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Monday, May 23, 2011

Opel Astra H Tuning


  • Temporal
    Apr 20, 12:01 PM
    Don't rely on encryption to protect you in any way. The police can crack it, as can hackers, and they can simply demand with a court order that you give them the password. Then you're forced to essentially testify against yourself. No, pleading the 5th won't help.

    That's actually not true in any case I have read about. You can't compel encryption passwords.

    Opel Astra H Tuning. JMS Astra H Estate Racelook
  • JMS Astra H Estate Racelook

  • boxandrew
    Sep 5, 01:26 PM
    My question is, will the movies have subtitles/captioning. As a hearing impaired user, that's the deal breaker for me. If they do have captioning, I can see myself purchasing a few movies once in a while (Though I'd still rather have DVDs most of the time). If not, no way.

    I've been wondering this ever since the TV shows started coming out. And it's not only a big problem for hearing impaired users... it also means that you can't watch foreign films in the original language.

    Opel Astra H Tuning. Opel Astra H
  • Opel Astra H

  • ncook06
    Oct 27, 12:39 PM
    I'm all for protecting the environment, but sometimes it gets out of hand. Greenpeace should be there, but it is evident that Apple is already working on being more environmentally friendly. Greenpeace should have been kicked out for violating their contract.

    +1 for Apple

    Opel Astra H Tuning. Opel Astra Tuning – Der
  • Opel Astra Tuning – Der

  • cult hero
    Mar 22, 03:03 PM
    Sandy Bridge Xeon's are due in November.

    I wouldn't be surprised if the iMac and new Mac mini are the replacement for the Mac Pro.

    With Thunderbolt, you will be able to connect the new iMac or Mac mini of them to Fibre Channel arrays, have three displays or use external PCI chassis for existing PCIe cards. iMac CPU performance with the desktop Sandy Bridge CPUs will exceed most Mac Pro configurations. The new iMac's ability to use 32GB of RAM matches the Mac Pro too. You can configure the iMac using SSDs for less than the price of the Mac Pro too.

    By the time November comes around, Thunderbolt may cause the death of the Mac Pro.

    I've been thinking something similar to this since the initial Lightpeak rumors. External is the way to go.

    However, that won't solve the problem of lacking workstation class video, processors and things like ECC RAM.

    Opel Astra H Tuning. Opel Astra 2010 White
  • Opel Astra 2010 White

  • Dorkington
    Apr 25, 08:47 AM
    The very fact that people think they "deserve" vacation days is mind-boggling. Why should you "Deserve" to get paid a single dime you did not earn?

    I work about 60% self-employed free lance, and 40% at my old "day job". Guess what. Neither one offers me "vacation days". Am I miserable? Hardly!

    If I want a vacation day, I simply do not work. That also means I do not get paid. It would seem mighty pretentious of me to be expect pay for work not done.

    If you want a job with more vacation days, FIND ONE! no one owes you a darn thing, certainly not pay for days off.Most salaried workers don't get paid overtime. Benefits are supposed to balance the "cons" of working a salaried position, imo.

    There is an upside to being exempt. While it's true I don't get paid extra if I work 45 hours this week, I will also not be paid less if I work 35 hours next week. In my job one is just as likely as the other.

    I haven't had a salaried job that allowed someone to take a less than 40 hour work week unless via paid vacation/sick days.

    In the end, I try to make sure I don't work more overtime than I receive in paid time off.


    Because of them most of the US is obese.. The first thing I think that should be dismantled is fast food chains.. Those who believe in making children obese should be put up against a wall and shot in the head...

    As much bad food that McDonalds has, they have plenty of stuff one can eat without getting obese. I believe in regulations on many things, but simply put it's one's own personal responsibility if they choose to eat really bad food, really often.

    I go McDonald's quite regularly... I'm not fat. In fact, I'm in the best shape of my life. Just sayin'.

    The free market would suck if it were run in the way your brain imagines it. But imagine if you ran a company, and your chief goal is to make a profit. Having happy employees who are payed fairly and receive vacation days, benefits, etc, is definitely a better business model than working your employees like slaves.

    That only works if there are more jobs than qualified workers. Most of the time there are more workers than jobs, and employers will cut as much as they can and hire the cheapest they can get away with in the name of the bottom line.

    Opel Astra H Tuning. Kamei Opel Astra H Headlight
  • Kamei Opel Astra H Headlight

  • 124151155
    Apr 15, 09:02 AM
    It's be a good idea if Thunderbolt was capable of handling USB 3 as well, like the thunderbolt port in the MacBook Pro can also do mini display.
    I guess that way it'd at least be used more, but also nobody would be uncertain about getting Thunderbolt because they know even if it is a flop the port is still useful...

    Opel Astra H Tuning. Opel Astra H. Peugeot 206 CC
  • Opel Astra H. Peugeot 206 CC

  • dsnort
    Oct 27, 03:38 PM
    My cousin's iBook died last winter. I discovered he disposed of it, not sure if he did environmentally-well or not. But since he should've given it to me, even though dead, I had to shoot him. That's one that won't hose the environment anymore!

    (this post is partly hyperbole.....no Apple is ever "dead")

    I seriously hope you disposed of the body in an ecologically sound manner! :D

    Opel Astra H Tuning. 2007 Steinmetz Opel Astra H
  • 2007 Steinmetz Opel Astra H

  • mightymike107
    Aug 29, 03:08 AM
    the MB keyboards are ugly, they remind me of some fool proof keyboard for military laptops. They reek of industrial utilitarianism.

    It's starting to get early on the east coast; the apple store is still up, are these bad signs?

    Opel Astra H Tuning. Consultar. Parachoques
  • Consultar. Parachoques

  • gloss
    Sep 26, 06:58 AM
    Oh man. Verizon early termination fee, here I come.

    Opel Astra H Tuning. Opel Astra 2005. Opel Astra H
  • Opel Astra 2005. Opel Astra H

  • macboy62
    Sep 14, 01:02 AM
    I heard I think here at macrumors that Sony's mp3/phone is selling like hotcakes and I think they branded it as a walkman/cell phone.

    What I hope is that the iPhone will be on Cingular, since my entire family and most of my friends are on it. I'd pass on the phone if they do one of those new deals where you're piggy-backing on other networks like Alltel (alltell, altell??) or it's on another carrier.


    Here in Japan Sony's Chaku-Uta (mobile/cell phone music) dominates the market. With Chaku-Uta digital music sales out selling iTunes. Almost every Japanese phone can play Chaku or Chaku-Uta music.

    The Cell phone networks in Japan do have good connections to the internet and mobile devices sell extremely well here. iTunes on a cell phone would work well here but Sony and Chaku-Uta may have it sewn up.

    Opel Astra H Tuning. Opel Astra H - Performance and
  • Opel Astra H - Performance and

  • xjebbx
    Sep 4, 08:56 PM
    Video, music, pictures, DVD, all sound great, but what i really want is my printer right next to my TV.

    Opel Astra H Tuning. KIT GTO AVANT OPEL ASTRA H

  • Lynxpoint
    Sep 14, 02:54 PM
    aperture update aside, what do the "pro photographers" on here see as something missing in their workflow or that could critically change their workflow?

    I like the sound of a monitor that self colour corrects, for example.

    Opel Astra H Tuning. B amp; H Sports
  • B amp; H Sports

  • Unorthodox
    Aug 31, 05:32 PM

    Ya may want to check on world events every now and then :p

    Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, Pope Benedict XVI (http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/benedict_xvi/biography/documents/hf_ben-xvi_bio_20050419_short-biography_en.html)
    I could have used the lords name in vain that his name was John....
    Im just messin' with yall.
    I just didn't know he was German....

    Opel Astra H Tuning. Opel Astra H. Opel Astra
  • Opel Astra H. Opel Astra

  • vwcruisn
    Mar 23, 07:21 PM
    You're telling me drunk driving is on the same level as eating or talking on a cell phone?


    The study, published in the June 29 issue of Human Factors: The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, found that drivers talking on cell phones, either handheld or hands-free, are more likely to crash because they are distracted by conversation.
    Using a driving simulator under four different conditions: with no distractions, using a handheld cell phone, talking on a hands-free cell phone, and while intoxicated to the 0.08 percent blood-alcohol level, 40 participants followed a simulated pace car that braked intermittently.

    Researchers found that the drivers on cell phones drove more slowly, braked more slowly and were more likely to crash. In fact, the three participants who collided into the pace car were chatting away. None of the drunken drivers crashed.

    Read more: http://news.cnet.com/8301-10784_3-6090342-7.html#ixzz1HTJlDgSO

    Opel Astra H Tuning. Opel - Astra H
  • Opel - Astra H

  • danielbriggs
    Aug 31, 05:12 PM
    The Palm OS as we currently know it (the one you will find on Palm OS-powered Treos, the Palm TX, etc.) is basically dead. PalmSource is doing no further development to it, and PalmSource was acquired by Access, which is creating the Access Linux Platform as a successor to the Palm OS (it will include Palm emulation to run Palm apps, etc.).

    It's not to say that it's compeltely worthless to have a Palm-based system. Plenty of people still do have Palm OS Treos and other Palm OS PDA's, and there's still plenty of people using it and developing software for it. I personally have a Treo 650 and it's still working great for me.

    Hopefully Palm will license the Access Linux Platform and use that so that the "Palm OS" stays alive, but so far Palm hasn't committed to it. It's entirely possible that Palm could end up just making Windows Mobile devices.

    If you want a platform that definitely has support behind it, you're basically stuck with a PocketPC. There's also Symbian and some other stuff, but PocketPC is definitely sort of repeating the "success" of Windows in the PDA world.


    Does this mean an Archos PMA-400 iPod style thingy. That was cool when it came out a year or so ago. 40GB PDA not bad!

    Dan :-)

    Opel Astra H Tuning. Opel Astra H
  • Opel Astra H

  • MiamiBourne
    Apr 13, 04:49 PM
    AirFrame and AirView, I dont see these in the iPad app store anymore...

    Opel Astra H Tuning. Opel Astra H Maxton Front
  • Opel Astra H Maxton Front

  • LagunaSol
    Apr 20, 09:41 PM
    So does the fanboyism. The trolling creates balance.

    At least try to make rational arguments about the topic at hand. "Apple ripped off the Beatles" and "People here claim Steve Jobs is God" are just annoyingly feeble attempts to add a contrarian view.

    Opel Astra H Tuning. 2005 Steinmetz Opel Astra H
  • 2005 Steinmetz Opel Astra H

  • AtHomeBoy_2000
    Apr 20, 10:07 AM
    Not good. I need an explanation.


    Opel Astra H Tuning. Opel Astra H Gtc. Astra H:
  • Opel Astra H Gtc. Astra H:

  • ziggyonice
    Mar 29, 11:34 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8G4)

    Well duh. iOS only runs on Apple devices. Android, Windows Mobile, etc. runs on multiple devices -- of course their shares are going to be higher.

    If Apple were licensing iOS, this would be a different story. So instead of comparing marketshare of phone operating systems, let's compare share of the phones themselves.

    Sep 5, 12:04 PM
    iLounge has received the same invitation (http://www.ilounge.com/index.php/news/comments/apple-to-hold-showtime-event-on-september-12th/)

    Looks like it's now for definite going to happen. Only one week to wait...

    Apr 11, 03:00 AM
    What I don't get is why can't Apple enable any iOS device (iPod Touch, iPhone, iPad) as an Airplay target device? Obviously iOS supports it as Apple TV can be a target for Airplay from iTunes.

    AirFrame (http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CBYQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fitunes.apple.com%2Fus%2Fapp%2Fairframe%2Fid416480052%3Fmt%3D8&rct=j&q=airframe%20itunes&ei=6bSiTYuHCZGwhAfMuaDxBA&usg=AFQjCNEFFllGAXPM2zbfQOCBM6D-_HZzHw&cad=rja) allows sending video between iOS devices. I've sucesfully used it from iPhone to iPad

    Apr 11, 10:44 PM
    Well dang, I wouldn't mind paying 3.60 for a years worth of driving for me lol

    You'll be paying close to 5 or at 5 by the summer.. keep listening to corporate media - they brainwash the American people into thinking things are getting better.. WRONG, Things are getting worse..

    Apr 19, 09:34 PM
    The Economy is IMPROVING!

    McDonald's hired 50,000 workers today! :eek:


    (*gets up and starts clapping...*)


    Mar 19, 04:35 PM
    A few examples: Look up Leap-A and Inqtana-A on OSX (very real OSX worms), MusMinim-A (recent trojan).

    Leap-a required authentication to infect and spread via iChat given that iChat is owned by System but is only run with user privileges. It did NOT achieve privilege escalation via exploitation.

    Inqtana-a was a proof of concept that could only modify the user level of the system because didn't achieve privilege escalation via exploitation. Malware can NOT install rootkits or keyloggers that can hook into apps owned by System (such as Safari, Mail, & etc) with only user level access.

    MusMinim-a is also a beta proof of concept based of a legitimate piece of software ported from Windows (http://www.darkcomet-rat.com/). It requires authentication to install given that it does NOT achieve privilege escalation via exploitation.

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_malware#Threats (List of Malware threats on Linux; why not pretend they don't even exist?)

    You do realize most of those are proof-of-concepts generated through research. Most were never present in the wild and did NOT achieve privilege escalation via exploitation. Two that were in the wild are Bliss (1997 - ineffective as did not include privilege escalation) and Stoag (1996). https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Linuxvirus

    It sounds good at first except for one giant pothole of a flaw. I mean why do things that are difficult to trace when you can just set up a sign on a server somewhere that says "Here's my bank account! Come and arrest me!" (i.e. the money is being redirected...follow the money trail!) :rolleyes:

    You do realize that the redirection of ad revenue is one of the primary means of profit generation of what has been referred to as the most advanced Windows rootkit. BTW, some variants achieve privilege escalation via exploitation (see the second link).


    Trojans are particularly a problem since a lot of programs ask for root password permission to be installed (including Apple software).

    Untrue. Mac apps rarely ask for authentication to install if you install the app in the appropriate folder for the user account type.

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