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Saturday, May 14, 2011

university of florida

university of florida. University of Florida Super
  • University of Florida Super

  • Westside guy
    Aug 8, 04:46 PM
    Funny how the folks at EMC (VMWare) didn't seem to think so...

    Well, I'd think there are a couple important distinctions. VMware's product will almost certainly be for Intel Macs only, so it's not going to be universal. Also, while MS has in-house expertise already on developing VPC on x86... those people aren't in the MacBU. Occasionally MS will "lend" people from one division to another, but it only seems to happen when the company as a whole sees the end result as being critical to MS's future (e.g. the XBox folks being shifted over to Zune).

    I don't particularly like Microsoft, but I don't think they've been going out of their way to hurt Apple lately. Business is business. When there's a good business case for maintaining a product - such as Office - they continue to do so. If at some point the MacBU is not a moneymaker, it will go away.

    university of florida. The University of Florida
  • The University of Florida

  • wrc fan
    Aug 25, 10:21 PM
    That's good advice, I've been doing it with sites I make for a year or so now. I also add a <no script> where I put the email address (without a link) and @ replaced with [AT]. Just in case any random people happen by that don't have javascript enabled.

    university of florida. University of Florida: Big
  • University of Florida: Big

  • Hackint0sh814
    Apr 28, 09:18 AM

    Nothing like stating the obvious. :rolleyes:

    university of florida. University of Florida Profile
  • University of Florida Profile

  • whocares
    Sep 17, 05:15 AM
    I suggest CocoaMySQL (http://sourceforge.net/projects/cocoamysql/) (a cocoa GUI for MySQL) for administrating your MySQL database(s).

    It requires a little knowledge on how MySQL works, but that's the case for any MySQL administration (especially for security issues)...

    university of florida. University of Florida Gators
  • University of Florida Gators

  • offwidafairies
    Apr 2, 05:37 PM
    i can't believe this has no comments. does anyone here use MobileMe for windows? not me...

    university of florida. UF Entrance
  • UF Entrance

  • BlueWeez
    Nov 23, 12:39 PM
    This is a great deal for an awesome album!

    I work for a marketing company doing a campaign for the band and T-Mobile CLIQ. We're running a Facebook contest that will get a lucky college campus a awesome Weezer concert!

    Go and vote for your favorite school here:

    T-Mobile Facebook

    university of florida. University of Florida
  • University of Florida

  • citizenzen
    Mar 4, 03:06 PM
    5P, Let's boil this down to two questions...

    1. Is it true that wealth is getting more and more distributed into the hands of the rich?

    2. Does/should the government play any role in the proportioning of that wealth?

    university of florida. Path to the Florida Gators#39;
  • Path to the Florida Gators#39;

  • Amnesiac1
    May 5, 07:21 PM
    LMAO awesome picture up there bro, did u make it :D:p:D;)

    No, I did not.

    university of florida. University of Florida mens
  • University of Florida mens

  • Digital Skunk
    Jan 27, 11:13 AM
    Screw ACDs.... :mad: I am going with the Nec Displays!

    university of florida. The University of Florida is
  • The University of Florida is

  • Btrthnezr3
    Oct 31, 07:09 PM
    Lol :D

    university of florida. University of Florida campus
  • University of Florida campus

  • Cakester
    Apr 24, 09:04 PM
    Is there a reason why he would not have a DropBox account? :confused: I mean, DropBox is great and very useful, why couldn't he be using it?

    He could, but what that would say about his belief iDisk/MobileMe..... would be interesting.

    university of florida. University of Florida Poster
  • University of Florida Poster

  • juicedropsdeuce
    Apr 18, 04:54 PM
    + 1


    university of florida. University of Florida#39;s
  • University of Florida#39;s

  • itsbetteronamac
    Sep 25, 11:20 PM
    I mean I don't know if it has to get sent out or not. Apple Care and or the 1 year warrenty covers pretty much everything except dead pixels. The audio problem would be the major thing, and the keyboard problem is one of those "while you're at it" kinda things. So hope that helps.

    university of florida. UF University
  • UF University

  • benhollberg
    Mar 20, 05:44 PM
    Apparently there was AT&T iPad 2s available today. Did anyone pick one up?

    university of florida. University Of Florida
  • University Of Florida

  • davids8477
    Feb 3, 06:17 AM
    Wondering if the MB138LL/A Mini with C2D 1.83 and 1gb of Ram will handle 720p videos. I have ripped many of my movies to mkv files and I am worried that the GMA built on Video card will cause me issues. Some of my files range from 1.56gb to 4.6gb in size. I pick up the machine on the weekend so any help woudld be appreciated.


    Should be fine for 720p, you could have issues with higher resolution.

    university of florida. University of Florida Century
  • University of Florida Century

  • dknightd
    May 5, 12:48 PM
    Hi all will the ram on the link below work in my mac pro 2.8ghz quad core

    all help appeciated


    I suggest you ask them.

    university of florida. University of Florida Football
  • University of Florida Football

  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 18, 10:13 AM
    Let's hope AT&T improves their service to match Verizon by the time iphone 5 is released.

    Dropped iPhone Calls Really Are an AT&T Thing (http://www.fool.com/investing/general/2011/04/17/dropped-iphone-calls-really-are-an-att-thing.aspx)

    Sprint will likely get the iphone 5. I wonder how good their service is?

    university of florida. University of Florida 1
  • University of Florida 1

  • weldon
    Jan 7, 07:52 PM
    I haven't been in a few years, but in the past there were deals to be found on the last day of the expo. A lot of vendors didn't want to pack up stuff to bring home and would offer special pricing to those who came around to talk to them at the end of the show.

    university of florida. Florida State University
  • Florida State University

  • Brad Oliver
    Jun 24, 10:05 AM
    I'd like to think the lack of posts about the Arrowhead Mall means that the line won't be so bad. :)

    Thinking about stopping by there a little later this morning. Would appreciate any updates from folks who have lived to tell the tale this morning.

    Mr. McMac
    Oct 9, 06:22 PM

    doug in albq
    Apr 9, 09:59 PM
    Have newly acquired similar poor performance with full screen hulu on the family's mac mini (9400 video).

    Only fix I have figured out that works for me was installing the older FireFox 3.6.xx (right along with FF4) and with the older FF, full screen flash works as it did in the past, i.e. Great.

    Try it and let me know if this workd for you.

    Jan 9, 08:45 PM
    what was I supposed to do? what forever for a reply that will never come just because it was posted on the wrong part of the forum?!

    Come on!.. this is not corrective action, this is all the way rude.. :mad:There are standards of behavior for this forum. Everyone is expected to follow them, even if they are inconvenient. That includes you. Each member of this forum has access to every thread. If nobody responds to your post, then you should seek help elsewhere.

    Queen of Spades
    May 4, 09:40 PM
    Well I may just be a fool but I thought that all WD hdds had the same connector pins. I've just taken apart my mbp only to find the (SATA?) connector inside is a different type than the WD's.
    I'm just curious is there something I was missing that should have warned me that this would happen? Is there a way I can modify the WD so that I can make it my internal HDD?

    That's all I really want.

    My MBP:
    15 inch Unibody (late 2008)

    My WD:
    I think this is it but mine is black.

    Thank you in advance!

    On a side note this is an extremely solid external drive and I recommend it to anyone who needs a reliable terrabyte.

    The 1TB and 750GB drives of that particular model are not industry "standard" SATA drives. That Micro-B connector is attached directly to the mainboard of the hard drive. Instead of having a SATA interface connected to a USB board, it just skipped the SATA interface. This saves cost for WD and means you cannot take this drive out of the enclosure and use it in your MBP.

    Apr 6, 08:44 AM
    Mods, please lock this thread. I received correspondence from Apple and have resolved the issue, but as it is under NDA I can not share that information. Thanks for your understanding.
    I'll leave it open in case others wish to discuss this or similar issues.

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