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Saturday, May 14, 2011

miley cyrus hair colour 2011

miley cyrus hair colour 2011. miley cyrus hair colour 2011.
  • miley cyrus hair colour 2011.

  • Bill McEnaney
    Apr 27, 01:26 PM
    You do realize that Bush started that right? As for Ford, their European division saved their butts and the jobs lost would have made the recession a lot worse. Yeah, good idea, let it all fail. Maybe we should let the government fail as well eh? They seem to be having monetary issues now.
    Who would think I'd support Bush? He's not conservative enough for me, and his administration spent to much.

    How much did government intervene in business affairs during the Roaring 20's? The government has already failed to do what it should do: It should promote the common good. I find it hard to believe that the U.S. Government had this country's best interests at heart when I hear Mrs. Pelosi say that to find out what's in Obamacare, you need to pass it.

    I know a lot about alcoholism and codependence because my mother is a nurse who specialized in treating alcoholics and other drug addicts and in counseling them. You don't help an alcoholic by protecting him from the consequences of his actions. The protection can help him make even bigger mistakes. I've seen that happen in many families I know of that include alcoholics. I also know about entitled welfare recipients who abuse social programs by demanding too much from social programs, by getting it, and by defrauding them. I saw the entitlement firsthand when a relative of mine was a landlord who rented houses to welfare recipients. Welfare recipients ruined a house, my relative kept the security deposit, and then the family got the Department of Social Services to put them into a house for twice the rent my relative charged. But the family still had the nerve to complain that my relative had overcharged it.

    miley cyrus hair colour 2011. miley cyrus hair colour 2011
  • miley cyrus hair colour 2011

  • ikir
    Apr 7, 03:05 AM
    Better to have Core2Duo with 320M than an i5 with GMA HD 3000. At least for now until drivers get better and especially software houses support.

    3D and gaming performance on new GMA is not so good but especially support is bad, many games don't work at all. Open CL too seems to don't work.

    See the graph


    Lion should get full OpenGL 3.0 support even for GMA... i hope.

    Naturally MBA is not a gaming or 3D production machine, but if you want to do some gaming, casual gaming, GMA can have serious limits.

    miley cyrus hair colour 2011. miley cyrus hair colour 2011.
  • miley cyrus hair colour 2011.

  • darh
    Aug 15, 01:11 PM
    Video cards won't make a difference in FCP as of now if that's what you are asking performance wise. If you are using Motion/Games, anything that really feeds off the video card, then I'd go for the higher end video card.

    Otherwise I'd go for the 2.6 ghz.

    Couldn't it be the harddrive that is the limiting factor in this bnechmark?

    miley cyrus hair colour 2011. MILEY CYRUS HAIR 2011.

  • yadmonkey
    Aug 11, 03:17 PM
    Apple's reasons for being secretive about product releases don't apply to their potential phone because they don't have a current product which they want people to buy in the meantime. In fact, this time around, it'll be advantageous to Apple for people to know it's coming, as they may hold out for one instead of getting something else. Once there is an iPhone, then they will probably be secretive about the next version.

    miley cyrus hair colour 2011. Noah Cyrus Gets Her Hair Did!
  • Noah Cyrus Gets Her Hair Did!

  • Shagrat
    Sep 13, 07:56 AM
    and this got negative votes because...??????????


    miley cyrus hair colour 2011. Miley Cyrus Hair
  • Miley Cyrus Hair

  • yoak
    Apr 12, 01:14 PM
    I posted it over in the other FCS thread after learning of the link here. Thanks

    miley cyrus hair colour 2011. Miley Cyrus
  • Miley Cyrus

  • Vegasman
    Apr 27, 08:43 AM
    I think is quite conceivable that keeping those logs forever, not encrypting them, maintaining them despite an opt out, and not removing the timestamps was done in the spirit of: "Let's keep the data, maybe they will be useful at some point, and why bother do encrypt them, that is just some extra lines of code to write."
    And it is this spirit which is somehow worrying.

    This is the most likely explanation for me (too).

    miley cyrus hair colour 2011. miley cyrus 2011 hair colour.
  • miley cyrus 2011 hair colour.

  • AppleScruff1
    Apr 19, 08:37 PM
    So when is apple going to sue over the letter "i"?

    Or how about suing companies for using certain shapes?

    This kind of garbage just makes them look petty, just like the youtube videos demonstrating other phone antenna problems.

    Motorola had iDEN well before Apple had an iPhone. Apple copied the i just like they did the Beatle's logo. They are he innovators of copying. But it's ok when they do it.

    miley cyrus hair colour 2011. miley cyrus hair colour 2011.
  • miley cyrus hair colour 2011.

  • teme
    Sep 19, 03:45 AM
    PowerBook G5 by the holidays.
    I wish this board would block automatically "PowerBook G5" and replace it with "************" so this tired so-called-joke would end someday.

    miley cyrus hair colour 2011. miley cyrus hair colour 2011.
  • miley cyrus hair colour 2011.

  • Enigmac
    Aug 7, 03:24 PM
    Remember guys, these are only a few of the MANY features that Leopard will have to offer... including the top secret one. Steve made that clear.

    miley cyrus hair colour 2011. miley cyrus hair colour 2011.
  • miley cyrus hair colour 2011.

  • Bill McEnaney
    Mar 7, 07:21 AM
    I won't rejoin this discussion. But since neko girl may be waiting for my reply, I'll only suggest a source (http://www.tfp.org/images/books/Defending_A_Higher_Law.pdf).

    miley cyrus hair colour 2011. miley cyrus hair color 2011.
  • miley cyrus hair color 2011.

  • amin
    Sep 14, 10:08 PM
    AnandTech is putting a lot of emphasis on this FB-DIMM issue. Their Conroe vs Xeon comparisons are poor given that they maximize the FB-DIMM latency "problem" by using a Mac Pro with only two RAM slots occupied. Seems as though they have an agenda to exaggerate the importance of this technical issue.

    miley cyrus hair colour 2011. MILEY CYRUS HAIR COLOUR 2011

  • sparkleytone
    Mar 26, 08:42 AM
    The first time this thought crossed my mind was when I first used WriteRoom, to write a paper. Many seem to think (and Apple has intimated as much) that Full Screen Apps originated from iOS. I think this is wrong. I think Apple first thought about these with WriteRoom, which is why Pages was the first App to get the Full Screen treatment.

    Combining it with the new form of spaces is a genius move though.

    The idea has definitely been around for a while, but it�s the details of the *implementation* that make it so refreshing. I love and use Spaces, but as it stands in SL it�s just not a feature for every user. Mission Control + Full-screen apps very much is.

    Yet another unimpressive "major" update to an O/S that's showing it's age and irrelevance.

    Yet another complaint post that shows its originator�s lack of knowledge regarding the subject being commented on.

    Compared to the iDevice world, the computer side of Apple has ground to a halt.


    Enough!! Combine MacOS and iOS already!!! The transition is so painfully slow, would someone else in tech get off their lazy ass and prod these guys to move a LITTLE quicker?!?

    How is this possibly a good idea? Their shells are completely different because they�re targeted at completely different UI paradigms. The underpinnings are generally comparable already, but to argue that they need to be merged is just asinine.

    miley cyrus hair colour 2011. miley cyrus hair color 2011.
  • miley cyrus hair color 2011.

  • PhantomPumpkin
    Apr 27, 10:49 AM
    Apple identified it? No. Check your history. It was brought TO Apple's attention over a year ago.

    It was again brought TO Apple's attention via various reports and articles.

    THEN Apple looked into the matter.

    I commend Apple for taking action (now).

    But let's not rewrite history, shall we?

    You're just misinterpreting what I was saying. They identified it as a potential issue, instead of saying "there's nothing wrong, we're not going to do a darned thing." I wasn't saying the brought it up to the media's attention on their own.

    Nitpicking, is well, nitpicky?

    miley cyrus hair colour 2011. miley cyrus hair colour 2011.
  • miley cyrus hair colour 2011.

  • mentholiptus
    Apr 10, 10:15 PM

    The iPad is not a serious computer. This will never happen.

    It's just a fad.

    Ignore the big-name game titles for iOS. Ignore the upcoming Photoshop app. Ignore the millions of sales. Ignore the copycats in the market.

    It'll all go away very soon.

    Unless, like I posted earlier, the iPad app functions as a UI for the main application over the network. The Mac (or cluster of macs) takes care of the heavy lifting, and the iPad is used to make edits remotely, and broadcast to HDTV's.

    AirPlay & AirEdit.

    If you had a cluster of Mac Pro's using thunderbolt (or whatever...ethernet, fibre, etc) to talk to each other, and you used the iPad as a remote UI, you could edit, compress, and broadcast from anywhere.

    Apple has all the pieces in place to do this. AirPlay, AppleTV, iPad, iTunes as a media hub for all the devices to communicate, Qmaster, etc...

    This has been a long time coming. I remember in 2006-2007 hearing rumors that Apple was working on a tablet like controller for logic. It was to be used to edit the timeline, or act as a virtual mixer, etc. This has been brewing for years, and I think it's almost a reality.

    miley cyrus hair colour 2011. miley cyrus hair colour 2011.
  • miley cyrus hair colour 2011.

  • Doctor Q
    Jul 14, 02:54 PM
    ... and the other one HD-DVD! :eek: ;) :DWhy all the smilies? Having the ability to install other-format optical drives is what AppleInsider is talking about.

    miley cyrus hair colour 2011. miley cyrus hair colour 2011.
  • miley cyrus hair colour 2011.

  • Spoony
    Mar 22, 01:08 PM
    What's with all these tablets being advertised in landscape??

    I've had the first ipad since it came out last year and I'd say my Portrait to landscape usage ratio is like 70% portrait / 30% landscape.

    I view webpages, read the WSJ, NYPost, books, ipod etc.. all in portrait.

    Landscape is for tv shows / movies and some games.

    Why are these tablets all designed as if the user is going to hold them landscape 90% of the time? Are magazines designed to be held landscape? I don't get these horizontal tablets.

    miley cyrus hair colour 2011. miley cyrus hair colour 2011.
  • miley cyrus hair colour 2011.

  • Pro31
    Apr 11, 02:24 PM
    This is good for me because I waited forever due to wanting a white iphone, and so I didn't upgrade until the fall time frame. Now I won't have to see how awesome the iphone 5 is while not being able to upgrade! :).

    miley cyrus hair colour 2011. miley cyrus hair colour 2011.
  • miley cyrus hair colour 2011.

  • Malligator
    Mar 31, 03:49 PM
    And the Apple haters do yet another 180...

    1. Macs

    1995 to 2007: Don't use a Mac. Noone uses Macs.
    2007 to Present: Don't use a Mac. Everyone uses a Mac.

    2. Apps

    1995 to 2/22/2011: Don't use Apple. There is no software and they can't do anything.
    2/22 to Present: Apps? Who needs Apps as long as you have a robust UI?

    3. Open

    2007 to Today: Apple is a walled garden that only stupid lemmings use.
    Today going forward: Controlling the OS is necessary and good for the consumer.

    Apr 7, 12:26 AM
    I'm getting tired of Apple Mac's being INTEL's BIATCH!

    Integrated graphics on a laptop costing THAT MUCH? PLEASE!

    Steve Jobs should threaten to switch to AMD/ATI solutions even if just for leverage with Intel to get discreet graphics chips in these machines.

    If this is true, this is a pathetic technology compromise in my opinion.

    lol... You really think Intel is the reason Apple laptops cost what they do? Really?

    Mar 26, 02:10 AM
    I don't see Apple moving to any version of ReiserFS or ext#, so I think we are stuck with HFS+ and extensions/improvements of it, until the ZFS situation gets clearer.

    Apple abandoned ZFS due to licensing and they're working on their own new file system.

    Jul 15, 01:43 AM
    Maybe along the line of the g4 quicksilver (without the handles)

    a nice short compact apple tower with more expansion than the mini and with a conroe for....


    Now you'd be talkin' :)

    let people switch out their monitors, etc and give them a nice tower - not the stupid mini :) - i say (stupid mini) only because i wish it was a smallish tower with expansion capabilities :)

    Apr 28, 06:15 AM
    Wow, this thread and the ridiculous nature of this issue are hilarious. Seriously, you wonder why the US is going down the pan when the entire nation seems to get caught up in a fight over a bloody birth certificate?

    Apr 12, 11:22 AM
    So the presentation should be in about 10 hours?

    Has any one heard of live coverage? A livestream will probably be too much to ask, but maybe one of the tech blogs is doing a text/photo update.
    There have been live streams in the past but last I heard Apple killed it for this meeting.


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