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Sunday, May 22, 2011

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  • swingerofbirch
    Aug 28, 05:30 PM
    As an Apple investor I am dissapointed because I know how this looks to the inudstry: Apple has been pansted.

    As an Apple enthusiast, I know Apple insists on marching to the beat of their own drummer. Let's just hope they march soon.

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  • digitalbiker
    Sep 13, 10:46 PM
    It would have to be really thin, but I like it! :cool:

    However the real innovation that is going to put Apple over the top is the built-in microfibre wiper blade that squeeges the LCD display after every call. This removes all trace of facial oil and keeps the screen beaming with that showroom shine! :eek:

    Sorry, I had to sneek that one in.:D

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  • aafuss1
    Sep 4, 07:12 PM
    Same imac with more disk space, faster processor, 23'' screen, better wireless, maybe a second disk drive, and the same price as the old 20 Incher.

    Happens every 8 to 12 months, more offten now with Intel.:cool:

    No next gen DVD in the 23" yet, I guess.

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  • Mac Fly (film)
    Sep 13, 09:56 PM
    Here's the real iPhone!!


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  • GuyV
    Oct 13, 03:08 AM
    well here's the kicker for the fools who fall for these gimmicks.
    you can donate directly and it's a tax write off as a charitable contribution.
    or, you can buy the same boring lollipop, in 10 different colors, and see this 5% go towards the charity which apple will gladly pony up as it will benefit them after their returns and reports are done.

    so i gotta ask, why bother justifying your purchase as "good will"?
    why not just call a spade a spade and say...durr durr durrr?

    I agree, this thing is not about doing something good, it's about buying a gimmick that says to everyone "I gave to charity" while in reality you were not spending one dime more than you would have spent on the gimmick that you wanted to buy anyway. What kind of shite is this where you just want to show around that you're a good person while in reality you couldn't get your thumbs out of your butt to donate anything at all, not even 10 bucks. It's called VANITY, not Charity. Write a small check for crying out loud if you want to do something, it's even deductable, and attach the receipt to your favourite shirt so everyone can see if you feel so strongly about it.

    This ipod thingy is about you feeling good, not about much else. To you it feels like a 200 Dollar donation, also might help you to convince yourself to buy yet another gadget..pardon me, do some charity for africa, apple's sales go up a bit, they'll make a little less money on the ipod, 10 bucks (which may however be deductable, I don't know) but basically will benefit from it too because they sold a couple more at a slightly lower but still pretty good profit margin. Sure, some bucks go to Africa but let's be honest here: Apple makes more money, the consumer gets to wear a stylish gimmick with good-person-tag at no extra charge... now that's some serious altruism there.

    Hooray to those that, the next time they will be confronted with some reporting on Aids in Africa, will be able to caress that small, hard bulge in their pocket (red iPod!), touching it and whispering "I did my share to solve the problem".

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  • retrorichie
    Apr 22, 11:50 AM
    then why did apple cripple the 13" macbook pro's with ****** resolution then?

    Because they can. The 13" MBP is a gateway drug.

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  • Popeye206
    Mar 23, 05:35 PM
    OMG! This app is great! Now that I've played with it some I LOVE it!

    It's freak'n hilarious too! You can change your alerts to things like "Hillbilly", or NY Cab driver. This is a really cool app and great for car clubs too as it has a caravan feature and you can track all the people in your caravan.

    Love it!

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  • MagnusVonMagnum
    Mar 19, 03:38 PM
    I hope you're getting paid well to post this crap.

    Is there some reason you feel the need lash out at people?

    Still, don't you feel dirty having to post references to obsolete "malware" like Leap-A and Inqtana-A that were never successful even before the OS was patched years ago??

    You seem to be utterly oblivious to the whole point of the message which is that OSX is not invulnerable by any means, which seems to be the fanboy mantra of the week.

    As for USB3 vs Lightpeak, your pitiful response makes me think you were one of the pinheads criticizing Apple for dropping floppy drives at the turn of the century.

    Again, the childish lashing out of insults.... :rolleyes: You do realize they don't make your opinions look any better don't you?

    The idea of dropping a drive that takes up space is one thing, but to include USB2 ports while purposely leaving out USB3 ports (which take up the same amount of space and are 100% backwards compatible) is asinine. The fact you would feel the need to call people "pinheads" who think in a logical manner rather than blindly worship Steve and everything Apple does tells me all I need to know about you, really.

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  • andiwm2003
    Jul 14, 01:41 PM
    After looking at a chart of all the Core 2 Duo's, it seems like the most reasonable implementation would be to but the 2MB L2 cache Allendale cores into the iMacs (1.86ghz for the 17" and 2.16ghz for the 20") and the 4MB L2cache Conroe cores into the 3 Mac Pros (2.33ghz @ $1999, 2.66ghz @ $2499, and 2.93ghz @ $2999), with possibly and ultra-high end Dual 3.0ghz Woodcrest offering @ $3499 (I don't think economy of scale effects that likleyhood as Apple will already be purchasing them for their entire X-Serve line).

    That's probably how I would roll it out if it were up to me.

    while i agree with you general lineup i don't think the imac goes below 2ghz for marketing reasons.
    i also think the prices for the 2.33 and 2.66 are simply too high. the performance gain will not be that much over the one year old dual core g5's. so the price should go down.

    but in general i would be happy with any 4MB conroe model.

    in a few weeks we will know.

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  • cube
    Apr 22, 02:55 PM
    AMD Fusion w/RadeonHD 6xxx and Price drop to $799 for the 11" and $899 for 13.3" - now that would send the sales skyrocketing.

    Hmm... Mobile quad core @ 45W. When are the mobile dual core coming out?

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  • ShnikeJSB
    Jul 14, 01:18 PM
    Does a 1333MHz bus matter? (http://www.anandtech.com/cpuchipsets/showdoc.aspx?i=2795&p=6)

    Not only is the Anandtech Article one of the better ones, they simulated a 1333 bus speed with the X6800-EE processer, and came up with an overall inprovement of 2.4%, with DivX 6.1 providing a 7.5% boost!

    Also, to quote the article:

    "If Apple does indeed use a 1333MHz Woodcrest for its new line of Intel based Macs, running Windows it may be the first time that an Apple system will be faster out of the box than an equivalently configured, non-overclocked PC. There's an interesting marketing angle."


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  • KnightWRX
    Apr 19, 09:17 AM
    They have plenty of patents. It wasn't until the 90s that the patent madness really started with software. Google is also leading the bidding for a large portfolio of mobile patents to protect them against Apple and Microsoft.

    Actually, they don't have the Nortel patents yet. A good read if you really believe Google is "patently strong" :


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  • AidenShaw
    Sep 9, 10:39 AM
    As to logic-board being 32bits... Uh, no. There might be various reasons why it doesn't support 4GB of RAM, and it isn't due to "bitness" of the logic-board. And pray-tell: what exactly is a "32bit logic-board"?
    The Napa chipset used with Yonah only supported 32 address lines.

    A new Napa64 chipset is here that supports the additional address lines to allow > 4 GiB of physical memory.


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  • airamerica
    Oct 27, 11:11 AM
    I know the planet is doomed and that we are all going to drown under super high sea levels BUT I just can't see the point in groups like Greenpeace.

    I mean, they bang on about this and that, looking for big companies to target. It just stinks... Have you seen that raft (boat) they sail around in - it is hardly a pin-up for ecological travel.

    Greenpeace you are a product of the 20th Century, turning to ever more desperate methods to get your message out. Take your tree hugging ideology and put it to good use somewhere else - fight Aids, cure cancer, help the disabled etc.

    Apple and it's partners or competitors crack on! Do your thing, if you can become 'green', go for it. If not, we're all doomed anyway!


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  • Chundles
    Sep 5, 01:51 PM
    Quoted from an older thread that has been left behind:

    iLounge have an invitation: Definitely new iPods of some form
    "Centre for the Arts Theatre": Most likely some sort of movie content
    iLounge have an invitation: Consumer event, new iMacs most likely.

    I get the feeling the purported MacBook Pro updates are going to happen externally to this event, most probably when Apple can get enough into the distribution pipeline to begin immediate shipping.

    So, I'm going to make a bold prediction here and say that it will be similar to last year's "One More Thing..." event but with a focus on "Bigger."

    Act One: Last year was the iMac with built-in iSight and Front Row/Photo Booth software. This year it all gets bigger with new Core 2 Duo iMacs now in 17", 20" and 23" models. All models get HDMI-in ports and Front Row gains a "TV" option. No PVR functionality, no worrying about differing TV formats and delivery systems, if you have a box with HDMI-out you can watch TV on your iMac too.

    Act Two: Last year it was the sales of iPod, iTunes Music Store and iPod accessories. This year, with the focus on "bigger" Apple announce the availability of feature-length movies on iTunes. iTunes 7 makes use of new Bit-Torrent style downloads from servers all over the world to ensure rapid download speeds, H.264 encoding allows for the smallest possible file size. $9.99 for DVD quality, $14.99 for HD.

    Act Three: Last year was the new 5th generation iPod. This year we go "bigger" with the new 6th generation iPod sporting a 4.5" full-colour LCD screen at a resolution of 720x480. Incredible screen, more detail than ever before and you are able to download your iTunes-purchased movies onto it and watch them in bright, sharp, full colour. Available in 40GB and 80GB models and sporting a revolutionary new touch-control interface with hints of Apple's Front Row software the new iPod is shipping today.

    Rip me apart if you will, I don't think Apple should make an iPhone. The global mobile phone system is too complex. The US are only just getting 3G whilst we're all looking down the road at 4G but that is Apple's biggest market. Maybe a US-only iPhone will appear but as it stands, other more-established phone makers have the market sorted globally.

    MacBook Pro to be updated when Core 2 Duo production hits peak. Late September.


    Somebody cast doubt on the HDMI thing, I don't know - just seemed like the easiest option to get video into an iMac. You don't have to worry about all the different methods of getting TV (free to air, digital, cable) because if you have a HDMI-enabled receiver it would just plug into the back of the iMac. You'd need to use the receiver's remote to do all the channel changing but Apple could offer some sort of recording program. EyeHome could do something with it too? I'm no expert, just trying to look at a simple solution for a complicated, fragmented problem.

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  • AidenShaw
    Sep 9, 11:32 AM

    Tom's Hardware benchmarks Intel's first quad-core "Kentsfield"

    Culver City (CA) - Intel's first quad-core processor "Kentsfield" has found its way into the Tom's Hardware test lab. Several weeks before Intel will provide evaluation processors to the press, Tom's Hardware was able to obtain a qualification sample: The quad-core was sent through the entire test parcours and showed impressive performance.
    Kentsfield, which industry sources refer to as "Core 2 Quadro," arrived as a 2.67 GHz version with a 266 MHz/1066 MHz FSB. The test engineers were able to adjust the FSB to 1333 MHz - which is still supported by the 975X chipset - and overclock the CPU by about 25%. The benchmarks were conducted with clock speeds ranging from 2.0 GHz to 3.33 GHz.

    Kentsfield easily shattered previous benchmarks records and highlighted its horsepower especially in threaded applications such as audio and video processing.

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  • Tears Apart
    Mar 22, 01:57 PM
    Sources or not I think such release is to be expected quite soon. Right now Apple sells laptops as powerful as their desktops!

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  • oTaRu
    Apr 22, 11:42 AM
    hope that won't affect the battery in MBA...

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  • justflie
    Sep 12, 03:22 PM
    Doh, hit the submit early, sorry for the double post

    Apr 22, 05:02 AM
    The idea must delight at&t. Data charges will be very high

    What about those many places where 3G is not available
    ....weak reception areas
    ....no reception areas
    ....airplanes, subways,...

    Apr 25, 09:25 AM
    Because I am going to. I'm a completely safe driver (even when doing 90 or above) until I run into some dunderhead who has to enforce the speed limit themselves. Had that woman just moved like everyone else did, I would have never had to cut her off in order to punish her. And yes I did have to punish her, because she needed to be taught her dang place on the road.

    EDIT: @adk - yes I am 16, however in this situation my mother was in the car and actually encouraged me to cut the idiot off. So it's not just an age based thing.

    Your mum encouraged you to cut someone off? Bloody hell mate.

    Driving isn't about punishing people. You aren't a Police Officer and with that attitude you're going to be posting on here soon saying 'some idiot made me crash my car on the highway.'. How did you know she wasn't going to panic when you cut her off and crash? You clearly don't have the mental capacity to understand that actions can and do have consequences which may affect others.

    Anyway, no lecture here. Let's just get straight to the point. You are a CHILD. You have no regard for the safety of others or regard of the law.

    I think this should be renamed 'Childish c**t who drives too fast'.

    If you want to drive fast, go on track days where there's a load of room for run off and everyone on the track is there in full awareness that there is a possibility they could destroy their cars. Keep your aggressive driving off the roads.

    Sep 5, 12:48 PM
    Gonna need a few more shares to make any money, but good effort. ;)
    If the stock goes up $10 he'll have himself a free ipod. not all that bad.

    Aug 29, 07:39 AM
    8:40am Est.

    Sep 14, 05:53 AM
    Can't believe it until I see it in stores. Sorry.

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