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Saturday, May 14, 2011

will smith

will smith. Will Smith
  • Will Smith

  • -aggie-
    Jun 22, 08:08 AM
    I'm tired of wading through all these posts. I didn't see it mentioned, but does anyone know if the Shack is carrying the 32GB iPhone 4?

    will smith. will smith movies
  • will smith movies

  • iPaf
    Apr 27, 10:02 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; fr-fr) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Your location is nothing compared to what Facebook collects about you :P

    will smith. Will Smith Sunglasses
  • Will Smith Sunglasses

  • Machead III
    Sep 19, 09:59 AM
    Along with the 5-7 business days for a MacBook, it says the refurbed white ones will ship out in 30 business days... Does this mean they don't have them in stock? Or does it mean that they are having severe problems that require 30 days to fix and then ship out? I hope it means that because they will be introducing new MB and MBP, they want to hold the refurbed's so that people won't get mad cuz they are going to cut the prices on the current stock of MB to make room for the new MB Core 2 Duos. I'm hoping for a MacBook. My 2.5 year old 12" powerbook still works great, but I want to get an Intel mac, and I already have a Mac Mini, and a G5 iMac, so my Powerbook will have to go soon.

    30 days on refurbs might mean something actually...

    Any ideas?

    will smith. 5 Movie Roles Will Smith Needs
  • 5 Movie Roles Will Smith Needs

  • 0815
    Apr 6, 04:19 PM
    Isn't it amazing that so many of these XOOM owners also, coincidentally, "own" an iPad/iPad 2, or their spouse/mom/dog/significant other does?

    Either there's a lot of exaggerating (astroturfing) going on, or someone's spouse/mom/dog/significant other has a lot more sense. ;)

    Why, I own an iPad and a XOOM and a Galaxy Tab and that HP Windows 7 Slate thingy and a Nook and a prototype PlayBook and I can tell you from personal experience that the iPad is like 100x better than all of those! :rolleyes:

    A friend of mine has actually three of each you mentioned in every available configuration (for himself, his wife and his son) - and all of them think the iPads are the best ones ... and he is the only one you should listen to since he truly was able to compare them with different 'user types'.

    will smith. Will Smith Gay According to
  • Will Smith Gay According to

  • infidel69
    Mar 31, 02:37 PM
    Lol, the fragmentation that "doesnt exist".

    I knew it would bite them in the ass someday.

    How is it biting them in the ass? Android is the fastest growing OS with a larger share than IOS. I think it's been a very succesfull strategy.

    will smith. will smith fresh prince
  • will smith fresh prince

  • GregA
    Mar 26, 08:06 PM
    does anyone else thing launchpad is the worst idea yet?

    I did, until I saw why they were doing it.

    On the iPad or Mac, whatever you're doing you'll be able to pinch your 5 fingers together (or press the home button on iPad or iPhone) and it'll bring up your apps so you can launch something else. It's just a consistency thing.

    He was being that literal: "Step 2 may very well be the one & only Apple OS - based on iOS." This is absurd. Obviously OS X is taking cues from iOS. As you say, they've said so. But that's all that they are doing.

    Well, cues in the interface, and the same underlying OS. That's all it is for now. Mac OSX has a lot of extra options.

    (Now, might a Mac at some point use iOS in some way? Sure. Imagine a trackpad that was basically an iPod touch, or being able to fold our MacBook screens flat, which would boot iOS and turn it into an iPad. I'm sure Apple has some interesting things cooking in their labs. But OS X as we know it isn't disappearing.)

    There's a group of doom and gloom people on these boards that believe OS X will go away and we'll have one OS which we'll poking at our screens with no access to the underlying file system and we'll have to start jailbreaking our Macs. This line of thinking is idiotic.

    iOS has to grow up, especially with respect to File Management. I think iOS 5 will go a long way in this area.

    Once we get to iOS 6 I think we may start seeing iOS as the default Mac OS, with an optional OSX install (like X11 is) that extends it to do everything we expect from OSX (access to the file systems etc., perhaps even required for installation of non-app store programs). It may even be something where someone with "administrator" privileges gets the OSX add ons, while standard users do not.

    will smith. The director of Will Smith#39;s
  • The director of Will Smith#39;s

  • starflyer
    Apr 6, 01:41 PM
    Oh yeah, well just wait until people find out iOS is a closed system and the Xoom uses Android which is open....

    oh nevermind :D

    will smith. Will Smith
  • Will Smith

  • rosalindavenue
    Mar 31, 03:18 PM
    Not a problem for me. HTC does a great job keeping phones updated.

    Spoken like someone who never owned an Eris.

    will smith. Will Smith
  • Will Smith

    Apr 7, 12:32 AM
    Not again..

    NAB is for broadcast professionals - its doubtful there will be computer releases here.

    where did you get such a non existing info? Apple has not attend the NAB for years now.

    I'm not trolling, this is an honest question. But isn't a Final Cut pretty much worthless for commercial use without a way to put the results on Blu-Ray?

    not everyone will agree with you but I do. not that all the work I do needs to be on blu-ray but some does and because DVDSP has not seen a real update since 2005 I think. I just had to ditch it. along with the outdated apps. I got Adobe's Creative Suite.

    will smith. Will Smith Very Short
  • Will Smith Very Short

  • ~Shard~
    Jul 15, 12:58 AM
    It would be ridiculous if it came with just 512 mb's of ram...

    Steve Jobs-"The New Octa-Core Mac Pro with 512 mb's of ram" It just doesn't fit...

    I agree, it wouldn't make sense. Might as well sell a new Lamborghini with a 1.8L 4-banger... ;)

    will smith. 1- Will Smith
  • 1- Will Smith

  • Burger King
    Apr 27, 08:56 AM
    Keeping a log of nearby locations I've been around, is by proxy, logging my location. If they keep a record of the towers my phone and iPad have linked to, and the locations of these towers are fixed and known, then Apple is in effect tracking my location in this linking.

    I think it was not a bug, nut data waiting to be sent to Apple for profit generating purposes.

    You really need to get a dumb phone............oh wait.....the NSA will still be able to log every conversation, text and yes your location..........

    Either get rid of your phone or quit being such a whiner

    will smith. Will Smith Gallery
  • Will Smith Gallery

  • NoSmokingBandit
    Nov 12, 05:38 PM
    I'm disappointed the Bugatti Veyron is standard only

    Doesnt bother me one bit, i dont like them much. Their handling always seems a bit.... "off" but i can't put my finger on it.
    I probably wont even buy one, so i dont care about much of anything regarding the Bugatti.

    will smith. will smith
  • will smith

  • RebootD
    Apr 10, 01:29 AM
    Enough Nostradamusesque mysticism and lets get to the real demo already! (Impatient) :D

    will smith. will smith son trey
  • will smith son trey

  • john123
    Sep 19, 09:57 AM
    The pre-release tests I saw reckoned Merom was about 25% faster with 7% longer battery life. Though they are pretty meaningless figures and we won't know until Merom is actually in a Macbook and a comparable test can be made.

    I'd imagine there will be far bigger improvements to both with Santa Rosa and nand cache (which I presume Apple will support) than there is with Merom.

    Check out the iMac benchmarks. The actual speed improvement (i.e., not the Intel hyped numbers) are much more modest.

    will smith. the Rings | Will Smith ]
  • the Rings | Will Smith ]

  • grue
    Apr 12, 01:26 AM
    Oh, and here's one I just ran into that reminds me:

    Is it so much to ask to have it go to and from the background cleanly? Christ in a cartoon, you'd think backgrounding the application is a huge exercise in resource allocation by how long it takes to bring back all the windows sometimes, if they reappear at all. FCP is bad enough about this sometimes, but Compressor is even worse.

    Minor, sure, but annoying as hell.

    will smith. Will Smith
  • Will Smith

  • mylios101
    Apr 6, 11:11 AM

    Hope this is useful.

    will smith. Will Smith image.jpg
  • Will Smith image.jpg

  • IceMacMac
    Apr 10, 08:55 PM
    ...and I hate having to render. I hate the various pixel aspect ratios and formats there are, including PAL and NTSC....

    Steve Jobs reality distortion field must be supercharged these days, where with a new release of FCP Apple might instantly re-write broadcasting standards and give millions of people new TVs that don't require NTSC and PAL.

    You aren't expecting much at all! :D

    will smith. will smith movies posters
  • will smith movies posters

  • swingerofbirch
    Aug 25, 05:00 PM
    It seems like a preponderance of the issues people have are with the notebooks.

    Do you think it could be because Apple has the thinnest laptops on the market which means they sacrifice build quality and heat management?

    When I looked at the innards of an iBook G3 it was basically "a mess" in there...nothing looked modular like you would see inside the new Mac pro.

    will smith. Will Smith#39;s new science
  • Will Smith#39;s new science

  • gnasher729
    Jul 20, 01:21 PM
    Is having more cores more energy efficient than having one big fat ass 24Ghz processor? Maybe thats a factor in the increasing core count.


    The power consumption of a chip is proportional to the clock speed, multiplied by the voltage squared. So at the same voltage, a hypothetical 24 GHz chip would use eight times as much power as a single 3 GHz chip, and the same as eight 3 GHz chips.

    However, with any given technology, you need higher voltage to achieve the higher clock speed. So with the same technology, that 24 GHz chip would need much much higher voltage than the 3 GHz chips and accordingly it would take much more energy than eight 3 GHz chips.

    As an example, some iPods have two ARM chips running at half the clock speed and lower power instead of a single ARM chip running at higher speed, in order to safe power.

    Mar 31, 03:54 PM
    This wont end androids openness. It will make is so that there is more of a consistent experience amung all android devices.

    We will still be able to install from "unknown sources" for example.

    Relaz macrumors.. not as big as deal as you are making it.

    Openness means it should not matter whether it's consistent or not.

    If every android device out there was consistent with each other, that defies the definition of openness.

    Being able to install whatever you want from "unknown sources" is not the "open" OS this article is referring to.

    Apr 8, 12:50 AM
    How does that create demand? Instead of actually getting the sale, you deny a sale and hope it "creates demand" so that they'll come back and buy it in fear? Especially considering that they could have just purchased it in the first place and avoided the whole issue. Actually selling out the product and then having no more available in stock would create demand AND generate revenue. Doing what they did would generate SOME revenue and likely cause customers to look elsewhere for iPads.

    Edit: This isn't to say that I don't recognize the concept of reaching quotas for the day and saving products for the next day's quota. That's a different argument. What I'm referring to is that this is likely not about demand but about selfishly wanting to meet quotas and turning away customers in the process. Not creating demand. It's immoral, but business/retail and morality don't always work so well together.

    Now, now, we'll have none of that common sense in these here forums.:D

    Well said, btw.

    Aug 16, 10:43 PM
    I still love my PowerPC Mac. I'm gonna shed a tear some day when I retire it. This thing is rock solid and fast (enough) :cool:

    Apr 6, 11:07 AM
    Forget i7.. Hellhammer seriously? Didnt expect that from you. (or where you just speaking what tehnical could be possible)
    Marketingwise this would just make no sense at all. It would actually be a Conflict of interest for the MBP.

    i5 seems logic. And then just mhz bump bto.

    IMHO i would love to see an 11.6 MBA with an i3. So that there could still be enough power for backlit.
    And please, do make the screen better for the 11.6

    GMA3000 is ok for an Air. Even if it is just DX10.


    PS: @Scottsdale: Did you buy this Generation MBA. Or did you wait, because the backlit thing? (just wondering, because to an i5 you cant say no can you ;-) Oh yes, to replay to your text. The bus is higher, and so is the turboboost option up to 2.X GhZ. It IS better than actuall CD2. The power you use if you need it (if not, much more battery life). But on the GPU part im with you. It is still freaking me out, crp Intel Graphics. But i can swallow it on a MBA.

    Apr 10, 10:49 PM
    �and according to those close to FCP development, therein lies the issue...

    Whether you think it's an issue or not is subjective. The guy I was replying to was implying that a different person worked on iMovie 08 and that same person was also behind the new Final Cut when in reality the lead architect has stayed the same throughout.

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