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Saturday, May 14, 2011

painting pictures

painting pictures. New Original Hitler paintings
  • New Original Hitler paintings

  • hulugu
    Oct 17, 08:09 PM
    I know I'm the minority around here when I say this, but I don't own an iPod. :eek: Yeah, it's true... I personally don't care for the MP3 format and the lesser quality offerings of iTunes. If it isn't at least CD quality, uncompressed, I don't want it. And yes, I can hear the difference on my sound system which is a separate setup from my home theatre.

    I have one word for you Lossless.

    painting pictures. Surrealism and Painting.
  • Surrealism and Painting.

  • �algiris
    Mar 25, 03:00 AM
    I don't think I've ever seen such a consistent troll on any forum.

    "Consistent" is an understatement.

    painting pictures. Paintings Reproductions Fine
  • Paintings Reproductions Fine

  • BRLawyer
    Sep 12, 04:41 AM
    So, let me see...for those of us NOT living in the US, what do we have?

    Movie Store - NOT available (downloading movies is not my cup of tea anyway);

    Streaming device for movies bought in the iTMS - NOT available as well

    New Nanos with SAME capacity?? - No, thanks...

    I was going to receive a (female) friend tonight, but she postponed for tomorrow...so this means I will have instead a big "yawning" session tonight at Apple news/rumor sites, with few things applicable to people outside of the US...move along, citizens... :(

    painting pictures. Surfer painting by Drue
  • Surfer painting by Drue

  • Popeye206
    May 3, 02:15 PM
    Just like communism!

    Love your screen name! Reminds me of someone else here. :p

    As for this article. I'm sure it's here so we can see whats going on in e industry. Looks to me, Androids free-for-all is about to end for the average user.

    Of course, on the iPhone and Android devices, the people who want around the system will find a way.

    painting pictures. Each painting is priceless.
  • Each painting is priceless.

  • mrial
    Dec 13, 10:38 AM
    Dont underestimate the power of marketing. They might have this LTE/CDMA combo where the LTE is not all that functional but is there only for the publicity. Think about the splash of the FIRST 4G iPhone!

    painting pictures. High Quality Oil Painting
  • High Quality Oil Painting

  • lordonuthin
    May 16, 02:04 PM
    Thought I would post here instead of starting a new thread. How do I get bonus points, all I am reading is -advmethods and setting up a passkey. Would it be worth it on a i7 720qm at 1.66ghz? Would it complete a wu in 4 days?

    This passkey sounds like a big deal should I be using it on all me machines?

    With the console client for windows, is there a way I can close the window with out it stopping folding, kind of pointless having the window constantly open. Surely it can fold in the background?

    Thanks guys :)

    On an i7 720 you won't get bigadv units done in time to get bonus points also I have an i7 980x that hasn't gotten any bigadv units even though I have it set up to get them. I suspect some recent changes on the server end are allowing only certain cpu's to get bigadv units and i7's probably aren't getting them. as far as the passkey I'm not sure it makes any difference for someone like you, I don't think there are any other wu's that get a bonus...

    You can minimize the window and it will keep folding...

    painting pictures. a Dress Abstract painting
  • a Dress Abstract painting

  • idunn
    Mar 25, 03:06 PM
    'Consequently, Apple has chosen to position the next step in the evolution of Mac OS X as "Back to the Mac", an effort to bring some of the most popular features of iOS to the Mac platform for the first time while retaining the familiarity, flexibility, and horsepower of Mac OS X.'
    - per 'Macrumors'

    ;) A lot of fantastic change in but 10 years. In looking back, I'm somewhat amazed at the evolution of Apple. Happy Birthday.

    If still basically loyal to Apple, I would note, in hopefully helping the brand, certain lapses such as apparently quality control in some aspects of the new iPad2. Other areas as well. Just something to be mindful of, and with luck smoothed out soon.

    As for OS X, I've wondered of late if the natural progression would not be a merging of iOS and OS X into one. Although it certainly should not be a merger in one direction only. Some of the discussions on the iPad forum concern those frustrated with the limitations of iOS for real work, such as lack of a real file system. Some have postulated, and surely rightly so, that the iPad is still a device best used in conjunction with something running OS X. The same would hold true for users of the iPhone, as likely very few who consider it their only computer. So, ideally, I could see the best traits of either OS merged into one better, and that expanded in capability.

    In any event, if imperfect, Apple still the best, and much to love.

    painting pictures. Click on painting for larger
  • Click on painting for larger

  • wmmk
    Aug 14, 11:44 AM
    You're telling me they haven't recouped costs for designing the things yet? Or that we should always have to pay..
    Of course they've recouped costs for designing products. My point is, if one product has superior design, there is high demand for it. Considering that the global economy is based on supply & demand, well designed products will always cost more than poorly designed products, unless the creator of the product with superior design chooses to discount their product to gain market share and popularity.

    painting pictures. Digital matte painting.
  • Digital matte painting.

  • Stella
    Jul 21, 10:09 AM
    Apple is doing what they need to do to defend themselves against the smear job put out by the haters in the media and tech sites aligned against them.

    LOL. Grow up. You sound paranoid: Everyone is out to get Apple.

    The Antenna issue is real. It was bought about because enough people were having issues not due to some kind of grand conspiracy.

    painting pictures. The copy of the painting can
  • The copy of the painting can

  • John Purple
    Jan 15, 02:47 PM
    Do you edit HD video? Do you do mobile multitrack recording (32 tracks or more at a time)?

    If not, my question is... why are you "ready" for a new computer?

    By the way, I have a PB 1GHz, running OS X 10.5 smoothly, and it works just fine. I have the money to go blowing on new gadgets but, I've mellowed out on that.

    However, if you want to buy yourself a new toy every year "just cos"... be my guest. I'm an Apple shareholder and I appreciate the money going out of your pocket and into mine.

    Well, then try to run Aperture on your PB. Good luck.

    No money from me until MBP is state of the art. I'm not going to pay nearly $ 3.000 in January 2008 for a notebook without SSE4 and Blue-Ray.
    I just sold my shares.

    painting pictures. The painting Christus
  • The painting Christus

  • ranReloaded
    Mar 26, 02:28 AM
    Just by chance (I didn't realize it was OS X's birthday today), last night I wrote a blog post: '10 reasons OS X is better than Windows' (http://www.adrianoconnor.net/2011/03/10-reasons-why-mac-os-x-is-better-than-windows/). The timing seems spookily appropriate.

    You must have had a hard time picking only the top 10 out of 10,000,000 :D

    painting pictures. Every Day Paintings
  • Every Day Paintings

  • Jimmieboy
    Sep 12, 02:56 AM
    3.00 am! I don't think I'll be up then. I love to sleep. I guess getting up at around 6 won't matter though. Hopefully the new products if any will be on the apple site. If not I"ll check out macrumors to see the latest news on the conference. I can't wait! Yahooooo for apple

    painting pictures. Photoshop matte painting
  • Photoshop matte painting

  • dethmaShine
    Apr 13, 06:13 AM
    My experience has been the exact opposite with the Mac, whether its trying to access a share on one of my other computers (my wife uses a PC) or accessing network resources on my work's network.

    When in windows 7 it "just worked" I had no need to mess with eth0, drivers or any manually set up a network. I was able to connect to the resource and use it. Also it was much faster.

    It has always been the same with the mac. Just go to the finder and look for shared computers.
    Taskbar: 'Go To Server/Computer'
    ssh/ftp > prostuff-not required

    I had issues with OSX, that I was unable to access any shared files from my wife's computer. Accessing my work stuff was a bit easier but was SLOW, painfully slow. I pull up a folder with a couple hundred files, and I can easily sit there for well over 10 minutes while OSX does it thing. Windows, just a couple of minutes.

    Report bugs. Are you comparing b/w OSX <-> Windows and Windows <-> Windows?

    Networking is where windows has a clear advantage of OSX, in part because many (most?) enterprise networks are windows based, at least from my experience.

    You are confusing stuff.

    Given the design of windows, there's zero chance of that, it would require a complete rewrite and the folks at MS really don't see the design of windows being flawed. Especially since they see the marketshare being what it is - kind of like why fix it if it isn't broke mentality.

    Fair enough.

    painting pictures. Vermeer- The Art of Painting
  • Vermeer- The Art of Painting

  • flottenheimer
    Apr 16, 02:43 PM
    Wishing for a matte black plastic finish on the next iPhone.

    painting pictures. my paintings
  • my paintings

  • ELScorcho9
    Jul 21, 11:29 AM
    What I find interesting is Apple gave a press conference which involved a largely scientific analysis and presentation, wherein they showed:

    - The antenna issue impacts 0.55% of users to the degree they expressed concerns.

    - The call loss issue is 1/100 or less, worse for the new 4 model than the prior 3GS model.

    - The attenuation issue is user impacted and minor behavioral issues can abate it almost entirely.

    - Case use was far higher on 3GS vs 4 which accounts for nearly 100% of the experienced issues, thus Apple offered free cases to 4 users who did not buy a case due to supply chain and availability issues.

    - The new antenna system is more sensitive, effective and has better actual reception than either the prior model or most other competitors.

    - The issue is largely in areas of poor reception to begin with. One factor in this is USA cell cites are less densely distributed than EU sites and the limits of GSM are more revealed here. We have more geographic area to cover so carriers have opted to solve the issue with near minimum density cell site distribution.

    All of these factual, supported, known things are widely disregarded in headline style media reports that regurgitate the now disproven claim that Apple iPhone 4 has "an antenna problem", "reception issues", or "a dropped call problem". While there are limited and anecdotal examples of it, largely reproducable from known conditions, there is no there there on an overall and general basis.


    What he said.

    Call me crazy, but my iPhone 4 works great. The minority consisting of me and the other 98.6% of iPhone 4 users probably just hasn't seen the problem yet, right?

    painting pictures. the four paintings stolen
  • the four paintings stolen

  • minnesotamacman
    Oct 18, 05:47 PM
    It has been said here already, but Apple is smart to back both. I have a feeliing that HD DVD is going to win out in the end. Sure Sony is going to Blu Ray everyone, but not many people over 30 are going to get a PS3...

    painting pictures. In his third painting,
  • In his third painting,

  • music.addict411
    Jan 8, 09:38 PM
    I want them to announce the

    Ultra-Portable MacBook
    Movie Store Rentels (FOR CANADA ALSO)
    iPhone/iPod touch games
    This Article:
    "Fox DVDs To Include iTunes Compatible Digital Copies?"
    And more TV Shows for Canada

    painting pictures. Learn face painting techniques
  • Learn face painting techniques

  • IBradMac
    Apr 15, 08:24 PM
    thats a lot of ports. :eek:

    painting pictures. Paintings
  • Paintings

  • ghostface147
    Apr 15, 04:48 PM
    I am more curious how the labels are going to try to renegotiate contracts with Apple once Steve moves on.

    I am not too sure Tim Cook or anyone of his pay grade is as tough as Steve is when it comes to these label execs.

    Dane D.
    Mar 4, 11:47 AM
    Fivepoint- you act as if teachers make lots of money. The don't, even though they are required to have masters degrees. People understand if the belt is tight. People do NOT understand being denied the right to unionize and fight when they feel taken advantage of. NO ONE should ever be jailed for striking. That you support this is nothing short of sickening. I am absolutely disgusted. Just wait- you guys will get yours soon enough, trust me.
    Teachers on average make more than private sector employees. The average in Ohio is $50,314, source: http://teacherportal.com/salary/Ohio-teacher-salary To quote the site:
    Teachers with Master's Degrees live VERY comfortably in Ohio

    Salary raise last year: 3.3%
    Salary raise over 10 years: 33.0%

    Now I make much less than that in advertising/marketing agency. I haven't had a raise in 2 years. In the past decade my salary as not increased 33%.
    Don't spew lies, back up your lame arguements with facts.

    Apr 17, 10:00 PM
    We should add left handed history ahead of gay history, before you bash me, let me explain.
    Left handed people are constantly shamed by language, the word sinister comes from a Latin word originally left, how does it feel to know that language thinks you are evil? Dexter comes from Latin for right and implies manual skill, left handed people are evil and right handed is skilled, aint life grand? Even the word ambidexterity hurts them, it while meaning skilled with both hands means you have two right hands.

    In English and other European languages the word right doubles for correct, proper, even justice! In ancient Middle Eastern languages left mean evil. In Chinese left implies improper and even immoral! We have a world hating left handed people!

    In modern society left handed people need to bring their own special tools because society designs only for right handed and doesn't give a damn about left handed people to the point where lefties get gouged. They're even screwed over with computer mice and keyboards!

    In many Eastern countries left handers are brutally forced to switch to their right hand which can screw them up mentally for life. In education basically everything is designed for right handed people, the tests have answers on the right side which causes painful discomfort for left handed students to learn.

    Because of these horrible things perpetuated on left handed people I request that left handed people are mentioned in history.

    How was that?

    Oct 17, 08:48 AM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com)

    ThinkSecret claims to have uncovered documents that indicate that Apple may support both the Blu-ray and HD-DVD next-generation high definition DVD formats (http://www.thinksecret.com/news/0610brieflyhddvd.html). Apple joined Blu-ray's board of directors (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2005/03/20050310144840.shtml) on March 10, and has been expected to include the technology in future Mac Pros (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/07/20060713232130.shtml), however the ongoing changes in the HD-DVD / Blu-ray market war may be changing Apple's plans.

    Blu-ray has seen stiff competition from HD-DVD, which beat the product to market and has consistently undercut Blu-ray's price point. Another point of interest is that Intel has supported HD-DVD since September of 2005 (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2005/09/20050927122309.shtml). While ThinkSecret points out that neither format has yet to claim any clear market lead, some still view Blu-ray's trump card as the upcoming Playstation 3.

    Blu-ray had initially gained a lot of studio support, but recently Universal Studios has decided to drop initial support for Blu-ray (http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,1759,2017527,00.asp). Warner Brothers, who has not yet officially sanctioned a format, has recently filed for a patent for a Blu-ray / HD-DVD / DVD hybrid disk (http://www.technewsworld.com/story/L1B9NP7BTiA278/Warner-Bros-Seeks-Patent-for-Hybrid-High-Def-DVD.xhtml).

    In Steve Jobs went on record siding with content creators (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2004/06/20040614144108.shtml) on the topic of high definition DVD burners and the timing of their inclusion in computer hardware.

    As the CEO of Pixar [ed note: now part of Disney], Jobs is taking sides with content creators, suggesting that studios not release movies in the high-definition DVD format until adequate copy protection methods are in place. Jobs even suggests that HD DVD burners not be bundled with computers at all, but admits this is an "extreme" scenario.

    Oct 3, 12:01 AM
    The DMCA changed that, and until it's tested in court anything where encryption is used or even potentially used is not "safe" to reverse engineer in the US.


    Not "anything where encryption is used." But if something is encrypted, it can only be reverse engineered under 1201(f):

    (f) Reverse Engineering. -

    Apr 8, 05:41 PM
    I'd say 10.6 had a ton of new features; they just weren't in the UI.

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