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Saturday, May 14, 2011

cabin crew emirates

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  • emirates cabin crew anapr

  • ipodtoucher
    Apr 11, 09:28 PM


    cabin crew emirates. Emirates+cabin+crew+photos
  • Emirates+cabin+crew+photos

  • casperghst42
    Aug 1, 02:57 PM
    TV shows, in those countries? Well I can only speak for Denmark, as I am stationed here... With their perverted Laws... That won't ever happen... Something called CODA and License, are the real pirates of those countries.

    These countries simply didn't deserve to have Apple even thinking about giving them a piece of the fun...

    I live in The Netherlands, and I don't have any TV shows either, so it's not only in Denmark, etc. which you can't get them. And as far as I can you can only get them in the US (maybe there are other countries where they are awailable, but there aren't many).

    The issue is that ITMS needs to get distribution rights in each and every country where they want to distribute anything, which can be a pain, and for europe the networks might not be interested in making a TV Show available via ITMS before it have been air'ed as they then will loose ad money.

    It is not just a simple matter...

    As for DRM, one of the reasons for this is going on is that when you download something from ITMS it will only play in either iTunes or on a iPod which is locking the user to a single device.

    We where all laughing when the EU fined MS - issue is that Apple is not much better in this case....

    I'm a Mac head, but I do not like the DRM Apple is forcing me to live with....


    cabin crew emirates. Emirates Airline Cabin Crew
  • Emirates Airline Cabin Crew

  • Rsquare.OB
    Oct 6, 10:51 AM
    First, Apple must build an iPhone that will work on Verizon's CDMA network (iPhone is GSM & HPDA), OR Verizon must upgrade their network to handle GSM/HDMA. I don't thing either will ever happen.

    cabin crew emirates. Spanish cabin crew member
  • Spanish cabin crew member

  • twoodcc
    Sep 14, 05:26 PM
    That is too bad, my latest electric bill is about the same as it's been all summer.

    my power bill (which includes water and sewer) was $385 last month!

    but i did finally get someone out to look at the a/c unit. i believe that is a big part of the problem. we'll see

    cabin crew emirates. Airline cabin crew with
  • Airline cabin crew with

  • reubs
    Apr 6, 11:17 AM
    http://img709.imageshack.us/img709/3282/photoapr06114008am.jpg (http://img709.imageshack.us/i/photoapr06114008am.jpg/)

    Re-upped on my sunburst mix

    Mmm. Publix.

    cabin crew emirates. Cabin Crew Member,
  • Cabin Crew Member,

  • Anuba
    Jan 12, 08:00 PM
    IMO, I think the general religion is "smug, matronizing, hollier-than-thou, etc", and it breaks down into sub-regions called Apple, Microsoft, Coke, Pepsi, etc, each with their own church. I'm not a fan of the Apple people that are like that, nor am I a fan of the Microsoft people who act that way either.

    I hear ya, but... Microsoft devotees? Those exist? Statistically, if I've bumped into 100 bona fide Macdroids I should've encountered about 3200 Microsofties. The only Microsoft addict I can think of at the moment is Paul Thurrott over at SuperSite for Windows, but he always struck me as more of a, well, Paul Thurrott fan who likes to talk about Paul Thurrott and put little pictures of Paul Thurrott on his Paul Thurrott page about Windows and Paul Thurrott. Most Windows users don't seem to think about Windows at all. While this may be perceived as a lack of enthusiasm for the product, I find it quite sound. Windows is just something they use, like a sidewalk, a fork or a toilet. I like having a toilet available, really appreciate what it does for me, but it's not like I've built a shrine for it or have posters of it over my bed.

    cabin crew emirates. with 11000 cabin crew.
  • with 11000 cabin crew.

  • Jay42
    Oct 14, 09:36 AM
    Just noticed something at work (large retailer). The iPod case is unusually empty of iPod videos. We may have 15 total when the case usual has 50-100. The iPod Nanos on the other hand are completely stocked full. Usually this only happens when Apple is going to release a new version and stops sending the store product. I know it sounds weird because they just upgraded the 5G but it was a very insignificant update. Just thought I'd add that to the rumor mill.

    Mmmm, they're not replacing the current iPod-With-Video models. If anything, they will add another model "on top" of the ipod family. Not sure if your shortage of iPods really means anything.

    If Apple really is going to release something, it is already in full production as we speak. They will need to announce it and get it into stores by November to make the holiday season and that would still be last minute. After October, I'm not holding my breath.

    cabin crew emirates. Cabincrew.com is
  • Cabincrew.com is

  • alexprice
    Jan 9, 04:43 PM
    It does now!

    Try http://events.apple.com.edgesuite.net/j47d52oo/event/ also

    cabin crew emirates. Emirates#39; cabin crew pictured
  • Emirates#39; cabin crew pictured

  • bushido
    Apr 25, 01:44 PM
    more worried about it still using the dated iOS :P

    cabin crew emirates. Cabin crew and 60 pilots
  • Cabin crew and 60 pilots

  • conradzoo
    Sep 28, 03:27 PM
    Yeah, updating all the i-apps updates right now. The Aperture update is next. Tomo? Could be. :o

    cabin crew emirates. malta emirates cabin crew
  • malta emirates cabin crew

  • MacNut
    Apr 27, 09:50 PM
    But couldn't sexual harassment issues also potentially happen with lesbians in the women's bathroom or gay men in the men's bathroom? How come that is not issue?Unless somebody announces that they are gay or lesbian in the bathroom I doubt anyone would notice. If a woman walks into the mens room or vise versa people would notice.

    cabin crew emirates. Emirates Cabin Crew
  • Emirates Cabin Crew

  • appleguy123
    May 3, 09:53 PM
    This ad just called Steve Jobs a child.

    cabin crew emirates. All I can say is
  • All I can say is

  • Northgrove
    May 3, 02:28 PM
    Because you then sign a contract that says how you agree to use it. This is outside of that agreement. If you want to sign an agreement to use the data in a different way, I'm sure the carrier will accommodate you. But get your wallet open.

    Where I live, and with the operator I use, this isn't out of the contract though. I don't know which contract you have.

    cabin crew emirates. emirates mauritius
  • emirates mauritius

  • Eidorian
    Nov 16, 03:10 PM
    It could entirely be the case that simply Apple is planning on buying more ATI video cards. This could be for use in iTV, or even dedicated graphics (please please please) in the lower end machines: MacBook/Mini.

    just a thought, but possible I s'pose.ATI/NVidia have ever so slightly better integrated solutions then Intel.

    cabin crew emirates. Emirates cabin crew, from L to
  • Emirates cabin crew, from L to

  • GoKyu
    Apr 12, 08:00 AM
    The price of office is built into the price of the computer, just as the price of iLife is built into the price of a mac - standard accounting practice. You're really not getting iLife for free just like you're not getting office for free.

    I think the last version of Office that actually shipped "free" (full version) with PCs was Office 2003. Unless a third party like Dell allows you to purchase it when you're ordering a custom machine, you don't get Office for free anymore.

    Retail purchasing (which is how a LOT of people buy computers) for Office 2010 is: You now get what's called "Office 2010 Starter (http://www.microsoft.com/oem/en/products/office/pages/office_2010_starter.aspx)" - Word & Excel. Both are no longer time-limited, BUT are now feature-limited and ad-supported (ads rotate every 45 seconds.) You no longer get Powerpoint at all, and of course they aren't gonna give you Outlook for free (that's what makes you upgrade from "Home & Student" to "Home & Business" or "Professional".)

    The image below is directly out of Microsoft's retail training, where they tell you explicitly that Office does NOT come pre-loaded (but customers assume it does.)

    cabin crew emirates. 10000 crew: Emirates
  • 10000 crew: Emirates

  • krestfallen
    Oct 17, 09:38 AM
    in our stingy society it should be clear who will win - the cheapest, hd-dvd

    cabin crew emirates. How to Become Emirates Cabin
  • How to Become Emirates Cabin

  • dethmaShine
    Apr 25, 11:52 AM
    3.7" is the most appropriate phone size imo. I use htc trophy 7 which is 3.8" and it's just a bit bigger. 3.5" is a bit small though.

    Anything greater than 3.8" is a giant screen. Can't imagine using one of those.

    cabin crew emirates. cabin crew from Emirates,
  • cabin crew from Emirates,

  • Eidorian
    May 4, 04:14 PM
    It's basically the ultimate "access" machine. Just yesterday I used my phone as a dictionary, store, terminal to enterprise software, link to external contact database. (also made some phone calls) iPad would be similar. Lookup, lookup, lookup. Web browsing is covered under that, too.

    One thing the iPad brings that any phone cannot is a level of professionalism. In the companies I deal with, using your phone during a meeting looks questionable, like you're fooling around. Using a tablet or laptop to do the exact same lookup of whatever would be ok. It's a little silly, but that's the vibe I get currently.

    This is not to say everyone has use for it. I'm happy with the phone, I'm not in that many meetings.You might as well consider me as someone that does not own a cellphone.

    cabin crew emirates. Emirates Cabin Crew Jobs
  • Emirates Cabin Crew Jobs

  • Dagless
    Apr 22, 10:02 AM
    No sir I don't like it. By all means have a +rep button, but don't add a -rep one. With this kind of site if you express the slightest justified dissatisfaction with Apple you'll be downranked to oblivion.

    I believe the Steam forum has the best method. Positive only. Keep reputation details private, but have the accumulated total under usernames.

    May 4, 08:46 AM
    That one thing that I don't see is Google sponsored Android commercials... they are not promoting their own product like MS did with Windows and are leaving each hardware manufacturer to make up their own image. All of this gives the average consumer a confusing, scattered message of the Android OS.

    That's a good point. We really don't see many ads from Google in general.

    This is speculation, but I remember those stories last summer about how Android is a temporary thing for Google but Chrome is their future. This gets shot down hard any time it gets mentioned around here, but I can certainly see this as a possibility. One thing Google is famous for is starting something only to abandon it once they decide to focus in other areas. And Chrome is at the heart of their corporate mission -- getting people to stay online in the cloud where they can be monetized. Android also gets the ad revenue, so it might indeed stick around for practical reasons, but the app model is the very model Google hates for it gets people offline and perhaps using some service other than what Google provides. With Chrome, Google would have full control. With Android it's a free-for-all.

    So perhaps this is why Google doesn't bother advertising Android that much. It's nice to have, but it's not considered the future at Google.

    Nov 24, 02:16 PM
    MB 2G 120G + Canon MP460 for CAD$1800.00 Sweet! Early crimbo prezzy for Daddy! :D
    Shh! Don't tell SWMBO!

    Jul 21, 09:36 AM
    Show me another phone that can drop calls from just the position of one finger. Nokia have their problems at the moment, but their reception has always been rock solid.

    As for people being surprised at Apple's childishness, have you forgotten about the douchetastic "I'm a Mac campaign".

    I can't, but my iPhone 4 hasn't dropped any of my calls, my 3G use to drop calls 2 or 3 calls a month.

    Apr 5, 03:27 PM
    brilliant! i find myself "surfing" free apps to find certain iAds. I've always wanted a database of all of the iADs in one place to reference and inspire. I see 2 in the macrumors screen shot that I personally have worked on. Cool!
    Congratulations sir or ma'am, you are the one human being on the planet who can actually call this "brilliant" and have a use for it that is not completely retarded and/or make me wish a meteor would hit earth.

    Nov 23, 05:24 PM
    Wow for the 80gb iPod that like what? 3%?? What a sale.

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