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Sunday, May 22, 2011

iphone 5g images

iphone 5g images. to present an iPhone 5G?
  • to present an iPhone 5G?

  • Denarius
    Mar 23, 11:40 AM
    Enough time to move diplomatically as well?
    There was tonnes of external political pressure exerted on Gadafi in the run up and he didn't shift an inch and proceeded to pick off unarmed protesters to an extent not seen in the other recent North African revolutions.

    I suppose the point at which "all other options have failed" is a debatable one, since everyone has different opinions on what constitutes a valid option.

    In the scenario that existed last week, it wasn't only 'what other options there', but 'what other options are there that will prevent Gadafi killing off the revolutionaries before the week is out. Other options of the latter type were non-existent.

    Gadafi needs to end it by standing down and the Libyan Government declaring free elections subject to UN oversight.

    iphone 5g images. iphone 5g price in usa. iphone
  • iphone 5g price in usa. iphone

  • blesscheese
    Mar 26, 09:16 AM
    Wait until the first revision comes up! as always, the desperates install the new OS that come full of bugs and then complains starts "I lost all my data".

    Just my 2cents.

    Not to mention that this sort of upgrades just make you buying a new machine to run the system as it should.

    I agree...btw, before they release the new OS, shouldn't they fix the flaws in the old one first? Oh well, no chance of that now, "the new OS is far better than the old one..." (shades of M$ hyping Windows 95 as "the best ever," and then to market Win98, talking about how crappy Win95 was).

    Is it me, or has Snow Leopard felt more like a marketing tool to get Apple's hands more fully into my wallet? The 10.6.6 update just to put the App Store icon in my dock was a bit over the top.

    iphone 5g images. apple iphone 5g price. iphone
  • apple iphone 5g price. iphone

  • JAT
    Apr 20, 12:15 PM
    Not at all. I'm only showing where Apple has done what they don't like being done to them. Only a die hard defends them at all cost.
    No, only an irrational person defends them at all cost. A die hard is one who puts up with occasional mistakes in the products.

    Did threads just get merged again? Because the last dozen posts are complete rehashes of earlier posts.

    iphone 5g images. apple iphone 5g images.
  • apple iphone 5g images.

  • Astro7x
    Apr 7, 02:54 PM
    It's easy. The average person isn't watching blu-rays on a 27 inch or less screen. They get them for their big 50-60 inch TVs. And the sales of Macs are rising despite the lack. True professionals do what is needed to get the job done. Including buying a stand alone drive and 3rd party software if the simple menus in DVD Studio Pro are not enough

    I disagree. I would argue that the reason people are not watching Blurays on their computers is because they CAN'T watch them on a computer. Blowing up a regular DVD to full screen on an Apple 27 inch cinema display looks horrible, and the alternative is a highly compressed H264 that looks amazing in comparison. I guarantee that if every Mac shipped with a Bluray drive, I'd have more clients requesting Bluray discs. Clients seem to love DVDs because they are dummy proof. Bluray? The smart ones will have to wait to watch it until they get home where they can put it on their PS3 or something. The others will stick it in their MacBook and then send me an E-mail saying that the DVD they received doesn't work.

    Apple has to see financial benefits in not including Bluray in their computers. The professionals will add a drive to their MacPros so they can burn them. But consumers? Apple would no doubt take somewhat of a hit in profit for every Bluray drive that goes into a Mac. They'd also rather sell the HD media through the iTunes Store and make a profit there too. I'll admit it, one of the reasons I haven't switched completely over to buying Bluray Discs is because I can't watch them on my Laptop.

    iphone 5g images. iPhone LTE (4G enabled) In The
  • iPhone LTE (4G enabled) In The

  • dclocke
    Sep 19, 09:28 AM
    AMEN!!!! This whole thread has the tone of a spoiled 13 year old's "I want" tirade. All the benchmarks show little difference between Merom and what you can buy today...and the 64 bit argument is really moot for most users because....(ready for it)....it's a laptop! Very few will have more than 2GB RAM on it anyway, and addressing larger RAM partitions is the #1 64 bit advantage.

    Addressing larger RAM partitions is not the #1 advantage for me. I will not be putting >4GB of memory into my laptop. And I suspect it is not the #1 advantage for most of the people posting in this thread. If you don't like the subject matter of this thread, then don't read it. Simple as that.

    iphone 5g images. Iphone 5G Time Machine
  • Iphone 5G Time Machine

  • dgree03
    Apr 6, 03:58 PM
    1. Have you seen how those apps "scale" on XOOM? That doesn't make them optimized for tablets, just fit more screen space and even that doesn't work that well.

    2. Bull.

    YOU apparently havent seen how apps scale first hand. Like i said ill take that over x1, x2 ANY day.

    Scale?? Access to each other??

    I'm beginning to wonder if you have ever used EITHER iOS or Android.

    HAHA, Yes I own a XOOM and a Ipad 2(previously Ipad 1).

    YOU apparently havent used either at any length.

    My point still stands, I can use less apps to accomplish the same goals on a XOOM than i can on a Ipad.

    If you have any other first hand usage that proves me wrong.. go for it.

    iphone 5g images. iphone 5g release date uk.
  • iphone 5g release date uk.

  • xsnightclub
    Aug 6, 04:34 PM
    Mike - I'm sure Apple had their IP counsel do a IP search prior to deciding on any names and filing for registration. That is the first and most basic step and is not going going to escape the experienced folks at whatever large firm Apple is using for IP these days. A TM approval from the USPTO doesn't take long at all, 10 to 18 months. Are you operating under the impression that Apple's registration hasn't already been approved? Did you protest the trademark during the time provided for the filing of protests during the trademark registration process? If you've registered mac-pro in the past, did you follow all the guidelines (e.g. providing notice that you were using the term within 6 months of your approval to the USPTO or request a six month extension with USPTO, etc.) have you renewed the registration? If you did file, had it approved, provided the notices of use to the the USPTO, and protested and lost on Apple's application, a bid for a TRO will be interesting as - assuming that last list of events - there are no rights being infringed. Of course, I'm not an IP att'y and there's a long list of assumptions here, and I'm sure if you did have an issue, a post on the MR forum wouldn't be your means of pursuing it.

    I think the only assumption that matters with this matter, is that the poster actually is who he says he is. Which is highly doubtful.
    This information is all easily found under corporate registration searches and USPTO filings.
    This all seems like a child trying to copy the Tiger Direct fiasco.

    Anyway, Bring on the new Mac Pros!

    iphone 5g images. iPhone Nano 5G Clone MP5-Nono
  • iPhone Nano 5G Clone MP5-Nono

  • iliketyla
    Mar 31, 02:39 PM
    I've been wanting to say this for a very long time. Google's OS has no advantage over iOS. You could even say it has a disadvantage. Having to create a vanilla code base that needs to function on multiple pieces of hardware is complex, more complexity creates weaker system.

    But here's my point. The ONLY ONLY reason why Android market share is anywhere near what it is today is because of the Buy One Get One options at most phone retailers. iOS has NEVER done that and hopefully never will. If you didn't care about the phone or service but needed two "Newer Smart Phones" one for you and one for your wife, why not go with the "Blah Blah" model from Verizon where if I buy one today I get the second for free (two year agreement and activation fees required).

    Market share means nothing. This platform is doomed unless Google reins it in and get control over it. If they do, providers will be less willing to work with them, if they don't, by by Android.

    My Two Cents.

    From my own personal experience, I know very few people that have Android phones that took advantage of the BOGO deal.

    I personally bought this Android phone because I read reviews, and it was the best lower end phone, and I can't justify spending an enormous amount of money on something I'll upgrade in a year.

    I used an iPhone 3GS for a year, and I don't miss it.
    It's a very nice phone, but the features that I can use on Android more than make up for any advantages the iPhone had.

    Once again, this is just MY opinion, but I figured I'd throw it out there.

    iphone 5g images. Nouveau iPhone 5G
  • Nouveau iPhone 5G

  • Lollypop
    Jul 20, 09:03 AM
    Is having more cores more energy efficient than having one big fat ass 24Ghz processor? Maybe thats a factor in the increasing core count.

    It depends on the architecture, its possible to have 24 1ghz cores being more power hungry than a single 24ghz processor.

    Processor manufacturers are having problems increasing the amount of instructions they can execute, intels latest goal is to have the most amount of instructions executed with the least energy consumtion, but given constraints manufacturers are finding it easier to add a second processor than to scale a single processor to deliver the same performance as two "simpler" processors.

    iphone 5g images. Iphone 5g White.
  • Iphone 5g White.

  • brepublican
    Nov 28, 10:29 PM
    This is ridiculous. The record companies are obsessed with money. They didnt seek royalties on CD players but iPods are somehow different. They are MUSIC PLAYERS. They record industry should have no part in music hardware, its just ridiculous.:mad:

    I'm glad I'm not the only one who doesnt understand why they would want money for every iPod sold. Is this how Microsoft plans to "kill" the iPod with their Zune? By distorting the mp3 market with such kind of BS :mad:


    iphone 5g images. It called iphone 5G.
  • It called iphone 5G.

  • swingerofbirch
    Aug 26, 02:06 AM
    I imagine Apple is upset with Sony.

    I know Sony is paying for the battery replacements but I wonder if they reimburse Apple for the customer service and shipping they provide for the recall.

    The market seems to demand low prices and I suppose does not demand as much that the products be durable and right the first time.

    With PC manufacturers, they usually have two grades--consumer and business.

    My university encourages students to buy a Lenovo notebook, but goes out of their way to emphasize that students buy a business model over the consumer models. They say that they are better built with better parts even if they look less flashy at higher prices.

    Apple's product line-up is less stratified. All of their products could theoretically be used by business or consumers. Maybe they are falling in between...not reaching the build level of the PC world's "business class"?

    iphone 5g images. iphone 5g pics. iphone 5g
  • iphone 5g pics. iphone 5g

  • remboursemoi11
    Apr 8, 02:26 AM
    I heard galaxy tab is better than Ipad. Is it true??

    iphone 5g images. iPhone 5G, as some are
  • iPhone 5G, as some are

  • tribulation
    Nov 28, 08:12 PM
    what if i have no artists distributed by universal? if this takes effect then the ipod price will just go up and we all will be paying for it. what makes them think that i am even listening to any of their artists on my ipod and why should they get a cut if i dont >> or even if i do. ridiculous and better not happen.

    iphone 5g images. iphone 5g features. iphone 5g
  • iphone 5g features. iphone 5g

  • Multimedia
    Sep 14, 12:23 PM
    i think they're coming up with 2 dual octo-core.......True That. But not until next summer 2007.

    iphone 5g images. iphone 5g. Nano 5G The Real
  • iphone 5g. Nano 5G The Real

  • PCMacUser
    Aug 27, 07:39 AM
    Yes, and as someone has already pointed out, if the Core2 can do 20% better with the same power, can't you just throttle your new Core2 MBP down 20% and get a laptop with the same performance of your old one with 20% better battery life?

    Talk about not seeing the forest through the trees. :rolleyes:
    It's quite common in the PC laptop world to do exactly that - using the BIOS to drop the default clock speed and/or voltage of the CPU to extend battery life. But that requires a BIOS which Apples don't have. Perhaps it can be done another way...

    iphone 5g images. iphone 5g pics. iphone 5g
  • iphone 5g pics. iphone 5g

  • ChickenSwartz
    Jul 27, 11:54 AM
    Has anyone ever thought that the reasons the MBPs run hot is because they were originally designed to have a cooler chip in them...Merom.

    I know it had been rumored that Apple originally wanted to wait for Merom but "settled" for Yonah to get Intel in faster. Or maybe I am just trying to give myself hope that I will get a super cool MBP in a month (or less?).

    iphone 5g images. for Verizon iPhone 5G with
  • for Verizon iPhone 5G with

  • RichP
    Sep 13, 08:19 AM
    Nice! Im with iGary and others, soon as they are out, Im buying. That should correspond nicely with the release of CS3.

    Im doing work in Alias these days, I can only imagine how 8 cores could do a render!

    Suprised the MacPro could handle the heat of 8 cores with its 4-core heatsink design. I read the article about Kentsfield on Tom's Hardware, and that chip made ALOT of heat; these are basically the same chip.

    EDIT: Who knows, the hot setup may be a refurb'ed MacPro 2.0Ghz, then drop in better CPUs!

    iphone 5g images. loyal to iPhone 3G/3,5G as
  • loyal to iPhone 3G/3,5G as

  • jonnyb
    Mar 22, 03:01 PM
    Hopefully Apple will take a cue from that.
    Playbook . . . as in what sport coaches use to hold their plays . . . e.g. their next moves, their plans on winning the game.

    A term that's barely used outside of north America. I wonder if RIM even thought of that?

    iphone 5g images. iphone 5g 2011. new iphone 5g
  • iphone 5g 2011. new iphone 5g

  • azzurri000
    Sep 18, 11:39 PM
    I still think it's funny that everyone thinks these Macbook Pros are "long overdue" - when, exactly, did the FIRST Dell laptop with C2D ship? I thought it was supposed to be around tomorrow...but surely it couldn't have been before last Monday or so at the earliest.

    So that's, what? A week behind in the worst case scenario? Oh God...

    However - if they waited till November, then yeah, I'd agree that they were overdue...:)

    I see your point... I think Merom has been really overhyped, and I can say that I have gotten caught up in it all. There has been so much talk about Merom for so long, that it's almost hard to believe that it's brand new. Perhaps Santa Rosa will be the same later on...

    Jun 8, 06:46 PM
    You've got questions. We've got transistors.

    KT Walrus
    Apr 7, 10:58 PM
    I know some Apple Stores hold back iPad 2 stock for "special customers". I was talking to a retired school teacher who had a contact at an Apple Store and she said she got her iPad 2 by having her contact hold one for her when he could. She got hers a few days after they first went on sale when her contact called and all she had to do was pick it up at her convenience.

    Best Buy employees aren't the only ones setting aside stock of iPad 2s. It isn't about first come first served, but who you know.

    Aug 22, 05:19 PM
    The next Xeon is Clovertown, which is just Woodcrest scaled to 4 cores with a few changes in clock and FSB etc. Tigerton comes next, also 4 cores but MP capable (3+ chips possible) and with a possibility of increased FSB speed, bigger L2 cache and so on.

    This will likely suck, because the interconnect Intel is using is just too damn slow. Putting four cores in the same package will just make the situation worse, because a lot of applications are significantly limited by memory performance.

    The Woodcrest processors have been put through their paces pretty well on the supercomputing lists, and their Achille's heal is the memory subsystem. Current generation AMD Opterons still clearly outscale Woodcrest in real-world memory bandwidth with only two cores. Unless Intel pulls a rabbit out of their hat with their memory architecture issues when the quad core is released, AMDs quad core is going to embarrass them because of the memory bottleneck. And AMD is already starting to work on upgrading their already markedly superior memory architecture.

    Jul 27, 11:02 AM
    "...Core 2 Duo chips need less electricity, drawing just 65 watts compared to the Pentium 4’s 95 watts and Pentium D’s 130 watts"

    Good Lord - does anybody know what the G5 is? I'd imagine that the elaborate cooling system in the current G5 towers probably won't be needed it it's running anything like the D's...

    1) The watts numbers listed are TDP (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thermal_Design_Power). They are not the amount of power the processor consumes ("drawing").

    2) PPC 970fx falls in the realm of Conroe in terms of heat generation but of course the Conroe has better performance.

    I should note that the PPC 970FX is a single core chip while the PPC 970MP is the dual core one... don't have good numbers for the later but I would guess it would be about 1.75 times (or more) the PPC 970FX in terms of thermal generation and power consumption.

    Jul 20, 05:56 PM
    and ECC memory
    and dual GigE network ports

    Current PowerMacs have both of these... it supports ECC and has dual GigE

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