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Sunday, May 22, 2011

funny turkey pictures

funny turkey pictures. this funny Turkey Hat .
  • this funny Turkey Hat .

  • Force10
    Apr 22, 04:58 PM
    Well, Rumors I hear suggest this may be a new iPhone but not the new iPhone.
    Cook said he wanted a more affordable one. What better than an iPod Touch that can make calls if you buy credit on a pay-as-you go basis?
    This will have A4, 4-8GB, retina res but not IPS and sell for under $200 with no contract.
    Existing Touch will be replaced by a 5-6" game-centric model with A5 and 1024 x 768 retina screen.

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  • grabbed ten funny turkey

  • ArchaicRevival
    Apr 22, 09:58 AM
    I dont know of any wireless phone that could support real 4G speeds. Besides on a mobile device, do I really need more than 20mb down, 5 up? Thats already faster than my cable modem lol.

    That is also true. What is it that you're doing on your phone that is requiring all these speeds? I'd rather have all the companies come together to make an LTE type of internet WIRELESS network, which will bring the cost down on both them and the consumers, and we'll have these speeds all over the nation for both phones and any wifi enabled devices. But that's probably wishful thinking lol :)

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  • elope Funny+turkey+eat+ham

  • JesterJJZ
    Jul 24, 11:13 PM
    Ehhh... A headphone jack would be nice. I don't want to have to buy new headphones just for my iPod...:mad:

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  • image001 Funny drawings

  • Tones2
    Apr 22, 10:46 AM
    Image (http://dailymobile.se/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/HTC-ThunderBolt-vs-iPhone-4-Internet-Speed-Test.jpg)

    Uh, no thanks. I don't need a bigger phone print in my pocket.

    Just get bigger pockets. :)


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  • free Funny+turkey+clipart

  • ladymacintosh
    Apr 22, 04:53 PM
    I'm not digging this. I think it will be too hard to hold onto being that thin and the prospect of pad charging leads me to wonder how on earth you go about charging it in a car? Doesn't sound very convenient. Not to mention, how long of a battery life could this thing possibly have?

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  • Funny+turkey+hunting+pics

  • cmaier
    Apr 23, 10:47 PM
    What's so great about the rating arrows is you can tell who's got the balls to share honestly, versus the suck ups with high positive ratings for being perfect yes men.

    Nothing ever improves without candid feedback. Yes men breed dysfunction and stagnation. Rock on boys..:)

    Not sure which bucket you're putting me in :-)

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  • map soldier funny turkey

  • stew278
    Mar 31, 12:02 PM
    Garish as hell.

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  • Funny Turkey Pictures

  • carmenodie
    Apr 29, 04:35 PM
    How stupid can Jeff Bozo be?!
    By undercutting the already cheap ala cart business model the record labels and the artist and writers etc are going to fell the pain right down to their pockets.

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  • pork Funny+turkey+eat+ham

  • peapody
    Sep 13, 06:33 PM
    ^^^The food's pretty good. I was never disappointed.

    Nice edit.:D

    Tried to be good to the mods to reduce their headache. haha..but alas a purchase is a purchase.

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  • Funny Turkey Stein

  • lifeofart
    Jul 12, 07:45 PM
    You know, I'm with you. If we don't stop this bickering the thread is likely to get closed. I always find it irritating when that happens. So, I suggest we drop the "professional" vs. "consumer" argument. It's clear that we have different opinions, and neither of us seems to be being swayed by the other's arguments. So, perhaps we should just agree to disagree.

    Now, just so I don't get accused of trying to get the last word in before saying that we should drop it, I'll invite those on the other side of the argument to have one last quip, which I won't respond to. Then we can drop it. Sound fair?

    Fair enough, I hate arguing over such minute issues anyway. Besides anyone that has an opinion probably won't change it just because of a few forum flames.

    funny turkey pictures. Funny+turkey+eat+ham
  • Funny+turkey+eat+ham

  • Razeus
    Apr 12, 10:26 AM

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  • steadysignal
    Apr 12, 04:55 PM
    Looks like ill be going to Android.

    its all good. the bionic will be out soon.

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  • September 2007 - Funny

  • seanpholman
    Mar 15, 11:05 AM
    Kind of a bummer. Just chasing the tail.


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  • Turkey Day!

  • cms2
    Apr 15, 01:59 PM

    yech. :(

    funny turkey pictures. Funny+turkey+clipart
  • Funny+turkey+clipart

  • PghLondon
    Apr 28, 03:38 PM
    How am i a geek. I need to be able to keep files on my phone like word docs that I can access at any computer. I prefer a Full keyboard and T-mo sucks many people have these same wants and needs out of a smart phone.

    First of all, you can do that on an iPhone already. There are any number of ways to do that. Full keyboard? Yeah, tons of people want those... that's why they're selling so well!

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  • A funny turkey recipe was

  • SciFrog
    Oct 13, 01:58 PM
    Console client, no third party items...

    funny turkey pictures. Where is that turkey??i have
  • Where is that turkey??i have

  • mrsir2009
    Apr 22, 04:43 PM
    Damn that looks scary!

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  • of funny turkey smiling

  • chrmjenkins
    Apr 23, 09:42 AM
    Perhaps. But it should be noted that at one time Apple didn't have any interest in making different sizes/models of iPods either. Or CDMA phones. Point being, things change.

    Those models have very distinct differences. A nano is very different from a touch, which are both different from a shuffle, etc. For each iDevice paradigm, it has clear differences between the other products and market segments.

    CDMA is a poor example because it's transparent to the user. It has almost 0 effect on user experience and does not even begin to identify a product category.

    funny turkey pictures. Funny+turkey+clipart
  • Funny+turkey+clipart

  • Mr. Chewbacca
    Mar 31, 10:29 AM
    As long as it still syncs with mobile me Ill stay happy :D

    Blue Velvet
    Feb 28, 01:49 PM
    I'm not saying that I don't think he's abusing some serious drugs, but I think he has more control over what he's doing/saying than we think.


    More Charlie Sheen cats here (http://mediumlarge.wordpress.com/2011/02/24/cats-quote-charlie-sheen/) and here. (http://mediumlarge.wordpress.com/2011/02/28/cats-quote-charlie-sheen-morning-news-edition/)

    Aug 15, 01:28 PM
    some images are up, but others are not. hmmmmm.........

    all images should be back up now. some of the urls have changed, so make sure you are linking from the latest version of the post.


    Apr 23, 10:47 PM
    What's so great about the rating arrows is you can tell who's got the balls to share honestly, versus the suck ups with high positive ratings for being perfect yes men.

    Nothing ever improves without candid feedback. Yes men breed dysfunction and stagnation. Rock on boys..:)

    Not sure which bucket you're putting me in :-)

    Jul 17, 02:37 PM
    Pages needs real wordprocessing tools, like cross-references, bibliography, and an outline view. If that's what's in store with Pages 3, I'll be very pleased.

    That said, I use Pages 2 every day already, for both copywriting and page layout jobs. It runs quite nicely on my MacBook.

    As far as a grammar tool is concerned: that's a useless feature. It never works, in any app, on any platform. And people should simply learn grammar, if they want to write something. It would make much more sense for Apple to include dictionaries and thesauri for other languages. We're not all Americans!

    Apr 26, 07:24 AM
    i sometimes miss my imac. sold it in favor of mid 2010 15 mbp.

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