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Monday, May 9, 2011

victoria falls pictures

victoria falls pictures. victoria falls 8
  • victoria falls 8

  • easy4lif
    Nov 28, 07:22 PM
    steve jobs replied earlier this year to such nonsense

    "the music companies are trying to be greedy"

    I approve this messsage

    victoria falls pictures. Victoria Falls Zimbabwe
  • Victoria Falls Zimbabwe

  • Cooknn
    Aug 16, 10:43 PM
    I still love my PowerPC Mac. I'm gonna shed a tear some day when I retire it. This thing is rock solid and fast (enough) :cool:

    victoria falls pictures. victoria-falls-devil-pools1
  • victoria-falls-devil-pools1

  • EagerDragon
    Aug 27, 03:08 PM
    That is interesting because I ordered a Macbook on Tuesday (the 22nd) and mine is also scheduled to ship on the 31st. It is suspiciously strange and hopefully it means that we'll get Meroms because I was waiting for the Merom MBP when I decided to just order a Yonah MB.

    Maybe, but remember that they are having a hard time filling the orders due to the large number of people buying the systems.

    Apple needs to is not likely to upgrade the MacBooks before Jan. The MacBook pro likely Monday or Mid Sept.

    victoria falls pictures. Sunset over Victoria Falls.
  • Sunset over Victoria Falls.

  • Tones2
    Apr 19, 01:33 PM
    I'm sure quite sure what Apple hopes to accomplish here. Every smart phone steals from every other one. I don't know if you can differentiate design "concepts". It's like suing someone because the chords for his blues song goes in a 1-4-5 pattern like yours does. It's just part of the genre.


    victoria falls pictures. Victoria Falls (Mosi-Oa-Tunya)
  • Victoria Falls (Mosi-Oa-Tunya)

  • CmdrLaForge
    Apr 10, 02:10 AM
    I am really looking forward to see what Apple has in house for FCP. I will decide then if I stay with Apple or move to Adobe Production Studio. If they go too much in the direction of iMovie I will for sure not like it.

    The take over of Supermeet is very nasty and it put the organizers in a very bad position because either way they can only loose. Other companys will think twice in the future if they want to sponsor it and if Apple doesn't have anything new they won't be present.

    Apple can easily make there own event, just book that building in SF and invite some journalists or plan in advance!!

    victoria falls pictures. Lokhuthula Lodge - Vic Falls
  • Lokhuthula Lodge - Vic Falls

  • Mike84
    Apr 25, 03:47 PM
    Being sued and breaking the law are two different things. I can sue you for killing the tree between our yards. You didnt break any law, but I can still sue.

    I kinda see where he is a bit right. If I turn off or say no to allowing the apps to use my location this might suggest to the user that it is not tracking and storing this data. I do not think that it is a stretch to make that connection.

    I do agree this is way out of hand though.

    Then it would be a frivolous lawsuit and it would be dismissed.

    So, there really isn't a point buddy. :D

    victoria falls pictures. Victoria Falls, Victoria Falls
  • Victoria Falls, Victoria Falls

  • iPhil
    Apr 27, 12:53 PM
    Who is NOBama? I looked up that name on Wikipedia but haven't found anything.

    victoria falls pictures. Victoria Falls
  • Victoria Falls

  • daneoni
    Aug 26, 03:47 PM
    PowerBook G5 next tuesday?

    victoria falls pictures. majestic Victoria Falls.
  • majestic Victoria Falls.

  • mc68k
    Dec 6, 06:02 PM
    yeah the AI driver is piss poor at overtaking. it's all racing lines and he'll only overtake on a sharp turn or on a long straight. even with a significantly more powerful car the driver won't always come out on top. i remember in GT4 you could drop out of bspec into aspec and you could also speed up a race by several times to make the enduros go faster. so far i haven't seen this functionality in gt5?

    the car trading sounds like fun. do u trade for car/car or car/$ or just gift back and forth? do both players have to be online at the same time?

    thanks for the tips on the different car settings. i haven't been frustrated enough to try these out yet, but every little bit would help with those top gear tracks. i got so annoyed with the VW Bus and the lotus one that i just gave up and did other stuff. what did you get for completing the lotus/top gear?

    victoria falls pictures. In Zambia Victoria Falls is
  • In Zambia Victoria Falls is

  • reflex
    Sep 19, 07:51 AM
    Maybe I'm missing something here, but I'd of thought buying the latest and fastest computer every year would be the first thing a 'pro-user' would do with his money.

    I can't speak for everyone, but there are a few considerations apart from speed:
    - the available funds
    - the ability to deduct the purchase from taxes
    - having to reinstall everything on the new computer

    Speed is nice, but when a two year old laptop is mostly fast enough (in my case), then why buy a new one after only a year?

    I usually buy a new laptop about every two years. This is a relatively nice trade off between my desire to have the latest of everything and actually getting any work done.

    victoria falls pictures. Victoria Falls - Wikitravel
  • Victoria Falls - Wikitravel

  • GoodWatch
    Apr 27, 09:51 AM
    Good job Apple. Now let's move on to someone else, like freakin' Sony and their Playstation network.


    victoria falls pictures. Victoria Falls
  • Victoria Falls

  • charlituna
    Apr 5, 10:34 PM
    Problem is, its still Final Cut and will still suck at managing media.

    Guess you want us to believe you are one of the folks blessed with an advance look

    I'm not trolling, this is an honest question. But isn't a Final Cut pretty much worthless for commercial use without a way to put the results on Blu-Ray?

    It's called 3rd party software and an external burner. Us big boys do it that way all the time.

    victoria falls pictures. Spectacular Victoria Falls in
  • Spectacular Victoria Falls in

  • acearchie
    Apr 5, 04:51 PM
    Now this sounds exciting!

    victoria falls pictures. Days 18 - 23: Victoria Falls
  • Days 18 - 23: Victoria Falls

  • leekohler
    Apr 27, 01:18 PM
    obamacare in its smallest form is extreme

    No it's not. It's basically what Mitt Romney put in place in Massachusetts. And he's a (gasp!) Republican!

    stimulus bill is extreme (and extrememly $$)

    No, it's not. This is not the first time it's happened either.

    The extreme people he hires, etc.

    Such as?

    victoria falls pictures. Victoria Falls
  • Victoria Falls

  • noire anqa
    Mar 26, 07:37 AM
    Please release OS X Lion on a cool Apple flash drive :cool:

    Really don't want another DVD, my shelf is full!

    Tell me about it, down with optical media already.

    victoria falls pictures. This Victoria Falls Bridge,
  • This Victoria Falls Bridge,

  • Multimedia
    Jul 21, 12:20 PM
    It really depends on your application.

    On the desktop, if you're a typical user that's just interested in web surfing, playing music files, organizing your photo collection, etc., more than two cores will probably not be too useful. For these kinds of users, even two cores may be overkill, but two are useful for keeping a responsive UI when an application starts hogging all the CPU time.

    If you start using higher-power applications (like video work - iMovie/iDVD, for instance) then more cores will speed up that kind of work (assuming the app is properly multithreaded, of course.) 4-core systems will definitely benefit this kind of user.

    With current applications, however, I don't think more than 4 cores will be useful. The kind of work that will make 8 cores useful is the kinds that requires expensive professional software - which most people don't use...

    Cluster computing has similar benefits. With 8 cores in each processor, it is almost as good as having 8 times as many computers in the cluster, and a lot less expensive. This concept will scale up as the number of cores increases, assuming motherbaords can be designed with enough memory and FSB bandwidth to keep them all busy.

    I think we might see a single quad-core chip in consumer systems, like the iMac. I think it is likely that we'll see them in Pro systems, like the Mac Pro (including a high-end model with two quad-core chips.)

    I think processors with more than 4 cores will never be seen outside of servers - Xserves and maybe some configurations of Mac Pro. Mostly because that's where there is a need for this kind of power.I strongly disagree. I could use 16 cores right now for notihng more than simple consumer electronics video compression routines. There will be a Mac Pro with 8 cores this Winter 2007.

    You are completely blind to the need for many cores right now for very simple stupid work. All I want to do is run 4 copies of Toast while running 4 copies of Handbrake simultaneously. Each wants 2 cores or more. So you are not thinking of the current need for 16 cores already.

    This is not even beginning to discuss how many Final Cut Studio Editors need 16 Cores. Man, I can't believe you wrote that. I think you are overlooking the obvious - the need to run multiple copies of today's applicaitons simultaneously.

    So as long as the heat issue can be overcome, I don't see why 8 Cores can't belong inside an iMac by the end of 2008.

    I apologize if I read a little hot. But I find the line of thought that 4 or 8 Cores are enough or more than enough to really annoy me. They are not nearly enough for those of us who see the problem of not enough cores EVERY DAY. The rest of you either have no imagination or are only using your Macs for word processing, browsing and email.

    I am sincerely frustrated by not having enough cores to do simple stupid work efficiently. Just look at how crippled this G5 Quad is already only running three things. They can't even run full speed due to lack of cores.

    victoria falls pictures. Zimbabwe Victoria Falls
  • Zimbabwe Victoria Falls

  • guffman
    Aug 6, 01:43 PM
    As Apple applied for the trademark, it will not be approved.

    It is up to Apple how they want to proceed. A fight that can't win, no matter how much money they have.

    Mac Pro has been the premier Mac dealer in the same county as Apple since 1988. Out of all the names for this new line of computers, why choose one that they know they cannot have.

    We are already getting countless support calls for the macbook pro. It seems they assume we made them When we can't help them, they seem to get very upset.

    Mac Pro is in a position to file for a court order not to release any computer that bears our name.

    So get ready WWDC, we will be watching.

    Mike Ajlouny

    Um, http://tess2.uspto.gov/bin/showfield?f=doc&state=odbjam.2.2

    victoria falls pictures. Victoria Falls
  • Victoria Falls

  • theBB
    Mar 31, 07:13 PM
    If you're going to licence your project as open source, then you do actually have to release the source. I know there's often a delay with commercial products. I suppose the tolerance of the open source community depends on the reason and the amount of time the code is held back.
    Well, the rules for GPL say you need to release the source code along with the software and you actually have to offer them through the same channel, so that you cannot make it practically impossible for people to get to the source even if it is theoretically available. Of course, GPL is not the only "open source" license. This is Google's playground, so they get to define it any way they wish.

    victoria falls pictures. Victoria Falls, Livingstone
  • Victoria Falls, Livingstone

  • ugp
    Jun 23, 12:41 PM
    If the whole Region down here for Florida only got 139 I doubt Radio Shack got many iPhone 4s at all. Either that or all of them went to the huge Markets like New York and other areas like such.

    Aug 6, 03:28 AM
    My Predictions:

    Mac Pro:
    -Fastest pro Mac ever shipped
    -Hard drives, BTO 750gb, perpendicular recording
    -New displays with HDMI, iSight & IR, even brighter
    -Wireless-WiMax or 802.11n-whatever's ready first, otherwise BT 2.0+EDR, AE
    -Multiple graphics card in a SLI/Crossfire like mode for extremely powerful graphics and stereo 3D, Quadro FX5500 and maybe also first Mac to be supported by the new Quadro Plex. 256MB std, 512MB BTO
    -HD Audio

    Isight on displays built-in but I only want that with higher resolution with Auto Focus ability.

    > New displays with a thinner bezel around the LCD; higher contrast ratio 1200:1 minimum; denser pixel count, DLP technology with LEDs or with Zenon technology for the DLP; but more richer BLACK!

    > BTO Bluetooth 2.0+EDR has been on the PowerBooks for at least 2 generations & on the MB+MBP!

    > WiMax although sweet its long away; HUGE battery gobbler. 2 years minimum.

    > I'd love for the MacBookPRO lineup to be more PRO with DUAL HDD configuration but without creating more heat.

    > THe MBP should be equal in computing & graphical performance as the cheapest MacPro!

    Apr 5, 05:16 PM
    I'm not trolling, this is an honest question. But isn't a Final Cut pretty much worthless for commercial use without a way to put the results on Blu-Ray?
    Final Cut does a bit more than disc authoring.

    Apr 10, 08:22 AM
    I'm all in for something new in Video Editing. I find that FCP is way too old and clunky, and Premiere is the same thing with a better interface. I rarely use the Viewer anymore, and I hate having to render. I hate the various pixel aspect ratios and formats there are, including PAL and NTSC. I still think tape cameras are the best in quality, but the practicality of recording on a card or a hard drive will soon beat that.

    There has to be a performance and workflow improvement, as syncing sound to video precisely is near impossible due to the huge amounts of lag.

    This sounds like an interesting update!

    Apr 11, 08:42 PM
    Oh, and this is a more minor gripe, btu they need to pull their heads out of their asses and fix their volume licensing program, it's rubbish.

    Mar 4, 04:32 PM
    you and you partner will beget how exactly, oral and anal sex don't produce a child nor does mutual masturbation, so how exactly will you and your partner produce a child? I don't believe lee ever claimed that he and his partner would do so.

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