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Saturday, May 14, 2011

studio apartment decorating ideas

studio apartment decorating ideas. Apartment Design Ideas
  • Apartment Design Ideas

  • pondosinatra
    Mar 31, 11:44 AM
    Awesome! Yet ANOTHER interface style.

    Hey Apple at this point, why not just give new cutesy styles to every built in app and every iWork and iLife app?


    studio apartment decorating ideas. Modern studio apartments
  • Modern studio apartments

  • rmwebs
    Apr 26, 12:37 PM
    I guess they could build it into iTunes in some fairly fluid way, but still.

    Yay....more itunes bloat! They really need to ditch iTunes all together. It's turned into a piece of crap.

    studio apartment decorating ideas. Studio Loft Apartment Design
  • Studio Loft Apartment Design

  • Don't panic
    Apr 28, 12:26 PM
    Ouch, Appleguy. I believe you may have made our wolfish friend angry. Now we avenge you.


    Hold your guns, Annie. ;)
    it's not lynching time yet.

    thumbs up, fellow hitchhikers!
    tsk, all this time i was looking out for the vogons while it was the darn mice we should be worrying about.

    sorry you are gone appleguy, but at least you certainly helped.
    now the odds are a bit better.

    studio apartment decorating ideas. Small Studio Apartment Ideas
  • Small Studio Apartment Ideas

  • don.keishlong
    Apr 14, 02:47 PM
    Aww how cute! iOS has experienced its first step on the road to fragmentation!

    studio apartment decorating ideas. into a studio apartment,
  • into a studio apartment,

  • kernkraft
    Oct 28, 05:27 PM
    I'm a BMW fan and have thought about restoring an E30 or picking up an E36 M3. I personally would never buy a Countryman but the Cooper S and JCW appeals to me. I understand that this car may not appeal to some people but I personally dig it. It's very peppy and has soul. It does something for me and it's what matters. I've looked at a new BMW 335i...RWD...twin turbo. On paper it has everything a car guy would like but meh...too generic for me.

    I actually love those E30s, that is why I wouldn't have an issue driving any example. At least I'd be driving a decent car or something that was when new.

    I had all sorts of cars over the years, almost exclusively German premium ones but my biggest regret is not to get a 318is when I had the chance. I went for a practical E46 Touring (third in a row) and later I bought a 1983 SL280. That was a more special car but I still have a lot of admiration for those small BMW sport coupes. That is why actually, that I have high hopes about the 1 series coupes. The history is there, you can see the DNA, that's what BMW is very good at.

    studio apartment decorating ideas. decorating ideas studio,
  • decorating ideas studio,

  • -SD-
    Oct 28, 05:20 PM
    It's my Birthday before Christmas. Next Friday, 5th November. The ex-Missus is getting me the new BlazBlue


    Which has unfortunately just been delayed until a couple of weeks after my 31st. :mad: Other than that, I'm getting myself a 27" Cinema Display. What I would like is a really nice knife block and set of decent chef's knives.


    studio apartment decorating ideas. ideas, studio apartment
  • ideas, studio apartment

  • enoC
    Apr 14, 01:05 PM
    Not here. Still have that issue on 4.3.1 on new (restored from backup) iPad 2.

    Tried restoring and setting it up as new?

    studio apartment decorating ideas. 3 Small NYC Studio Apartment
  • 3 Small NYC Studio Apartment

  • HasanDaddy
    Mar 15, 03:41 AM
    and btw - I mentioned in another thread, but Fashion Island will be opening early at 9 AM, according to their sales people

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  • dethmaShine
    Apr 12, 10:21 AM
    Just buy what you like, but being all anal about specs is lame. Having the currently superior specs isn't gonna make anyone's penis any bigger, despite what you may think.

    Ok, I'm convinced.

    Also, comparing a product that hasn't been released yet to a product that hasn't been announced yet is a rather weak argument and makes zero sense.

    And what exactly do you plan to run on that extra horsepower? What effect does it have on battery power.

    Congratulations on being caught up with the sheep in the new CPU clock speed race.

    Uh... oh!

    I thought people here could understand sarcasm better. I think, it was pretty clear. Never mind.

    studio apartment decorating ideas. Small Studio Apartment Ideas
  • Small Studio Apartment Ideas

  • trainguy77
    Nov 12, 12:16 AM
    Yeah look at any teams overall stats. They all have a huge drop in production. The first place team shows it very well. But everyteam has this drop.

    studio apartment decorating ideas. Small Apartment Decorating
  • Small Apartment Decorating

  • iliketyla
    Apr 27, 05:44 PM
    were you the bouncer when you worked at McDs?

    I found no humor in your dumbass remark.

    It's not about being a bouncer, it's about a minimum wage job not being worth watching another human being be assaulted by two hoodlums.

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  • This 80 sqm apartment in Tel

  • appleguy123
    Apr 28, 01:11 PM
    A tragedy?

    Still too early. But if you think my death is tragic, maybe, just maybe, you can be a stripper in my next game.

    studio apartment decorating ideas. Best Studio Apartment
  • Best Studio Apartment

  • Al Coholic
    Mar 31, 12:45 PM
    The new look gives the appearance of a physical desktop calendar with leather binding along the top edge, and like the iPad application shows remnants of torn-off pages for additional realism.

    I'm seriously questioning my transition to the mac OS these days. It seems all anyone is interested in these days is the eye candy aspect.

    Really, who gives a rat's ass about UI "realism" to their paper counterparts? I know it isn't a real leather calendar. Do designers think we're stupid?

    Just make the damn iOS calendar synch with it so I can see my tasks on the iphone already.

    studio apartment decorating ideas. Apartment Decorating Ideas
  • Apartment Decorating Ideas

  • VictoriaStudent
    Feb 1, 12:40 AM
    So we have...
    -A few porn stars
    -A Ferrari
    -A briefcase of cocaine
    -Excessive alcohol consumption
    -A $30,000 check to a porn star

    ...how is this any different than 'Two and a Half Men'?

    I love this man.

    yeah, awesome bro....that is, if your idea of the 'net begins & ends with /b/

    studio apartment decorating ideas. studio apartment decorating
  • studio apartment decorating

  • Sammio2
    Mar 31, 12:03 PM
    This is terrible... Preferred the previous look!

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  • meli
    May 3, 07:38 AM
    It doesn't even get above the fold on Apple's homepage.

    studio apartment decorating ideas. Patio Apartment
  • Patio Apartment

  • flopticalcube
    Apr 12, 08:25 PM
    Thanks, just saw it.

    Kind of surprised it's such a late thing... doesn't Apple tend to do events at 10 AM, not 10 PM? (I guess it's still only 7 PM on their coast... still, isn't it time to go home by now for their employees?)

    This is Vegas, baby! Most people probably just woke up...

    studio apartment decorating ideas. studio apartments interior
  • studio apartments interior

  • dethmaShine
    Apr 16, 10:59 AM
    Where did I claim any of those things ? :confused:

    *sigh*, at this point, I'll just ignore your comments, do the same for mine.

    Then what were you trying to prove?

    All the browsers do it. ChromeOS is just a browser for a normal consumer.

    What were you actually trying to prove? What was your point? Sure you can ignore my comments if you dont have an answer. Fair enough.

    studio apartment decorating ideas. Ideas For Decorating a Studio
  • Ideas For Decorating a Studio

  • NT1440
    May 1, 11:55 PM
    We took down who they thought was invincible. That will hurt their ego and their pride. Will they try to retaliate, sure.

    Who knows what information we may have found in that mansion that could hurt them.

    Source? Methinks projection is at play here.

    Aug 15, 05:19 PM
    Hey u haven't seen the "200 new features". Just kidding. I'm with you. The only upgrade I paid for was from Jag to Panther, I wanted to use Expose. But I only got Tiger due to the fact that it came on new MBPs. This OS release hasn't shown anything that's really worth it. :rolleyes:
    So far, Leopard is something I'm not willing to pay for.

    I expected just a little bit of a UI change, it just looks like a little updated version of Tiger.

    I really wonder what these top secret features are because the current features aren't impressing me enough to open my wallet.

    Apr 15, 03:50 PM
    And dropbox now works without the plist hack

    The Dropbox forum build has been working without the plist hack for over a week. Check out http://www.dropbox.com/forums to get it.

    Nov 3, 11:37 AM
    I bought Parallels for $29 + tax after rebate

    What rebate? Please elaborate.CompUSA was having a sale on Parallels.

    $79 - 10 instant - $20 mail-in = $49

    (I made a mistake on my rebate the fist time.)

    Jul 28, 02:54 PM
    It has something unique, look at all the press covering it now, and how many of us are talking about it.

    Just because it's being talked about doesn't make it unique. So what is unique about it?

    And people are only talking about it because it's an announcement from a huge company. Which has nothing to do with whether it will actually sell well or not.

    Oct 24, 08:54 AM
    is the HDD removable?

    The userguide online is still the CD MBP

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