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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

portrait tattoos on women

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  • MacRumors
    Apr 28, 09:39 AM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com/2011/04/28/verizon-iphone-surge-yields-first-slip-in-android-u-s-sales-share-in-two-years/)


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  • Thomas Veil
    Mar 4, 06:32 PM
    It would be nice if his family would round him up and get him some help before something truly terrible happens.Didn't Charlie say that he's not listening to his dad? That would imply that Martin is trying to clue him in. But as any cop will tell ya, he's an adult and unless he's a clear and present danger to others....

    ...Chris was not my favorite person. He was extremely rude and abusive when he was using. In that short time he was clean before he died, he tried to be really nice to me, but I wasn't having it and was rather curt. Looking back, I don't think I should have done that. I think he was maybe really trying, but I was not close enough to him to know and he had pissed me off enough at that point that I doubted his sincerity.You have many good qualities, lee, and you just showed us another one: a capacity for introspection; for looking back, recognizing and admitting that you might've made an all-too-human mistake.

    A lot of us would probably have done the same thing, were we in your shoes. I take a looooooong time to let people who've wronged me back into my life.

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  • lordonuthin
    Oct 20, 10:14 PM
    I spent most of the night last night trying to get gpu2 running in wine on the i7 machine but ran into a problem and gave up. But I have found that the issue may not be with my set up, it may be the wu are bad so I will work on that again tonight to see what happens if I can get a different wu. Here is some info. (http://forums.techpowerup.com/showthread.php?t=82110)

    I would love to add the points from my 2 gtx 960's especially since that is why I got them :D

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  • Adam-
    Apr 12, 09:26 AM

    Simply because htcSensation is 1.2GHz dual core

    and... and... iphone5 will have lesser RAM than htcSensation.

    Also, Apple is closed and Google is open.


    Sorry i didn't realised that you were developing the iPhone5, how do you know what will be in the iPhone 5

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  • twoodcc
    Sep 18, 06:34 PM
    We should try to pump up the team with these new bigadv units.
    This team slowed down huge when the GPU client came out, which is Windows only.

    we do need to pump up the team, and get more involved on this forum.

    yes the GPU client is windows only, but i've heard that you can run a GPU client in linux. and i don't mean in wine either. but i've heard it's very tricky to get working

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  • appleguy123
    Apr 30, 12:13 PM
    Is the new Ravenvii and Chrmjenkins' game next? I'm eagerly waiting from the sidelines to see what it will be like.

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  • Lennholm
    Apr 22, 08:23 AM

    Looks completely different to me. ;)

    How are they different? They are both round with a 3D look and have a triangle with the same alignment and angles in the middle. They even perform the same function, to start playback of media content. Are you really going to nitpick about the colors? That's not different enough, Apple should definetely sue.

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  • maxp1
    Apr 13, 02:50 PM
    If the feature set were right I would definitely think about buying one. I'm in the market for a new TV (current TV is 20 years old.) I'd probably wait for the second generation though since everyone knows not to buy a first generation Apple product.

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  • MattyMac
    Jul 25, 09:45 AM
    I payed more than that for my Apple BT mouse a few days ago:mad: :rolleyes: :(
    Take it back!

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  • blondepianist
    Apr 14, 06:05 AM
    I guess apps for :apple:TV, or maybe an iOS layer for Mac (which would perfectly complement my suspicions of a Lion MacPad this summer).

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  • are her portrait tattoos.

  • Marc-Mustang
    Jul 21, 05:33 PM
    Sorry guys. I was asking how much of Apple does Bill Gates actually own via stock, not the market share that Apple has. This info is very hard to find.

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  • Abstract
    Dec 30, 12:59 AM
    Anyone watch 1000 Ways To Die (http://www.spike.com/show/27237) on Spike? I can only take so much but it's good sometimes when I'm stuck in a hotel. Today a xtra large woman having sexual relations, while on top fainted and smothered her poor helpless partner who could not get out from under her.

    How could he move her when he probably broke his back during sex?

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  • So maybe tattoos are an

  • gotohamish
    Apr 26, 11:28 AM
    You don't need to keep taking computers back you know. You could try and be happy with what you already own. Also why did you buy it if you knew there were new ones on the horizon anyway?

    Also, if one were to buy a Mac within two weeks prior to a new model you're entitled to just take it back for the new model, or at least that's how it used to work.

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  • Portrait of @RebeccaVendetta

  • sesnir
    Apr 22, 04:33 PM
    Looks top-heavy and tough to hold. Not going to happen.

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  • 081440
    Aug 16, 05:55 PM
    So far, Leopard is something I'm not willing to pay for.

    I expected just a little bit of a UI change, it just looks like a little updated version of Tiger.

    I really wonder what these top secret features are because the current features aren't impressing me enough to open my wallet.

    Don't speak too soon. Just because you don't know what the new features are doesn't mean you won't like them!

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  • MacRumors
    Nov 10, 02:22 PM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com/iphone/2010/11/10/skyfire-rakes-in-nearly-1-million-in-first-weekend/)


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  • PeterQVenkman
    Nov 11, 09:11 AM
    Nonsense. It means nothing of the sort. Check back in 6 months, 3 months or even 1 month and see a) how many ppl are still using it, and b) how many ppl are buying it once the first blush of excitement is over.

    Sorry, your answer is nonsense. 300,000 paid downloads means plenty. People paid for the darn thing. People think they want it now. If they want it in the future remains to be seen, but you and I can't determine that.

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  • Portrait by Mike DeVries

  • Eriden
    Mar 16, 11:12 AM
    I have a black iPad2 64gb Verizon that I picked up at Brea Mall this morning.

    Looking to trade for black iPad2 64gb AT&T.




    ROFL! No one in their right mind is going to swap an AT&T for a Verizon model when the GSM models are in such short supply.

    Also, though I know none of them read Macrumors, I'd like to sneak a moment of catharsis by sending out a big karmic f_ck you to all the scalpers who stood in line on Friday and bought out all the GSM models to ship and sell them overseas.

    Anyway, off to order my GSM version online, and then to enjoy my Verizon white 32GB at work while I'm not drafting contracts & wills.

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  • sinsin07
    Apr 13, 02:42 PM

    This is utter nonsense, Apple doesn't enter markets where they can't succeed if not dominate. With all the less expensive options out there, how well do the $999 Cinema Displays sell? Exactly. :)

    Besides, there already is an Apple TV.

    Another case where fantasy trumps fact. Question: what happened to Xserve?

    Sep 13, 10:06 AM
    Just got these two today.

    Nov 8, 10:40 AM
    I'd like to receive an iPhone 3gs 16gb White for Christmas and a ticket to watch the "mighty red" Ottawa Senators :)

    IJ Reilly
    Jan 29, 05:35 PM
    Share price is all that matters :D

    Well, yes and no. If I'd have paid attention to the technical analysts on AAPL I either (1) would not have bought in, or (2) have sold years ago. In over ten years of holding AAPL it would never have been the right move to sell, though I'm sure the chart gurus would have told me it was, many times.

    Chartists come to absurd conclusions, such as AAPL having support at 60. This means a trailing P/E based on current earnings (without growth) of around 15. At 40, we're talking a P/E of ten. This assumes that AAPL's growth days are over, as of now. Does anything we know about the company, including its historical growth and product offerings comport with the idea of Apple turning into Dow Chemical? I don't think so.

    So yes and no. Share price matters, but charts can't tell the entire story.

    Oct 21, 11:15 AM
    All I really want is my fianc� visa to be able to get to really start my life... And maybe a car to go with my newly earnt driving license... Lol

    Oct 26, 03:49 PM
    Will be hard to resist getting a Nehalem when they get updated next...

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