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Sunday, May 15, 2011

world map printable countries

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  • maps Withprintable world

  • mrkramer
    Apr 16, 01:04 PM
    And when money is in a bank, the bank can loan an entrepreneur money to start a business that hires people. If the money is invested, it will provide capital for a business to expand. If $1 dollar is consumed, one person can have a candy bar. If $1 is saved, $10 will go towards a small business that might provide a continual source of income and services for many people.

    but if nobody spends to buy that small business's product, how will it survive? Yes you need some saving, but spending is equally important. What we should have done was saved while the economy was going good and we could afford to have that money sitting on the sides and now that the economy is bad we should be spending to restart it. Of course the Republicans were irresponsible with their spending under Bush so now we don't have that money we should have saved to fall back on.

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  • Mapandwallpaper,blank world

  • JAT
    Apr 20, 09:42 AM
    Not a summer update? Surprising.

    September is summer.

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  • rlhamil
    Mar 30, 07:16 PM
    Dear Apple

    PLEASE can we have a UI update, even if it's a minor one (for instance, iTunes 10 scrollbars rather than the blue aqua ones). Just some extra polish really.



    The blue scrollbars look like the blue glow on the warp nacelles of NCC-1701D.

    I like them.


    nerdy as ever

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  • chrmjenkins
    May 5, 10:20 PM
    Just as the heroes began to look around the closet, the torch flickered and its life left. They huddled together in the darkness for a second until they heard the click of Rosius' staff on the floor and saw its head come to life, casting a dim blue light fainter than the torch's.

    They began walking around the room, sticking to the wall on their left. Rhon, Loras and Jorah all wore looks of determination after they had just lost their dear but foolish friend Wilmer. Dante and Beatrice hung close to Rosius who led them around the room. It wasn't long before they realized they were back were they started, and the door in was also the door out.

    Just as Dante let out a sight of frustration, Rosius turned his head to study a line in the bricks that they had just passed. As he scrutinized it further, he realized it was no ordinary wall, so he gave it a light shove. The wall moved, stone biting against stone as it kicked up dust while it swung inward.

    Inside, gleaming in the staff's blue light, was a solid gold cylinder with two spheres making up its base.

    "It's a weapon!" exclaimed Jorah.

    "No," Loras interjected "I think it's a sceptre of some sort."

    "Who cares what it is" Rhon declared. "It's gold."

    The heroes have found a treasure and leveled up.

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  • KnightWRX
    Mar 28, 12:05 PM
    I'm not missing anything. Developers care about three things:

    1. Good tools
    2. A device that can run their software well.
    3. A market that lets them get paid

    Devs do NOT care about specs unless it prevents them from writing good software. Apple will make sure specs keep up with developer needs. Beyond that, it simply does not matter except to geeks who obsess over specs. No one else cares.

    Yes, and 2. and 3. are more and more lagging behind Android in iOS. Keep ignoring the competition and keep believing "Apple will all make it work". Seems to me they are repeating their mistakes of the 80s.

    As an iOS device owner and as a developer that's now invested quite some time in an app for iOS (that has yet to ship mind you), I am watching the situation closely and hoping Apple does not let iOS fall behind the competition.

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  • Tonsko
    Jan 5, 09:16 AM
    With full respect for your decisions, if you'll pardon me, I think that's a little bit crackers. :D

    How do you know if your machine isn't part of a botnet? Have you eschewed only AV and simply subsist on your router f/wall and software firewall? Only run as user not admin? None of the above? Something else?

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  • Justin122
    Mar 28, 11:22 AM
    Typical. My 2 year contract ends in the summer.

    Oh well, guess I won't be getting an iPhone this time around.

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  • fishtank22
    Jul 30, 06:23 PM
    and by now, that photographer has been killed ... or more likely been fired by Apple :)

    world map printable countries. world map printable countries.
  • world map printable countries.

  • alent1234
    Mar 28, 11:28 AM
    Might like to point out that part of the problem with Android updates is not the manufactures but the Carriers.
    AT&T being by far the worse offenders. If AT&T had its way the iPhone would never get more than security updates. To upgrade your OS you would have to buy a new phone.
    This is no were more apparent that looking no farther than the GalaxyS phones. AT&T GalaxyS phone (Captivate) still is waiting on its Android 2.2 update when over seas it is already getting its Android 2.3 updated. Clearly it is not the manufacture causing problems but the carrier.
    I hope the manufactures start taking a cue from Apple and MS to say screw the carriers and start supply updates for their phones. No more blocking the updates from the carriers.

    Apple is about the only company that can get away with the delay. Most others would be fried for it. iPhone is already starting to show its age and delaying it longer will only make it worse.

    wasn't that samsung's fault with the custom UI they put on the phone and issues with 2.3?

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  • labeled world map printable.

  • HBOC
    Apr 5, 01:01 PM
    this is interesting.

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  • printable world map with

  • Mike Reed
    Apr 5, 07:27 PM
    I would be curious to know what 'maintaining a good relationship with Apple' means in this case. Is it similar to PC OEMs like Dell and HP agreeing to not sell PCs with Linux to 'maintain their good relationship with Microsoft'? I own a Scion that came with an iPod compatible stereo as an option. I wonder if they are licensees of the made for iPod program.

    To those saying scions aren't good cars, shush. That box model isn't the only one they make. :P

    world map printable countries. printable world map with
  • printable world map with

  • UrsaMajor
    Mar 30, 01:40 AM
    Only a few people here mentioned the bandwidth issues.

    Cloud storage is a great idea but will only work if we have unlimited flat rates to access it. You have to pay for storage, but then you need to pay for access either thru you 3G cap or the ever increasing ISP caps.

    ISPs are cracking down big time with people using stuff like Netflix around the clock.

    I can't see how any of this mobile stuff will get better with AT&T and t mobile going together. Feels like the aol per minute days.

    world map printable countries. world map printable countries.
  • world map printable countries.

  • ChickenSwartz
    Aug 2, 09:24 PM
    You win that one. :D Although I cannot find the product page for laptop Core 2 Duos, only those for the desktop.

    I think since they announced it so far a head of schedule, they might have those pages up and running yet.

    world map printable countries. world map printable countries.
  • world map printable countries.

  • iFry
    Jul 31, 02:30 AM
    Wifi. Free iChat/Skype calls from any Wifi hotspot.

    would be hot

    MY FIRST POST. Hey everybody :D

    world map printable countries. world map printable
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  • ptysell
    May 6, 12:29 AM
    Can always have a system with ARM AND x86 CPUs.

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  • chris7777
    Apr 23, 09:28 PM
    I remember gettign the original unibody 15" MBP and feeling like i couldnt read text cause it was blurry and just off for lack of a better term.

    I returned it (and no it was not for the screen, it was the portability) and got the 13" 2 years later, and I dont recall the same problem.

    I also recently got the 4th gen ipod touch, and have just fallen in love with the screen, I have tried to look at my friends iphone, and my kids previous gen ipod touch, and they just don't look right. So while yes it may be overkill for the human eye it is appreciated. I suspect moreso on laptops and devices that are meant to be viewed at close range.

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  • RawBert
    Apr 7, 11:21 AM
    They only need like ~100,000.

    world map printable countries. world map printable
  • world map printable

  • Blakeco123
    Apr 23, 04:37 PM
    sorry just a correction the resolution isnt 3200x3200 its 3200x2000 i just checked

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  • world map printable

  • aberth
    Mar 28, 10:05 AM
    Apple delaying hardware releases isn't so bad - sure it might not be the best news for people just ready for a new device, but it's not that they absolutely need hardware updates; the iPhone 4 hardware is still really capable.

    What might be a problem however, is that they delay software in the same way. iOS desperately needs an update... and the messages sent out to the public certainly give the feeling we'll just get a preview in June. Letting people wait til the fall for iOS 5 would not be a good thing, certainly if this would mean no iPhone updates at all.

    However I'm a bit skeptical when it comes to the way these messages are interpreted... some people sure do jump to conclusions quickly. For example, reading the message again, it looks as likely Apple will also just preview OS X in June, and I guess we all know that Lion will really be released in the summer...

    Jul 29, 11:51 PM
    Actually what happened to the rumor about Apple making a phone for the Japanese Softbank/Vodaphone network.


    Was this all speculation as well?

    Jul 21, 02:19 PM
    I doubt we'll see Core 2 Duo machines next Tuesday, but it's possible. :rolleyes:

    Otherwise I expect a WWDC rollout.

    I don't think we'll see these at WWDC unless there are other substantial changes. Going from a Yonah to a Merom chip may be great news, but it's hardly something Steve can crow about on stage. "Here's the new macbook pro... it looks and functions exactly like the old one, but 20% faster. Um, yeah. You already know all about the macbook pro, so there's really nothing else for me to say, is there?"

    I expect we will see mac pros and leopard demo'ed at WWDC, plus the usual talk about how well apple is doing, etc. Maybe some talk about pro apps because it's a developer's conference. MAYBE a new ipod (nano) just because it's such big news, even tho it's not really for developers.

    But as far as new MBPs go, I'd expect a quiet announcement some tuesday in the relatively near future.

    Apr 26, 03:13 PM
    They will activate it for you in store so that shouldn't have been an issue.

    what about updates?

    Jul 23, 12:24 PM
    I too am holding out hope for a 13" MBP. The 13" MB isn't powerful enough graphically and the 15" MBP is too big.

    Besides, the aluminum is just stylin!

    Mar 29, 01:38 PM
    ...obviously, is the rollout of a "Kindle Tablet" running Honeycomb.

    The custom Amazon front end would have icons for:

    Kindle Reading App (and Kindle Store)
    Amazon Music Player (with cloud storage) and MP3 Store
    Amazon Prime Streaming Video (and the Amazon Video Store)
    Amazon Android App Store
    Cloud Storage Manager
    Some sort of Web Browser

    And underneath that is Honeycomb. Maybe they throw in a free Amazon Prime subscription with purchase (free 2-day shipping on Amazon purchases).

    Here would be Amazon leveraging all their strengths into a physical device that could seriously challenge the iPad in ways that no other vendor can, because it creates an Amazon "ecosystem" with the worlds biggest store for physical goods attached.

    People like to shop.

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