice vacation pics, but they don't stir me visually.


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  • east1999
    May 3, 11:52 AM
    Well, it's mostly games, which is a pity. I know it's not a gaming laptop but they do sell them through Steam, so I'd like to buy them.

    The way you say it, it seems related to the extra power provided by the SB processor. So there seem to be three solutions.

    1. Undervolting, which isn't possible right now.

    2. Downgrading, and, as in the MacBook Air, fixing another kind of bottleneck (HD operation).

    3. Better cooling through termal paste, more fans, cooling pad, etc.

    Am I right here? I'd like to know more about this CPU+GPU combo in the same core, because I read it lead to further heating. Is there any truth to this?

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  • ohaithar
    Oct 24, 01:36 PM
    That's cool! =)

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  • lexfuzo
    Sep 23, 01:30 PM
    1) The ongoing offer (open every day, a lot of stock) can be seen as a hidden price cut.
    2) Clearing out stock may be a sign of updates coming... :rolleyes:

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  • philxor
    Apr 30, 05:41 PM
    I had one dead pixel on my old Sony Vaio which was stuck bright and it was really annoying, even on a 1024x768 11" screen. That one doesn't seem nearly as bad.

    Apple is not going to replace it with one bad pixel...

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  • Smoljan
    Jun 3, 12:45 AM
    Thanks! :D

    Thanks Anthony! lol You should also make one!

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  • Haoshiro
    Mar 27, 10:42 AM
    I'd definitely be up for it... but no Mac version, right? I'd hate to have to reboot into XP every time to test a new build...

    Other then that I'm an ideal candidate... I work from home, use wired 360 controllers on my Mac, and love 2D games (also have a GBA SP and two DS Lites).

    I'm also a programmer, and am very expereinced in debugging... have even made several home brew games myself, although mostly back in the days of DOS (I've only been a Mac user for a year). ;)

    Feel free to PM me if you haven't filled all the spots.

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  • Legion93
    Apr 8, 11:04 AM
    I've heard from AppleInsider that TRIM is long due to the macs and that Apple will enable TRIM support in Lion update...

    After I've installed an Intel x25-m G2 SSD onto my 2010 MBP 13", the benchmarks were low compared to that on Windows platform. I also noticed the Apple's own stock SSD (mostly Toshiba or Samsung) have aggressive GC, but their read/write speeds are off compared to many decent SSD's on the market, like sandforce powered OCZ Vertex 3, or intel G3.

    Funny thing is that Apple's own solid state drives has their own GC, and enables TRIM on-the-fly, as reported by Anandtech, but I wasn't very sure.

    Has anyone have any ideas if and when TRIM will be implemented on macs, since it is really needed for people with SSD's in their macs?

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  • SquishyNoodles
    May 1, 10:43 PM
    Hi Craig

    I also have a 2007 MBP which had 2 upgrades from Tiger.

    When I upgraded to an SSD, I saw that my Library folder was around 12gb in size and was not getting the full benefits of SSD which had been advertised. 2gb were for email database but I had no idea of other 10gb...

    The best I found was to re-install and start afresh with new installs and just the apps I needed.

    I used an application which copied folder names into a text file. I formatted the computer and picked and chose the applications I wanted to reinstall.

    Used TimeMachine to copy My Documents folder back and done.

    Just keep in mind I used Firefox sync which copied my bookmarks, history etc. (although Add-Ons had to be reinstalled).

    Couldn't have been happier to just format it rather than messing around.

    I also find this is the best way. I had to format my MacBook Pro yesterday because it wasn't shutting down properly (afterwards, I found out it was just one program causing the problem :mad:). Although it probably wasn't entirely necessary, my computer is now running better than when I bought it new around 12 months ago.

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  • alust2013
    Apr 24, 12:58 AM
    I knew someone would suggest that... LOL! In user accounts under my name the only thing I see is ituneshelper and some speech thing. But, would ituneshelper prevent my IMac from sleeping, I wonder?



    I'm not sure. I have the same issue with my MacBook most of the time, it just won't fully sleep by itself, only the display sleeps. I have never been able to get to the root of it, although I think iTunesHelper may have had something to do with it. I got rid of it, since the only thing it does is open iTunes when an iDevice is connected.

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  • Hellhammer
    Sep 8, 01:10 PM
    how can you install snow leopard off a usb flash drive? i am currently running tiger...


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  • h0kie99
    Aug 26, 03:53 PM
    I just tried both suggestions... still works fine on PC's IE & Firefox and Mac's Safari, but not Mac's IE or Firefox. I have been googling and get nothing but crap. Any other suggestions?

    My current code:
    <object height="1" width="1">
    <embed src="mysongname.mp3" autostart="true" hidden="true" loop="true" />


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  • kuwisdelu
    Apr 13, 06:22 PM
    That's not an error, just a warning or message telling you the following: in one of the default R packages called "datasets" there is also a variable called "sleep," and since you're using attach() on a different variable also called sleep, you won't be able to access the sleep variable in the "datasets" package in the same way anymore. When you ask for "sleep," R will use your version.

    If you're familiar with namespaces or global variables vs. local variables in any other programming language, it's similar to that. If not, basically, it's telling you there are two things called "sleep," and since you've told R to use yours, the other one is now hidden or "masked."

    I'd suggest not using the attach() function, and just accessing variables through the $ operator. Do fp1c$sleep instead, or use data=fp1c if you're using it in a function like lm() or something.

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  • gallagb
    Sep 19, 02:42 AM
    sell um on amazon.

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  • longofest
    Sep 20, 07:22 PM
    That's quite a huge bug. :(

    Glad they fixed it, but that kind of thing should have never been allowed to exist in the firstplace.

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  • gdjsnyder
    May 4, 08:01 PM
    Just checked on my Verizon iPhone running iOS 4.2.8, and it IS allowing me to airplay video to my Apple TV. I don't usually airplay, as I just stream via homesharing from my Macbook Pro to my Apple TV, so I can't say if this is "new" or not. But, I can definitely Airplay video.

    Oct 14, 07:32 AM
    All I can say is, Made you look ;-)

    Then the article served its purpose. Until advertisers stop paying for page views and start paying only for click throughs this click baiting crap will continue. Posting links to this kind of stuff only makes it worse. Summarize or post the article here, with attribution, if you actually think it is worth comment.

    Mar 11, 03:42 PM
    60-70 in line

    my ETA would be about 4:50 or so. How's the line look?

    Sep 28, 08:32 PM
    how so? I'm asking because I'm bored out of my wits, and I want to go dancing.

    Asking for everyone's favorite colors would get me no where.

    Sounds good njmac, thanks :).


    Apr 12, 01:15 AM
    or vice versa

    May 2, 09:38 AM
    The performance tool is showing leak at this position( red color).

    NSString *street = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:[dictContact objectForKey:@"add"]];
    NSString *city = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:[dictContact objectForKey:@"city"]];
    NSString *state = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:[dictContact objectForKey:@"state"]];
    NSString *pin = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:[dictContact objectForKey:@"pin"]];

    NSMutableString *address = [[NSMutableString alloc] initWithFormat:@"%@+%@+%@+%@",street,city,state,pin];
    [address replaceOccurrencesOfString:@" " withString:@"+" options:NSCaseInsensitiveSearch range:NSMakeRange(0, [address length])];

    [street release];
    [city release];
    [state release];
    [pin release];

    //NSLog(@"Address %@",address);
    MapViewController *mvController = [[MapViewController alloc]init];
    [mvController setAddress:address];
    [self.navigationController pushViewController:mvController animated:YES];
    [mvController release];

    [address release];

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