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Saturday, May 14, 2011

fruit loops background

fruit loops background. quot;Fruit Loopsquot;
  • quot;Fruit Loopsquot;

  • ghostlines
    Apr 1, 09:06 AM
    C'mon Apple keep it professional and unified. Man they should stick to working on the user experience and internals, not goofy color schemes and such. OS X already looks cool they don't need to make it look kiddy now!:eek:

    fruit loops background. phrase fruit loops rainbow
  • phrase fruit loops rainbow

  • AndroidfoLife
    Apr 13, 01:56 AM
    I'm 99% certain iPhone 5 is announced at WWDC. Doesn't make sense to go further out, especially with Android bringing up the rear in a big hurry.

    By bringing up the rear you mean leading the pack now in sells and innovation, hardware*(No one can argue that all of the android phones in the iPhone 4's category all have better specs.) all android needs is a little polishing on the UI. This Year the iPhone will be playing catch up. iOS also has to dish out the features that the customers want.

    1. File system
    2. More personalization
    3. Widgets
    4. Better notifications
    5. Wifi tethering
    6. the most important of them all it must have a picture of me on it.

    fruit loops background. and Fruity loops users,
  • and Fruity loops users,

  • Crosbie
    Apr 14, 01:15 PM
    Tried restoring and setting it up as new?

    Nope. I'd rather they fixed the bug, thanks. :)

    I realise this may well work, but it's a hassle and a half, so I'd rather avoid it if at all possible...

    fruit loops background. on the Froot Loops box is
  • on the Froot Loops box is

  • SciFrog
    Oct 16, 08:55 PM
    With all of my machines (8) I am pulling 25k ppd. The '09 mac pro 2x2.66 is doing 4-5 min per frame for normal units - I'm afraid to change anything right now so I don't lose momentum.

    You should be able to pull 20k ppd with that machine only with the bigadv units...

    fruit loops background. future where fruit loops
  • future where fruit loops

  • rmwebs
    Apr 28, 04:30 PM
    I really dont get how people are not seeing this in the photo...its blatantly obvious that its bigger. Take a look at my 'digitally enhanced' (HA!) version:


    fruit loops background. yummy bowl of Fruit Loops!
  • yummy bowl of Fruit Loops!

  • Moyank24
    May 1, 11:53 PM
    Comparing him to the President shows just how twisted our population's understanding of Al-Qaeda's current make up has become. He was a leader a decade ago.

    The current iteration of "Al-Qaeda" has only the idea driving it in common with the hierarchical Al-Qaeda of a decade ago.

    Oh goodness. It was an example. Maybe this one? Queen Elizabeth is assassinated. She doesn't do much, but it would probably still be a pretty big deal.

    fruit loops background. a program Fruity Loops.
  • a program Fruity Loops.

  • dongmin
    Aug 15, 03:18 PM
    � Finder Prefs (http://images.macrumors.com/downloads/findergrid.png) - Grid spacingYes! Welcome to the 21th century, Apple. About time. The current grid spacing is one of my biggest OS X peeves.

    fruit loops background. FLStudio (“Fruity Loops”),
  • FLStudio (“Fruity Loops”),

  • blackpond
    Apr 13, 04:25 PM
    What will Apple offer that other manufactures can't?

    A robust and thriving App Store.

    The App Store will legitimize the Apple TV set.

    I would go so far as to suggest the reason we don't have an App Store on the current Apple TV is because Apple is saving it as the compelling reason to buy an entire TV set.

    Apple doesn't have to provide the reasons to buy the Apple TV set. Developers will do that for them. In the hundreds of thousands.

    Pretty soon you won't be switching channels. You'll be switching apps.

    My 2 cents.

    fruit loops background. in bath with fruit loopsquot;
  • in bath with fruit loopsquot;

  • MacRumors
    Apr 14, 12:17 PM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com/2011/04/14/apple-releases-ios-4-3-2-ios-4-2-7-for-verizon-iphone/)


    fruit loops background. gluing the Fruit Loops in
  • gluing the Fruit Loops in

  • ChrisGonzales90
    Jun 6, 08:43 PM
    Sorry, Shaniqwa was the first name I could think of when I thought of 8 kids and irresponsible parenting. My apologies.

    Well there is always this woman


    fruit loops background. --kiwi fruit loop kiwi abc,
  • --kiwi fruit loop kiwi abc,

  • k995
    Apr 29, 12:26 AM
    For people buying an expensive smartphone getting the 3GS is a good deal. Notice how they sell more of them then any other smartphone besides the iPhone 4, even when Android handset makers give away their product.

    No its not, its old hardware and knowing apple after 2 years the iOS support isnt going to last for very long. Seeing its only 100 under the iphone 4 price with less disc space its really only for those people who desperatly want an apple phone but cant spend that extra 100 . But for those people no doubt there are plenty of very good and cheaper alternatives.

    fruit loops background. (The Fruit Loop Brigade)
  • (The Fruit Loop Brigade)

  • mrsir2009
    Mar 31, 12:45 PM
    Um, whats up with the brown turd toolbar? :eek:

    fruit loops background. This bird fed us Fruit Loops
  • This bird fed us Fruit Loops

  • chrmjenkins
    Apr 23, 09:42 AM
    Perhaps. But it should be noted that at one time Apple didn't have any interest in making different sizes/models of iPods either. Or CDMA phones. Point being, things change.

    Those models have very distinct differences. A nano is very different from a touch, which are both different from a shuffle, etc. For each iDevice paradigm, it has clear differences between the other products and market segments.

    CDMA is a poor example because it's transparent to the user. It has almost 0 effect on user experience and does not even begin to identify a product category.

    fruit loops background. No Fruit In Froot Loops?
  • No Fruit In Froot Loops?

  • ChazUK
    Apr 22, 05:23 AM
    - Grid of icons: Check
    - A bottom line of icons (or dock): Check
    - One button: Check
    - Round corners on bezel: Check

    If this is inaccurate, then Apple's claim is inaccurate as well. Because, sure, there are all sorts of details that make this phone different from the iPhone.

    I'm not saying that the iPhone is ripped off from the F700. I'm saying that there are a lot of similarities, just as there are a lot of similarities pointed out in Apple's claim.

    I predict they will not stick.

    The dates are wrong as the F700 was unveiled after Apple announced the iPhone at MacWorld in 2007

    fruit loops background. Hip Hop Acid Loops wav.zip
  • Hip Hop Acid Loops wav.zip

  • iMpathetic
    Nov 1, 02:46 PM
    I'd like some speakers/subs for the Lincoln and possibly a new exhaust too. :D



    fruit loops background. known as the Fruit Loop.
  • known as the Fruit Loop.

  • kalafalas
    Sep 30, 11:43 PM
    Having worked very closely with the head engineers of AT&T, I do feel sorry for them. As someone stated earlier, that are spending billions to upgrade the network, but all that money will only meet current demand in some areas. The iPhone is such an incredible success that AT&T never had a chance. The same would be said about Verizon had they got the exclusive contract. If you want to lay the blame at anyones feet, it should be Apple. They should have made a CDMA version and split the load between the networks.

    actually, you are 100% wrong, if you read your history, you would know that apple did everything in there power to get it on as many carriers as possible for this exact reason. and the only company that would take the phone and give 100% control of the operating system was AT&T, and that was under the circumstances of a exclusive contract. And apple did the correct thing, because can you imagine what a iPhone would be if it was tightly controlled by the carrier? i can. its called a LG dare. and every other ****** touch screen phone out there.

    Apple had the correct idea, split the load onto as many carriers as possible. but that couldn't happen, because the carriers are bitched greedy bastards, all of them, AT&T being the least bad of all of them, letting apple have control in the first place.

    And as for making a CDMA version, thats pure stupid. because thats a dead technology that very few companies use, and only in one country. everywhere else, they use HSDPA, example europe, where the iPhone is available on many carriers, all using HSDPA standard, and there having 0 problems.

    So no, Apple is not to blame, they did everything in there power to make it as perfect as possible, and they did. AT&T is to blame, for being greedy and only wanting this phone on there network only.

    fruit loops background. chance encounter with
  • chance encounter with

  • Tunster
    Apr 12, 06:01 PM
    I'll laugh my ass off when Apple do announce iPhone 5 at WWDC.

    LOL @ all the false rumours.
    We'll all laugh at you when it doesn't :). There could a miracle surprise at the very end, but I'm 99% sure that Apple needs to deal with the ageing iOS and improve all of their current products. Again, this would put it one step ahead of Androids honeycomb.

    fruit loops background. Fruit Loops!
  • Fruit Loops!

  • Billy Boo Bob
    Jun 7, 03:36 AM
    I like the idea of being able to "buy" a free app on the phone without a password. My iTunes account password is a long mix of letters and numbers, and easy to type on a physical keyboard, but it's a pain in the ass to type out on the phone's funky keyboard just to update or grab free stuff.

    As for the OP, I think Apple would have suffered a pretty bad PR rap if they didn't refund them.

    fruit loops background. Fruit Loops
  • Fruit Loops

  • briankeith513
    Apr 14, 03:44 PM
    I've just downloaded the update on my iPhone and iPad and i noticed that on the iPad (not iPhone) in the General Setings now there is now a multitouch gestures button to enable this function. It suports 4 fingers up to show the app switcher, 4 fingers to the sides to switch apps and 5 fingers to the centre to go to the home screen.

    It works great!

    I just updated on my Ipad 2, and I don't see this option for multitouch gestures.

    Mar 15, 08:55 PM
    Guys, I have been at Brea on Monday and i was in the line nd they said they dont have any iPads in that days shipment. Then i went there today and they said they handed out tickets. So out of desperation i am planning to go there at 6 am and wait in the line tomorrow at Brea. Does anyone knw how many tickets did they hand out today and will camping out before the store opens tomorrow in Brea bring me any luck?

    Oct 23, 09:15 AM
    I've got a question for you guys. Any of you Mac users that also run Windows on a box somewhere:

    Are any of you really going to upgrade to Vista when it comes out? or are you going to wait at least a year?

    Apr 13, 03:37 PM
    If I could ditch the PS3, Airport Extreme, ATV2 and get games, movies, tv channels, etc, as well as wireless capabilities and a 1080P picture, I'd be interested.

    Apple would likely work through the thing from the inside out to make it aesthetically pleasing, thin as hell and offer only one plug (instead of the rats nest most entertainment centers hold) and your iphone / ipad would be the remote. Oh, don't forget that setup would be a breeze and with Facetime built in, they would draw in the telephony market too.

    No more clutter and full apple integration. What's not to like?

    Aug 15, 01:23 PM
    The images will return shortly. I overloaded the guides server with that.

    some images are up, but others are not. hmmmmm.........

    Apr 13, 04:45 AM
    wonder what the price is. Actually, not sure if I want to know.


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