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Sunday, May 22, 2011

i love you more than funny quotes

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  • Burgess07
    Apr 15, 03:14 PM
    The "view" buttons in finder changed back to the old style.


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  • QCassidy352
    Sep 30, 09:54 AM
    That is unacceptable. But I'll also say that the problems experienced by people in NYC and SF have created a negative perception of AT&T that isn't accurate for most of the country. I've taken my iphone to a lot of places (to name a few: Orlando, DC, Indianapolis, New Hampshire, Maine, Houston) and had very good service (by which I mean as good as what my gf has had on her verizon phone) everywhere. I live in Boston, and the 3G speeds could be faster, but I do always have 3G and have very few dropped calls.

    None of this is to suggest 30% dropped calls in a major city is Ok - it's clearly not, and if I lived in NYC or SF, I probably wouldn't have an iphone. But I wouldn't hesitate to recommend AT&T to people who lived in most other places.

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  • Nielsenius
    Apr 16, 09:42 AM
    I just want to point out that there is an apparent disparity between the new Finder view options (icons, Cover Flow, etc) and the "Select File" view options. It would seem that either Apple forgot to change the slider look in the selection window, or they mistakenly changed it in Finder.

    One more change I noticed is Preview quitting after exiting the last open Preview window. I love this particular change because having that Preview icon in the dock always bugged me.

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  • ball4lyfe
    Apr 29, 02:15 AM
    If it is true, it gives me enough excuse to not shell out $$$ to switch from the black to the white. :D

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  • pudrums
    Sep 17, 09:41 AM
    @iqwertyi: Have a look at Fanatec's Porsche wheels. They are available in different price ranges and their 911 Turbo model currently is the best model on the market!

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  • NathanMuir
    May 1, 11:27 PM
    Rather ironic Bush gave his 'Mission Accomplished' speech eight years ago yesterday.

    Lee, I agree; major boost for his reelection campaign.

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  • cosmokanga2
    Apr 13, 03:44 PM
    http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5227/5614995836_34cb024583_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/stefanctf/5614995836/)

    An airliner departs from Vancouver International Airport.

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  • rmwebs
    Apr 26, 12:20 PM
    Amazon is poised to pwn both Apple and Google on that one.

    If MobileMe is any indication, Apple just doesn't get cloud - if they plan on charging for it, Amazon is happy to take their business - they'll sell you plain mp3s for the boot!

    Agreed. I can foresee this being another poorly made mobileme addon which is pure crap to use if you are outside the US (due to immensely slow network connectivity from Apple's servers).

    Amazon will rule the cloud since they have been doing it for so long, and have multiple DC's in the US and Europe. Apple are at least 10 years behind here and will have a hell of a hard time getting to Amazons level.

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  • hatehereyes
    Sep 17, 02:34 PM
    Just got this for $30 :D


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  • Bonsai1214
    Jan 28, 02:29 PM
    have you noticed a big difference with the amp? i have the same headphones, which are fantastic, btw.

    uDAC is not an amp. its a DAC.

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  • nagromme
    Aug 15, 12:53 PM
    I believe icerabbit was referring to a feature to restore an item to its original location once putting it in the trash. Windows has this feature in the recycle bin and it's a handy little feature.

    This isn't to do with Time Machine as the user has not yet deleted the item from the Trash and the system.
    If so, that's a feature Macs had up until OS 9 (it was called Put Away) and it was nice--I'd be glad to have it back. Undo usually meets this need for me, but not always. (I think Put Away also worked for files you dragged onto the desktop.)

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  • revelated
    May 3, 09:02 AM
    That was the case for the previous 21.5" too. The smaller enclosure can only fit 2 DIMM slots while the larger 27" can fit 4 DIMM slots.

    Given it's Sandy Bridge, curious if that means the 27" might be able to take 32GB.

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  • rxse7en
    Jul 28, 09:43 AM
    My mistake, sorry. I got mixed-up between your replies to kevin.rivers, who replied to bigmc6000...

    Maybe he meant "the only high-def console" on the market right now with the PS3 still a few months away?

    No sweat. :D

    Personally, I'd hope that the new gaming consoles--read PS3--would offer some DIVX playback too. I have a Samsung HT-q70 that upscales to 1080i over HDMI and it has a USB port on the front that allows you to plug an external drive into it and it plays VCD, DVD, DIVX, MPEG 2 & 4. That would be a nice simple feature that can be added to these consoles that would make them more useful as a media center.


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  • Azathoth
    Apr 1, 09:02 AM
    The new look gives the appearance of a physical desktop calendar with leather binding along the top edge, and like the iPad application shows remnants of torn-off pages for additional realism.

    I'm glad Apple isn't wasting their time on pointless eye-candy that they will tout amongst the 30,000 improvements that Lion will bring. Oh wait...

    Apart from the new aesthetics being debatable, there are just so many other things that need fixing in SL (e.g. SMB sharing is terribly slow, random beachballing, the Finder, root permissions changing, wireless network settings messing up after a while++), that I wish they would concetrate on those...

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  • SciFrog
    Nov 2, 04:11 PM
    We might take team Lituania today ;)

    We got them!
    Well, we may pass each other back and forth a few times before we can really pull away...
    Next target: 2.3 weeks away! Keep Folding!

    And a little pat in the back as I just took the #8 spot on the team. Watch out this week #7! After it gets more tricky and WhiteRabbit is coming behind faaaaast...

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  • woocintosh
    Apr 22, 06:26 AM
    No chance for samsung. Their products are obviously copies. The icons even are crappy...

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  • avinash
    Mar 15, 08:55 PM
    Guys, I have been at Brea on Monday and i was in the line nd they said they dont have any iPads in that days shipment. Then i went there today and they said they handed out tickets. So out of desperation i am planning to go there at 6 am and wait in the line tomorrow at Brea. Does anyone knw how many tickets did they hand out today and will camping out before the store opens tomorrow in Brea bring me any luck?

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  • shazzam
    May 3, 07:35 AM

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  • cvaldes
    Apr 14, 01:07 PM
    When is the Verizon iPhone going to get the 4.3 love?
    Probably never.

    The most likely scenario would be reunification between the UTMS/GSM and CDMA software in iOS 4.4 or definitely iOS 5.

    It appears that Apple forked the 4.2 code for the CDMA iPhone and there's no clean way to reincorporate those changes into the 4.3 branch.

    May 3, 08:20 AM
    Is it easy for us to install an SSD by ourselves? (I'm not a geek)

    Nobody knows until someone has taken the machines apart. On the previous model, there was very, very, very limited space for the SSD drive; Apple just about managed to squeeze it in, and it was in a location that wasn't easily accessible at all, so adding one yourself was very difficult (the kind of difficult where if you ask how difficult it is then it is too difficult for you).

    Jul 24, 03:09 PM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com)

    DailyTech reports (http://www.dailytech.com/article.aspx?newsid=3475) that a filing with the Federal Communications Commission reveals that Apple has developed a Bluetooth (wireless) version of its Mighty Mouse (http://www.apple.com/mightymouse/), otherwise identical to the current model and its touch-sensitive cover, Scroll Ball, and force-sensing side buttons.

    The new Mighty Mouse uses two standard AA batteries and will be compatible with OS X 10.4.6 and later. No release date is set for the new Bluetooth Mighty Mouse -- currently codenamed M6, but judging from the FCC filing, the new mouse should arrive soon.

    MacRumors recently received word that Apple repair technicians and phone support had been briefed on how to deal with the new hardware, indicating a release may be imminent. The Mighty Mouse was introduced (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2005/08/20050802094256.shtml) in August 2005.

    Update: According to a picture of a preliminary product manual obtained by AppleInsider (http://www.appleinsider.com/article.php?id=1909), the new wireless Mighty Mouse will use Laser tracking in place of the Optical tracking system the current USB Mighty Mouse uses. Laser-based mice typically are more accurate and less prone to errors on extremely smooth surfaces.

    Oct 24, 08:50 AM
    Just for the record...

    Originally Posted by iRobo

    Just a note. If you look at the average of the average time between updates you discover that there are, amongst all the products, a 192 days period between updates.

    Currently only 177 days have passed since the last update to the MBP. Oct 26 would be Mac Expo in the UK. If they anounced then (185 days) and shipped one week later they would be at the average (192 exactly).

    Also noting that major US and Euro retailers are out of stock or low on stock is also a fairly good indicator.

    Finally, I think it would be pretty damn sad if after 192 days of updating they merely give us a .16 processor upgrade...

    /4 cents and counting

    Jul 21, 01:20 PM
    5-7% is possible. Don't ever expect Apple to get above 10 again though.

    Why not?

    I think there's some upper limit that apple may hit, I just don't see why it would be as low as 10%.

    Generic businesses will likely stay with windows for quite a while, regardless of what apple does. But I don't see any reason many creative businesses, schools and home users couldn't switch to macs.

    Chase R
    Dec 5, 04:59 PM
    I think if there were no guns besides the law enforcements then America would be a much safer place.

    Then what would law-enforcement need guns for?

    It is literally impossible to get rid of guns here. The only thing gun-control does is take away guns from those who legitimately and responsibly own them. You think the guns that gangsters and criminals have are registered? I think not.


    back to wishlist...

    one of these:

    So I can get back into morning running!

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